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Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-Wave Astronomy Astronomy with CARMA Raising our Sites.

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Presentation on theme: "Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-Wave Astronomy Astronomy with CARMA Raising our Sites."— Presentation transcript:

1 Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-Wave Astronomy Astronomy with CARMA Raising our Sites

2 CARMA Origins Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland Array Owens Valley Array Cedar Flat – March 2004 CARMA Contract: February 2003 U.S. F.S. Site Approval: May 2004 Site Development: 2004  BIMA 9 x 6.1m + OVRO 6 x 10.4m enhanced research capabilities hands-on training w. state-of-art instrument easy access (maintenance & development) year round operation

3 Cedar Flat – elevation 2200m August 2005

4 First Light Enhancements Better Site - higher elevation atmospheric transmission x 2, improved phase stability year-round observing: routinely at 1 mm Hybrid array – more telescopes, more baselines increased imaging fidelity, speed, & dynamic range  enhanced snapshot & mosaicing wide field mm-wave imaging on scales from 0.13  to 1 (to 3 with 8 x 3.5 m U Chicago SZA array) Enhanced performance upgraded antenna drives, cryogenics, telemetry hierarchical distributed monitor and control software Combined resources of partner universities broad science and technology base

5 Anticipated Developments 2005-2008 Receivers lower noise, wideband, dual polarization (HEMT/SIS/MMIC development programs) Correlator expanded COBRA-based (SZA demonstrated) increased bandwidth - 4 GHz x 2 polarizations Improved access to CARMA data automated pipeline image production, user-friendly archive Implementation of B and A arrays  factor of 2 improvement in sensitivity

6 6 Array Configurations

7 CARMA Science Summary of the kind of science that is enabled with references to later talks CARMA will build on science accomplished Recall OVRO & BIMA results  MMA in Bahcall Report ultimately  ALMA ( science examples in proposal) CARMA endorsed in most recent Report –AANM to study star formation at all epochs etc. & to foster the training of students and US capability in mm- wave interferometry at the start of the ALMA era and beyond

8 CARMA for the Community AANM “to foster…U.S. capability….(in)… ALMA era and beyond” 30% observing time for the community representation on Time Allocation Committee training in mm-wave interferometric observing CARMA summer school pipeline and data archive, links to National Virtual Observatory complements Spitzer, SOFIA, NGST, ALMA in northern hemisphere Educate leaders for the future hands on training on state-of-the art instrument (postdocs, grad students operate array/allocated substantial time) support US ALMA effort in scientific research enable strong US technology development program builds on past success - http:/ (more than 12 professorial faculty directly associated with CARMA) Public Outreach Open House, relations with WMRS, local school resource

9 CARMA for the Community Recall AANM “to foster..” Is http:/ updated with all the young leaders and educators we have produced? Women and minorities mm-Wave Community More than 12 professorial faculty associated with CARMA Postdocs, grad students allocated substantial array observing time, do most of observing = training CARMA Summer School Larger astronomy community improved accessibility, links to national virtual observatory? contributions to ALMA from pioneering arrays CARMA pathfinder role for ALMA CARMA complements Spitzer, SOFIA, NGST, northern hemisphere complement to ALMA Public Outreach Open House, relations with WMRS, local school resource

10 Management & Operations CARMA Board and SSC Director & Project Manager/ Asst Dir Operations U Chicago role Science, Technical Development, Construction/Operations Assistant Director Operations –coordinating role Observing Students, postdocs main observers Friend of the Telescope

11 Schedule More appropriate for Douglas to do all? OR Summarize status at end of grant period Comment on pad construction and other outstanding tasks –WVR Note bulk of construction complete in spite of winter

12 Budget Overview CARMA Capital Construction 2001 – CARMA construction estimated at $15M BIMA universities, Caltech, NSF - $5M each Nov 2005 – NSF capital construction tasks complete short-term funding requested for salaries of staff required to complete systems integration CARMA Operations & Development – a distributed effort Cedar Flat – operations & outside observer support OVRO – hardware and software maintenance and support, receiver, correlator & software development RAL - hardware maintenance and support, receiver, correlator & WVR development UIUC – WVR development, development and maintenance of archive and pipeline imaging capability UMd – software maintenance and support, software development  Increased overall costs

13 Future Largely John Carpenter’s but I will add a slide from John Carlstrom with U Chicago role + science enabled

14 Backups

15 Current Graduate Students Berkeley Adam Leroy, Jonathan Swift, Evan Levine, Kristen Shapiro, Nia Imara Caltech Joanna Brown, Micol Christopher, Stuartt Corder, Melissa Enoch, Laura Hainline Illinois Paulo Cortes, Douglas Friedel, Sheryl Kuo, Woojin Kwon, Jerry Shaw, Shiya Wang Maryland Nicholas Chapman, Rahul Shetty, Misty Lavigne, Stephanie Zonak, Elyse Casper, Lisa Wei Chicago (SZA) Chris Greer, Ryan Hennessy, Michael Loh, Matthew Kyle Sharp

16 First Light Enhancements Better Site higher elevation, atmospheric transmission x 2 improvement improved phase stability year-round observing: routinely at 1 mm Hybrid array greater number of telescopes & baselines increased mm-wave imaging fidelity & dynamic range increased imaging speed – snapshot & mosaicing capabilities wide field mm-wave imaging on scales from 0.13  to 1 (with 8 x 3.5 m U Chicago SZA array to 3) Combined resources of partner universities broad science and technology base

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