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Thekla Heinel B.&S.U. Beratungs- und Service- Gesellschaft Umwelt mbH REPRO - Economic Growth, Competitive Advantages and employment incentives in Regions.

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Presentation on theme: "Thekla Heinel B.&S.U. Beratungs- und Service- Gesellschaft Umwelt mbH REPRO - Economic Growth, Competitive Advantages and employment incentives in Regions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thekla Heinel B.&S.U. Beratungs- und Service- Gesellschaft Umwelt mbH REPRO - Economic Growth, Competitive Advantages and employment incentives in Regions through Regional Energy Profit Clusters

2 Objektives of the project To optimise the existing cluster management structures and improving the implementation of sustainable energy systems within regions To gain best regional economic benefits in terms of employment, growth and innovation from the introduction of sustainable energy systems at regional level. To stimulate regional supplies, services, innovation and practical action to further develop regional energy clusters.

3 Project Structure Step 1: Identification of Best Practices: energy management structures, policy instruments and actions in each partner region. Step 2: Assessment of the regional Economic Impact of sustainable energy systems and or concepts: employment, growth and innovation. Step 3: Regional Actions: to strengthen regional energy networks and / or to stimulate visible action in support of sustainable energy systems.

4 Project Partnership B.&S.U. Beratungs- und Service- Gesellschaft Umwelt mbH Germany BAW Institut für regionale Wirtschaftsforschung GmbH Germany (Bremen) Energikontor SydostSweden (Southeast Sweden) Landes Energie Verein SteiermarkAustria (Styria) Ecuba S.r.l. Territorio-Energia-AmbienteItaly (Emilia Romagna) Cluster Eco-Construction ASBLBelgium (Wallonia)

5 The Regions

6 Public proof of regional economic benefits from sustainable energy systems Design of innovative and efficient regional clusters integrating energy generation, energy supply and energy consumption as well as supply of equipment and services Reduction of regional energy imports Stimulation of public and political support for sustainable energy systems Value of the project… for regional energy policy and energy supply

7 Safeguarding energy investments at regional level Exploitation of business opportunities of regional energy supply Development of competitive business capacities in energy and environmental technologies and services Building up energy-related business cooperation networks Stimulation of regional innovation transfer in energy and environmental technologies Value of the project… for regional business communities

8 Subjects of the assessments – overview

9 Results Analysis of the participating regions has proven the regional economic benefits of sustainable energy clusters in terms of employment, added value and innovation The regional economic efficiency of sustainable energy strategies increases over time.

10 Regions that have employed sustainable energy strategies over a long period of time require less public funding for the creation of additional employment. Regions that are following comprehensive and sustainable strategies, e.g. combining energy efficiency with renewable energy strategies, obviously deliver better economic results than regions with a more limited approach. Results

11 Enforcement of sustainable energy policies through combinations with other public support programmes, e.g. environment, employment, innovation, infrastructure programmes Most benefits for the region can be achieved by a high public funding input in the start-up phase which decreases over time Results

12 A wide range of effective financial and non-financial instruments available: Public investment in sites, infrastructure, research and training Direct subsidies for well-targeted funding of specific private-sector activities Indirect subsidies, e.g. tax subsidies with wide-spread impact on regional energy clusters Non-financial measures, e.g. legislation, feed-in tariffs, consulting services achievement of strong impact with limited cost Results

13 Regional economic benefits occur through: Investments in the exploitation of renewable energy sources Investments in distribution and consumption facilities Investments in energy efficiency, mainly in buildings R&D, training, consulting in sustainable energy issues The development of a regional base of suppliers Maintenance and service activities Reduced expenditure for energy imports Multiplier effects from higher income and demand of beneficiaries Results

14 More information:

15 Thank you for your attention! B.&S.U. Beratungs- und Service- Gesellschaft Umwelt mbH Saarbrücker Str. 38 A 10405 Berlin Telefon: + 49 30 39042 - 66 Fax: + 49 30 39042 - 31 E-mail: Internet:

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