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T HE K ARDASHIANS Destin Barkley Angela Ray Lora Meyers Ann Evans Andrews Kim Burks William Bishop Celia Hambright Lindsey Coley.

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Presentation on theme: "T HE K ARDASHIANS Destin Barkley Angela Ray Lora Meyers Ann Evans Andrews Kim Burks William Bishop Celia Hambright Lindsey Coley."— Presentation transcript:

1 T HE K ARDASHIANS Destin Barkley Angela Ray Lora Meyers Ann Evans Andrews Kim Burks William Bishop Celia Hambright Lindsey Coley

2 R OBERT K ARDASHIAN S R. 59 Attended University of South California, acquired Law degree from University of San Diego. Most famous for being the lawyer of O.J. Simpson. Had four children with Kris: Kourtney, Kim, Khloe, and Rob Jr. Remarried Ellen Pierson from 2003-Death. Died from Esophageal Cancer in 2003 at the age of 59.

3 K RISTEN “K RIS ” J ENNER, 53 Former Flight attendant who now is a TV personality, manager of her daughters, event planner for husband Bruce, and Businesswoman. Married Bob Kardashian in 1978 and had four children; Kourtney, Kim, Khloe, and Rob Jr. Divorced in 1990. Married Bruce Jenner in 1991 and had two children, Kendall and Kylie. Owns two boutiques with her daughters in their hometown of Calabasas.

4 W ILLIAM B RUCE J ENNER, 60 Principally known for winning the gold metal for decathlon in the 1976 Montreal Summer Olympics. Bruce is also a motivational speaker, socialite, TV personality. Bruce married Chrystie Crownover and had two children, Casey Jenner and Burt Jenner. Bruce then married Linda Thompson from 1981-1985 and had two more children, Brandon and Brody. Bruce is currently married to Kris and had two children, Kendall and Kylie. Two of Bruce's’ siblings were killed in a car crash. Bruce has had several plastic surgeries operations on his face.

5 K OURTNEY M ARY K ARDASHIAN, 30 Attended Southern Methodist University in Dallas for two years, then moved to Tucson and attended the University of Arizona, graduated with a degree in Theatre Arts and a minor in Spanish. Kourtney co-owns and operations the boutique DASH in Miami and Calabasas with her sisters. Kourtney is expecting a boy with her on-and-off again boyfriend Scott Desick due around Christmas.

6 K IMBERLY N OEL K ARDASHIAN, 29 A socialite, model, actress, Businesswoman, and TV personality. In 2000 Kim married music producer Damon Thomas, they divorced in 2004. Kim is currently dating Reggie Bush, they have been dating on-and-off since 2007. In 2007 a pornographic home video made with her ex-boyfriend Ray-J was leaked, Kim perused legal action but settled with Vivid Entertainment For $5 million.

7 K HLOE K ARDASHIAN O DOM, 25 Khloe is a TV personality, radio host, model, celebutante, and socialite. Khloe received a DUI and reported to jail in 2008, but was released 3 hours later due to overcrowding. After one month of dating Khloe married NBA Los Angeles Laker Lamar Odom, they recently got matching tattoos of each others’ initals. Khloe is co-owner of both Calabasas stores as well as the Miami store.

8 L AMAR J OSEPH O DOM, 29 Born in New York, Lamar’s father was a heroin addict and his mother died of colon cancer when he was 12, he was raised by his grandmother. In 1997 Lamar attended the University of Nevada but following an academic scandal the NCAA found out that he received payments amounting to $5,600 from a booster. He then transferred to University of Rhode Island. Lamar has played for the Los Angeles Clippers, the Miami Heat, and Currently the LA Lakers. Lamar played in the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens and won the Bronze Metal. Lamar is noted for having a significant fondness to candy. He married Khloe Kardashian in September and they have matching tattoos.

9 R OBERT K ARDASHIAN J R. 22 Rob is a TV personality, American celebutante, model, and socialite. Rob attended University of Southern California School of Business. Rob is currently modeling under the agency Nous Model Management and is going to be the new face of Aeropostale. Rob has a tattoo of the name of his ex-girlfriend, Adrienne Bailon, onto his ribs while they were dating.

10 K ENDALL J ENNER, 14 Kendall is the oldest daughter of Bruce and Kris Jenner. The Jenner’s currently reside in Calabasas, CA. Kendall has one sister and eight step-siblings.

11 K YLIE J ENNER, 12 Kylie in the youngest daughter of Bruce and Kris Jenner. The Jenner’s currently reside in Calabasas, CA. Kylie has one sister and eight step-siblings.

12 E CO M AP

13 D ESTIN & L ORA : I NTERIOR D ESIGN The major of interior design would be of great benefit to the Kardashian family especially during this phase in their life. As the children and parents are growing older, their home needs to be adapted to accommodate their new lifestyle. With only a hand full of people still living in the main Kardashian residence, many of the unused space could be renovated and updated for more proper use. Also, now that all of the older children have moved out creating a new space for them and a home they can call their own definitely falls under my major. From renovation to new construction all aspects of an Interior Design major would apply to helping this family get adjusted to this phase in their life.

14 ANN EVANS: FASHION RETAIL As a fashion retail major, I could help the Kardashian family to continue always looking fashionable. I could also help them by being employed as the head buyer for their store DASH. DASH has two locations; one being in Los Angeles and the second store is located in Miami. The Kardashian’s are an extremely fashion forward family, always having to look their best due to constantly being in the spotlight. I could help them by giving great advice on the latest trends and styles to continue their stylish presence. Another way my fashion retail degree may help the Kardashian family would be by being a stylist for their TV show, “Keeping Up with the Kardashian’s.” Kourtney may need extra help since she is pregnant, and it is difficult to look stunning when this is the case.

15 L INDSEY C OLEY : F ASHION R ETAIL I believe that my major as fashion retail can help benefit the Kardashian family in several different ways. As we all know the Kardashian's are a very fashion forward family. With the success of their stores DASH and Smooch, they have made a very successful name for themselves in the fashion world. I feel that with Kourtney being a new mom, there are several changes that I could help her adjust to. I believe i can help her find a style that is comfortable yet fashionable for the soon to be mommy on the go. I feel that I can help her let go of that single girl who was known for flaunting the famous, "Kardashian bum" and embrace her new lifestyle. Khloe also has a new life and style to adjust to as a newly married woman. She is going to have to keep up with her new husband Lamar Odom's schedule as well as her own. This is a big change from recently filming Kourtney and Khloe take Miami. I would like to help her re-vamp her wardrobe to a more sophisticated style. Although the Kardashian's have an amazing fashion sense, I believe that this year has brought many changes to all of their lives and my major can benefit them in several ways. The youngest of the Kardashian's Kendall and Kylie are at an age where they are just now starting to take notice in their appearances. With three well known fashionistas as their big sister's, they have some big shoes to fill. I would like to help them find their own sense of style that is young and fun. Kim Kardashian is most well known for her sex appeal, but i would like to help her tone her look down a bit. I think she is at an age now where she will get just as much attention if she shows less skin

16 C ELIA H AMBRIGHT : G ENERAL H EALTH S CIENCE A major in Early Childhood Education could assist the Kardashian’s by giving them much needed information about how to better improve the overall health of their family. It's clear that the members of the Kardashian family have a few current psychological and social health issues, by referring them to good psychiatrist and giving them appropriate instructions on how to better live their lives. For example, making sex tapes, driving drunk, getting knocked up, and marrying someone you barely know are not healthy ways to live your life and it could lead to damaging effects in the long run. Also educating Kris, Bruce, and Kourtney about the healthy and appropriate ways to interact with and raise their children to avoid future misdeeds.

17 A NGELA R AY : G ENERAL H EALTH S TUDIES & P RE -D ENTAL A General Health Studies major will the help the Kardashian family by providing them information on how to keep their hygiene sufficient. When a family is in as much limelight as the Kardashian’s, they need to have a beautiful healthy smile. The information that would be providing them with will allow the family to have a healthy natural smile for years to come and keep their family smiling. Dental care is also crucial in keeping the body healthy and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Keeping dental hygiene a top priority on their list and will also save them money in the future by being able to maintain their good hygiene and not having future dental problems that can be very costly and time consuming. The information my major can provide for them will allow the Kardashian family to have healthy beautiful smiles for years to come.

18 K IM B URKS & B RET B ISHOP : R ESTAURANT & H OSPITALITY M ANAGEMENT Restaurant and Hospitality Management and I could help plan a high profile baby shower for Kourtney. Booking the location, prepare invitations for mailing, prepare the guest list, chose the catering or other food provider, and plan the decoration scheme. The theme is also a very important aspect to a baby shower and considering Kourtney’s interest and tastes when deciding what the perfect theme should be. Ensuring Kourtney is registered for gifts and making sure her guests know where she is registered. A lot of fun games and activities will also be incorporated to entertain Kourtney and her guests; such as baby bingo. The main responsibility would be to guarantee Kourtney is well-fed, comfortable, and happy as well as ensure her and her family have a memorable experience.


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