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Not Fragile: Ceramics inside. Starting point Ceramic cities & ongoing economic transition: a similar history, a common challenge, several innovation paths.

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Presentation on theme: "Not Fragile: Ceramics inside. Starting point Ceramic cities & ongoing economic transition: a similar history, a common challenge, several innovation paths."— Presentation transcript:

1 Not Fragile: Ceramics inside

2 Starting point Ceramic cities & ongoing economic transition: a similar history, a common challenge, several innovation paths. From heritage to innovation The UNIC project is about CHANGE, and how to build on industrial heritage and traditional competitive factors, especially in the ceramics sector, in order to build new competitive factors for the knowledge economy in a global world. Plans for the future are rooted in the pastMotto: Plans for the future are rooted in the past

3 An urban added value Why are cities concerned with ceramics ? Many European cities hosts traditional and innovative economic activities. Ceramics however offer an original way of connecting a specific industry to its location, having names of cities and products interlocked. UNIC concerns cities which name, history, economy and identity are highly connected to ceramics industry. Ceramic cities are the key to link industrial innovation, cultural dynamism, attractiveness and territorial marketing. Upgrading the image of ceramic cities has direct effects to strengthen competitiveness factors. URBACT II : an urban-focused European programme aiming at supporting good practices of urban sustainable development. URBACT II require a full commitment of local stakeholders concerned by the project, to ensure an effective coherence of future planned activities.

4 UNIC partnership

5 Method: 5 working groups WG 1 : Promoting innovation WG 2 : Industry Strengthening WG 3 : Urban integration WG 4 : Cultural, Artistic and Tourism values WG 5 : Urban identity -Cities may be represented in the Working Groups by any member of their local ULSG -The final output from each WG will be Development of a toolbox to present guidelines and case studies Implementation of concrete measures (LAP) in UNIC Cities

6 WG 1 Promoting innovation in the ceramics sector Advanced Ceramics are used for hi-tech applications such as skyrocket nose or hip replacement. Ceramics cities are a living example of innovation, by supporting the whole chain: education, research and development, technology transfer, venture capital, start-up incubation, and international promotion of their high technology activities. The aim of UNIC network, through this working group, is to assess the coordination and financing of innovation support plans and structures, in the field of ceramics technology, in order to develop future coherent promotion actions. WG 2 Strengthening the local ceramics industries Expansion of ceramics cities is due to the development of ceramics industry, and of traditional ceramics factories. The stakes of globalisation call for constant adjustment to new challenges: redevelopment of the industrial base, prospecting new outlets, relationships with stakeholders (universities, designers…), preservation of traditional know-hows, protection of trademarks, customer-based marketing, anticipation of the labour market evolutions… In this second working group, the UNIC partners want to identify the best practices devoted to the strengthening of the ceramics industry. Combining Heritage and Innovation

7 WG 3 Creating an urban ceramics atmosphere - promoting ceramics traditions as drivers of urban renewal The ceramics industry had a strong influence on the culture and the identity of the cities in which it settled. The urban fabric is a witness of this past, and today, the ceramics cities have the opportunity to offer a second life to an extremely rich industrial heritage (old factories, kins, decoration workshops…). Partners of UNIC are likely to become showcase of innovation in ceramics, by using and integrating ceramics materials in urban projects such as experimental construction, decoration of façades, signage and urban furniture, embellishment of public spaces… The partner cities involved in this working group are committed to make the most of the various traditional ceramics aspects and techniques, in order to create a contemporary ceramics urban atmosphere. Integrated Urban Approach

8 City as a centre of attraction WG 4 Cultural & artistic potential and promotion of tourism It is quite exceptional for a citys economic resource to be also the basis of its cultural heritage as well as of an artistic production with a high symbolic value. The touristic value of ceramics products is supported by public and private museums and association with famous contemporary artists to create some pieces, renewing the designs and the attraction people have for china. Artists residences, exhibitions, partnerships between cultural, artistic and economic stakeholders, and international events contribute greatly to valorising this potential. WG 5 Improving the image of the ceramics cities Speaking of Delft, Faenza or Limoges is immediately reminiscent of earthenware and porcelain. How could we think about European ceramics without mentioning the famous products from Pécs, Stoke-on-Trent or Aveiro? By gathering cities that share a strong identity linked to the production of ceramics, UNIC aims at exploring its impact on the communities that make todays city, as well as the impact in terms of image and international reputation.

9 Next UNIC steps

10 The right time ? In a world where what was solid yesterday may be fragile today – as seen in the on-going financial crisis – one must carefully preserve and value its assets On EU level, UNIC raises at an opportune moment (EP Ceramic Forum, DG Enterprise study on Ceramics industry…) Cities must value its heritage, tradition and inspiration while becoming innovation engines While building on ceramics, UNIC aims at solid results - becoming a benchmark in cities transition into knowledge economy! Consciousness - Conscience, Clare Twomey


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