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Current and Future Skill Needs Regional Skills Partnerships in a Global Economy Conference at Hilton Puckrup, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire 22 /23 June 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Current and Future Skill Needs Regional Skills Partnerships in a Global Economy Conference at Hilton Puckrup, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire 22 /23 June 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Current and Future Skill Needs Regional Skills Partnerships in a Global Economy Conference at Hilton Puckrup, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire 22 /23 June 2005 Rob Wilson University of Warwick Institute for Employment Research Coventry CV4 7AL, United Kingdom Tel: +(44) 24 76 523530/523512 Fax: +(44) 24 76 524241 Email:

2 Outline Meaning and Measurement The Current Position Future Skill Needs Optimal Skill Mix?

3 Defining terms Skills: –Individual attributes –Characteristics of jobs Practical measures –occupations; –qualifications; –other aspects: key & generic skills

4 Needs By whom? –Individuals (income, employment) –Employers (productivity, competitiveness) –Government (economic growth) –Society (opportunity, inclusion)

5 Measurement: Trends in employment: –Occupations; –Qualifications, etc Deficiencies: recruitment problems internal skill gaps; latent skill gaps Other indicators: Pay/earnings

6 The Current Position Different types of evidence –Changing patterns of employment structure; –Employers surveys of skill deficiencies –Rates of return & other evidence

7 Sources of Evidence Working Futures National Employers Skills Surveys Skills in England Other evidence –Rates of return –Other academic and related reports Further information (Handouts 1 & 2)

8 Future Skill Needs Working Futures Working Futures II –Results for SSCs –Qualifications Other sources –SSCs –LSCs

9 Optimal skill needs The Leitch Review Do skills matter? Are skills necessary for economic success? Are they sufficient? Need to influence the demand for skills as well as supply

10 Further information The Institute for Employment Research, University of Warwick Coventry, CV4 7AL, United Kingdom Documents and other materials can be obtained from the IER, LSC and SSDA websites:

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