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Robert Allbritton Phillip Anthony Bert Browning John Dascomb Asefeh Hemmati Darryl Mikulec.

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2 Robert Allbritton Phillip Anthony Bert Browning John Dascomb Asefeh Hemmati Darryl Mikulec

3 Outline Electrification Computers Agricultural advancements Air travel The automobile Interstate highways and transportation

4 Electrification In June of 1752, Benjamin Franklin discovered that lightning was indeed an electric current. In 1879, Thomas Edison was the first person to harness electricity with the light bulb.

5 Everyday Uses of Electricity Lighting Computers Television Radio Automobiles Air conditioning/heating Refrigeration

6 Improvements of Economy Assembly lines, manufacturing, and producing products would slow down without electricity. Cost of maintaining machines is lower than the cost of employing people. Machines are quicker and more accurate than humans.

7 Computers The first design of a stored- program computer came in 1945 by john von Neumann. Computers have made routine daily tasks and complex tasks continuously easier. Since 1945, engineers have continued to develop faster, more powerful and more affordable computers.

8 Computer Networks Computers have been a major contribution to the globalization of economic activities. Put together with telecommunications and an informed society, they are a fundamental aid for future economic growth and social development.

9 Agricultural Advancements Traditional Methods –Time consuming –Horse Drawn Plow –Planting seeds by hand –Harvest crops by hand –1 farmer fed approx. 2.5

10 Agricultural Advancements (cont.) Conventional Methods –Tractors: The Beginning Steam Powered Tractions (1868) Gas Powered Tractions (1887) Gas Powered Wheel Tractors (1892) First Commercial Tractors Sold (1902)

11 Agricultural Advancements (cont.) Conventional Methods (cont.) –Cultivators, Combines, Mowers –Increased Production and Efficiency 1 farmer can feed 100 –Comfortable A/C Cabs CD Players

12 Aircraft 1903 Wright brothers make first manned and powered flight. 1920 Donald Douglas first begins manufacturing aircraft. 1994 Boeing creates first aircraft designed by computers.

13 Airplane Manufacturing Industry Example: Boeing 2002 Sales (mil.)$54,069 1-Year Sales Growth(7.1%) 2002 Net Income (mil.)$492.0 1-Year Net Income Growth(82.6%) 2002 Employees166,000 2002 Employee Growth(11.7%)

14 Air Transportation Industry Supplied 1.3 million wage and salary jobs in 2000. Economic impact by delta airlines alone in the greater Cincinnati area was $2.075 bill.

15 The Automobile Henry Ford uses the assembly line to revolutionize the auto industry Most industry uses the assembly line in some form today

16 The Automobile (cont.) The Automobile itself is a product of many engineers Transportation is an essential part of our lives Automotive industry provides thousands of jobs

17 Automotive Effects On Economy Economic stability through road ways Engineers work to solve emissions problem Stimulate economic growth by developing hybrid gas/electric cars, fuel cell powered cars and other alternative fuels

18 Interstate Highways One of our most cherished assets. Life savers. US highways worth over $4.4 trillion. Shaped the nation by allowing easy access through standardized routes to all parts of the nation.

19 Hathaway Bridge Corridor Bay county mainland and Panama City beach Design build team awarded $81.5 million Contract to design and construct the new bridge Project completes in winter 2003

20 Conclusion Engineers play an important role in economical growth and stability. Technologically advanced society. Developing new tools and machines to simplify work and making people’s life more efficient. Makes the economy more prosperous and stable.

21 Sources EH.Net Encyclopedia. September 5, 2003. What You Need To Know About. September 8, 2003. Mechanical Engineering Magazine. September 8, 2003.,11280,15311,00.html

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