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ESF in Convergence. Overview of the ESF Programme “The aim of the ESF programme is to support sustainable economic growth and social inclusion in England.

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Presentation on theme: "ESF in Convergence. Overview of the ESF Programme “The aim of the ESF programme is to support sustainable economic growth and social inclusion in England."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESF in Convergence

2 Overview of the ESF Programme “The aim of the ESF programme is to support sustainable economic growth and social inclusion in England by contributing to policies to increase the employment rate and develop a skilled and adaptable workforce”

3 What does it mean? ESF is about supporting individuals ESF seeks to increase employment and reduce inactivity for adults and young people (14-19 years old) ESF seeks to raise workforce and business skills at all levels and across all sectors to meet the needs of the economy Uniquely to Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly ESF is able to support a programme of Higher Education interventions to further the economic prosperity of the area.

4 ESF Funding Available The ESF programme is worth €196,433,490 (2007-2013) £84, 945,172 is available for the first half of the programme (2007-10) Of the £84 million, £32 million will support tackling barriers to employment, £51 million will support improving the skills of the local workforce and £1.5 million will support Technical Assistance.

5 ESF Delivery 2007-2013: 76,500 individuals Move 7,300 people into work Support 2,200 young people (NEETS) into employment, education or training Help 8,200 people get a basic skills qualification Help 7,300 people get a level 2 qualification Help 1,600 people get a level 3 qualification Help 760 people get a level 4 qualification Support 830 graduates placed in SMEs gain employment

6 Voluntary & Community Sector ESF has always recognised the value of the VCS in delivering its priorities The VCS is usually on the ‘front line’ in recognising the needs of the community and finding ways to address those needs.

7 ESF Delivery The majority of the ESF programme is delivered through two co-financing organisations (CFOs) – DWP/Jobcentre Plus and the LSC; both CFOs contract provision to providers across the Convergence area The HE programme is delivered directly HE institutions.

8 All these interventions were important to Cornwall before the economic downturn, but in the current economic climate the work we do to support individuals in finding work and giving them the right skills is even more critical.

9 Looking Ahead ESF will need to continue to be flexible to changing economic needs of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly Continued efforts required by providers to forge closer links to maximise impact of funding LSC roles moving to Skills Funding Agency and Local Authorities ESF Framework to be revised in 2010 for second half of the programme Role and relationship to be developed with the emerging Cornwall Employment and Skills Board Evidence of impact

10 Thank you for Listening If you have any further questions on the ESF programme please contact: Jenny Milligan ESF Convergence Manager Government Office for the South West

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