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EU DataGrid progress Fabrizio Gagliardi EDG Project Leader

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1 EU DataGrid progress Fabrizio Gagliardi EDG Project Leader

2 EU Information Day 25 03 2003 EDG status 2 The EU DataGrid Project 9.8 M Euros EU funding over 3 years, twice as much from partners 90% for middleware and applications (HEP, Earth Obs. and Bio Med.) Three year phased developments & demos (2001-2003) Latest News: 2 nd annual project review successfully passed in Feb 2003! Total of 21 partners Research and Academic institutes as well as industrial companies Related projects and activities: DataTAG (2002-2003) CrossGrid (2002-2004) GRIDSTART (2002-2004) Grace (2002-2004)

3 EU Information Day 25 03 2003 EDG status 3 Genomic Exploration Earth Observation High Energy Physics more and more scientists begin to use the EDG middleware and testbed, relying on Grid technology to solve huge data challenges we are delighted that the EDG project is already releasing production quality Grid middleware. It will allow us to start regular testing of our extreme computational requirements on a real Grid infrastructure, and could have a significant impact on how we plan and develop our experiment An LHC scientist Applications

4 EU Information Day 25 03 2003 EDG status 4 Current EDG Application Testbed Since Last Year: Improved software (EDG 1.4.3). Doubled sites. More waiting… Australia, Taiwan, USA (U. Wisc.), UK Sites, INFN, French sites, CrossGrid, … Significantly more CPU/Storage. Hidden Infrastructure MDS Hierarchy, Resource Brokers, User Interfaces, VO Replica Catalogs, VO Membership Servers, Certificate Authorities SiteCountryCPUsStorage CC-IN2P3*FR620192 GB CERN*CH1381321 GB CNAF*IT481300 GB Ecole Poly.FR6220 GB Imperial Coll.UK92450 GB LiverpoolUK210 GB ManchesterUK915 GB NIKHEF*NL142433 GB OxfordUK130 GB PadovaIT11666 GB RAL*UK6332 GB SARANL010000+ GB TOTAL5107514969 GB *also Dev. TB; +200 TB including tape

5 EU Information Day 25 03 2003 EDG status 5 Connections of the different nodes of the EDG testbed are made possible by the EU- funded GEANT project connecting more than 30 countries across Europe speeds of up to 10 Gbit/s high data throughput Quality of Service EDG and GEANT: the first major production quality tests of the network EDG & GEANT speed reliability monitoring capabilities

6 EU Information Day 25 03 2003 EDG status 6 Through links with sister projects, there is the potential for a truely global scientific applications grid Related Grid Projects

7 EU Information Day 25 03 2003 EDG status 7 Second EU review successfully passed, needs to finish well Major re-orientation of the project towards production accepted Need to develop further plans in view of future project EGEE Continue collaboration with US and across Atlantic testbeds (with DataTAG) Need to accommodate other applications Plan long term support of EDG developments Major opportunity for further EU funding (EGEE) Current Plans

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