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Unit Three Review. Western BlocEastern Bloc Lead CountryU.S. U.S.S.R. Other countries: West Germany, France, East Germany, Great BritainPoland Economic.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit Three Review. Western BlocEastern Bloc Lead CountryU.S. U.S.S.R. Other countries: West Germany, France, East Germany, Great BritainPoland Economic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit Three Review

2 Western BlocEastern Bloc Lead CountryU.S. U.S.S.R. Other countries: West Germany, France, East Germany, Great BritainPoland Economic system:CapitalismCommunism Political SystemDemocracyCommunist AllianceNATOWarsaw Pact Leader:Ronald ReaganMikhail Gorbachev Economic Growth Increasedlittle growth

3 1.What is the difference between the Berlin Wall and the Iron Curtain?  The Berlin Wall separated East and West Germany; the Iron Curtain symbolically separated Eastern and Western Europe.

4 2. What is the United Nations? Why was it created?  It was an organization of countries formed in 1945 to promote international peace and stability.

5 3. Why was Germany and Berlin divided into four partitions after WWII? Who controlled them?  Germany was divided into four zones so that the Nazis could not regain power. The country was divided between the U.S., Great Britain, France, and U.S.S.R. The controlling countries were to help Germany to rebuild.

6 4. What is the reunification of Germany?  When Eastern Germany and Western Germany were reunified into one.

7 5.Why did the Cold War end?  Warsaw Pact countries wanted independence  Awful Soviet economy  Ronald Regan won the arms race  M  Expansion of NATO  Rah! Rah!

8 6. List the three major religions of Europe. What are their symbols, holy books, and places of worship?  Christianity: the cross, the Bible, church  Judaism: the star of David, the Torah, the synagogue  Islam: the crescent moon and star, Koran, mosque

9 7. What things are important to all three religions?  Abraham, the city of Jerusalem, and the importance of prayer and charity

10 How does the North Sea affect the U.K.?  The North Sea provides the U.K with resources they need, particularly oil and gas. The U.K. also uses the North Sea for fishing.

11 9. Why did Russians settle near their western border?  The western border provided a milder climate and bordered other countries to provide opportunities for trade.

12 10. How does being a peninsula affect Italy?  Italy was able to develop trade with Africa, Asia, and Europe.

13 11. What affects Germany and the U.K.’s winters?  They are milder due to the Gulf Stream current.

14 12. List and describe the three ways that governments distribute power.  Unitary: One central authority holds all of the power  Confederation: Power is shared between a weak central government and strong local governments.  Federal: Power is shared between central and local government.

15 13. List and describe three ways citizens participate in government.  Autocracy: One person holds all of the power; citizens have little freedom or power  Oligarchy: one small group or committee holds the power; citizens have little freedom or power  Democracy: government elected by the people; citizens enjoy freedom and participation in government

16 Describe the governments of the U.K., Germany, and Russia  U.K. constitutional monarchy/Unitary/people enjoy rights and freedoms  Germany: Federal Republic/ people enjoy many rights and freedoms  Russia: federation/ people enjoy few rights or freedoms

17 What is the purpose of the EU and what is the currency it created?  The European Union is an economic/political confederation of 27 European nations. The Euro was created to make trading between countries easier.

18 What are the three major language groups in Europe?  Germanic  Slavic  Romance

19 You also need to be able to identify the countries and physical features of Europe.

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