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NEKIA Business Development Progress Report Board of Directors Meeting May 7,2003.

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Presentation on theme: "NEKIA Business Development Progress Report Board of Directors Meeting May 7,2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 NEKIA Business Development Progress Report Board of Directors Meeting May 7,2003

2 Task Force Members Tim Waters, Ericka Miller, Chris Dwyer, Wes Hoover, Bob McLaughlin, John Kofel, Jim Kohlmoos, Adie Becker

3 Charge Charge To propose to the Board… (A) One or more initiatives for NEKIA to undertake in the near future that will enhance members’ competitiveness and/or business development opportunities in the changing education and public outreach market over the next three years. (B) An organizational plan for making business development a major component of NEKIA’s work. (C) A strategy for strengthening NEKIA’s long term financial position as a by-product of the new initiatives. (D) An approach for how to address potential competitive conflicts among members as a result of the initiative (s).

4 Considerations  Complements and does not distract from NEKIA’s current and future government relations program.  Adds clear value to participating members’ efforts  Is financially viable and self supporting  Is fully compatible with NEKIA mission and values  Has strong potential of improving members’ competitiveness  Focuses on a realistic time frame such as three years  Is more cost effective to do it as a group rather than as individual organizations.  Does not have a high degree of financial or reputational risk.  Helps to strengthen NEKIA financial viability (generates additional revenues that contribute to overhead).  Promotes collaboration within the trade association.  Helps members diversify revenues  Appeals to new members and retain current members

5 Criteria Amount of time to implement Cost of creating the opportunity Return on investment for members Return on investment for NEKIA

6 PRIMARY FOCUS … the most vital, value added type of service that NEKIA could provide members would be in the form of brokering relationships

7 Stages of Brokering Activity Stage #1 --- Informational Conducting market research Attending conferences and informational meetings Packaging NEKIA and its members Stage #2 --- Introductory Convening introductory brokering forums Holding one-on-one dinners or brokering meetings Stage # 3--- Programmatic Participating in advisory panels, board meetings Applying for /requesting funding Stages of Brokering Activity Stage #1 --- Informational Conducting market research Attending conferences and informational meetings Packaging NEKIA and its members Stage #2 --- Introductory Convening introductory brokering forums Holding one-on-one dinners or brokering meetings Stage # 3--- Programmatic Participating in advisory panels, board meetings Applying for /requesting funding

8 Stages of Brokering Continued Stage #4 --- Collaborative Establishing long term strategic partnerships Helping to merging organizations Creating consortia Implementing joint projects Stage #5 --- New Business Creation Developing new legislation Developing new products Developing new distribution systems

9 Market Segments Government/ Department of Education --- grants and contracts Government/ Other agencies --- education- related grants and contracts For profit and non-profit business --- Strategic partnerships, mergers, acquisitions Philanthropies --- grants and contracts Private investment --- venture capital


11 Timeline Board Meeting in DC Present to Board a progress report on our thinking and collect additional suggestions. June 3-4Planning Meeting in Denver Further develop brokering ideas and begin development of business plan proposal. June –July Conduct research and develop business plan for the initiative(s) July 17-18Board Meeting in Honolulu Present business plan to Board and make decision July-September Launch initiative (s) September9 Board Meeting in DC Review status November 20-21Retreat in Arizona Implement, review and develop future options

12 Immediate Tasks For each market segment determine current stage Identify desired stage for next three years Develop specific plan for each segment for next three years Assess plans using the four evaluative criteria Make proposal to board at July Immediate Tasks For each market segment determine current stage Identify desired stage for next three years Develop specific plan for each segment for next three years Assess plans using the four evaluative criteria Make proposal to board at July

13 Comprehensive Legislative Campaign Progress Report Board of Directors Meeting May 7, 2003

14 Compelling Factors Proposed Budget Cuts SERP (Strategic Education Research Partnership) Gap in ESRA Foundation for next reauthorization Compelling Factors Proposed Budget Cuts SERP (Strategic Education Research Partnership) Gap in ESRA Foundation for next reauthorization

15 Goals 1. Support 2. Champions 3. Partnerships 4. Case 5. Visibility 6. Message

16 Campaign Elements Legislation Kickoff Allies Champions Communications

17 Guiding Principles Protects and expands current programs Stimulate demand for our member services Has media appeal Supports some ED goals (eg transform education into evidence based field) Gives something tangible to potential collaborators.

18 Key Elements Center Placement Leadership Purposes Current programs New Programs for demand New Programs for supply Special Activities

19 Considerations Timing Partners Cost options

20 Immediate Issues Should we time this strategy with short term appropriations needs or take a longer view? Where should place the national center? What should we name the national center? Which partners should we seek and what kinds of benefits for them should we include in the legislation? How should we position this legislation with the current Administration? How should we position this effort relative to the past and future reauthorizations? How much will it really cost? How does this effort relate to the Business Development initiative? What more does the Board need to know in order to make a go/no-go decision? Immediate Issues Should we time this strategy with short term appropriations needs or take a longer view? Where should place the national center? What should we name the national center? Which partners should we seek and what kinds of benefits for them should we include in the legislation? How should we position this legislation with the current Administration? How should we position this effort relative to the past and future reauthorizations? How much will it really cost? How does this effort relate to the Business Development initiative? What more does the Board need to know in order to make a go/no-go decision?

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