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North Norfolk Pathfinder Parishes Meeting 20 January 2010

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Presentation on theme: "North Norfolk Pathfinder Parishes Meeting 20 January 2010"— Presentation transcript:

1 North Norfolk Pathfinder Parishes Meeting 20 January 2010

2 Purpose of meeting Background to Pathfinder Project Community Involvement Shoreline Management Plans

3 Coastal Change Pathfinder Project How it came about What we bid for What we got What we are proposing to do How we can involve others

4 Workshops in ‘Coastal Service Villages’ to identify issues and develop a planning response Submission of Pathfinder Bid Coastal Planning Workshop for whole District to develop a shared set of ideas about how we should go about managing coastal change Scoping meeting with key organisations to plan a way forward Development of North Norfolk Coastal Management Plan (process and projects) Studies to understand SMP impacts Extensive consultation resulted in widespread objection to the draft plan SMP 3b Draft First Published A Steering Group oversaw the development of pathfinder programme and local communities and other interested parties expressed support for the project ideas NNDC PATHFINDER BID APPROVED Businesses and communities provide input to help identify impacts and consequences of the SMP Gestation of the North Norfolk Coastal Change Pathfinder Programme Dec ‘04 Sep ‘09 Dec ‘09 2007/8 Publication of Defra’s Draft Coastal Change Policy (inviting ‘Pathfinder’ applications) Jun ‘09

5 NNDC Bid Scope Based in ideas from Overstrand workshop A whole community approach – Happisburgh.£3.1M District wide business support£1.7M Community infrastructure£1M Total £5.8M

6 Pathfinder Award £3 million grant Not ring fenced

7 Pathfinder Award £3 million grant Not ring fenced – but Capital / Revenue split  Revenue - £800k  Capital - £2.2 million Spend over 2 financial years (15 months)

8 What have we had to change? Overall reduced budget Omit investigation of Wells East bank options Some projects combined Reduced project management

9 What is proposed - A

10 Whole community - Happisburgh  Beach Road a.Acquire property most at risk and demolish b.Acquire property at less risk and lease  Create pedestrian access ramp to south  Investigate site for new car park and toilets  Investigate options for caravan park  Record impacts of coastal change on community and heritage (Norfolk Landscape Archaeology)

11 What is proposed - B

12 Businesses  Advice and support to businesses in coastal communities  Develop ideas on relocating businesses  Investigate buy and lease back options  Look at private sector contributions to maintenance of flood defences (KL & WNBC)

13 What is proposed - C

14 Community Infrastructure  Investigate options and support relocation of Pilgrims Shelter, Trimingham  Provide new footpath connection to Runton Road car park, Cromer  Remove derelict defences to improve beaches

15 North Norfolk Coastal Change Pathfinder Project Name B.J. Farrow TitleCoast Protection Engineer RoleProject Manage the ‘coastal change’ engineering works Projects Cromer ~ Marrams footpath realignment Beeston Regis ~ Removal of redundant derelict defences Happisburgh ~ Removal of redundant derelict defences & debris Happisburgh ~ Create a new beach access ramp

16 Cromer ~ Marrams footpath realignment Cromer ~ Marrams footpath realignment

17 Beeston Regis ~ Removal of redundant derelict defences

18 Happisburgh Removal of redundant derelict defences & debris

19 Happisburgh Create a new beach access ramp

20 Development of project management, community involvement and communication processes Launch meeting with interested parties Publicity in media and summary information provided on website Successful bid Informing parish councils, coastal groups and other interested parties and establishing a way in which they can be involved Implementation of the North Norfolk Coastal Change Pathfinder Programme Dec ‘09 Sep ‘09 Jun ‘11 Jan ‘10 Project Board; Programme Reference Group and Project Liaison Groups Jan ‘10

21 PATHFINDER PROJECT BOARD (Programme management) PROJECT MANAGEMENT TEAM (Project Management) REFERENCE GROUP (Overseeing Project Development) PROJECT LIAISON GROUPS (Overseeing implementation of local projects) North Norfolk Coastal Change Pathfinder Programme: Structure

22 Pathfinder Reference Group The aims of this group will be to: help ensure that the Pathfinder programme matches the community expectations act as a link between affected communities and the Project Board coordinate the communication of the projects with the general public monitor the implementation and gauge the success of projects from the point of view of affected communities

23 Pathfinder Reference Group Membership: Coastal – CCAG Community – NRCC Business – CLA Parish Councils - NALC Independent x 2

24 Project Liaison Groups The aims of these groups will be: to keep local people (or business organisations) informed of the implementation of projects that have local impacts to ensure that projects are sensitive to local circumstances and that those who are directly affected by their implementation are content with the approach that is being taken to identify issues that arise during project implementation and to act as a link between the general public and the Project Team to help foster a sense of ownership of the project outcomes

25 Development of project management, community involvement and communication processes Launch meeting with interested parties Publicity in media and summary information provided on website Successful bid Informing parish councils, coastal groups and other interested parties and establishing a way in which they can be involved Implementation of the North Norfolk Coastal Change Pathfinder Programme Dec ‘09 Sep ‘09 Jun ‘11 Jan ‘10 Project Board, Programme Reference Group and Project Liaison Groups Implementation Indicative programme established with timing for different projects and key milestones (subject to revision e.g. in response to community involvement) Jan ‘10 Mar ‘10

26 Dec-09Dec-09 Jan-10Jan-10 Feb-10Feb-10 Mar-10Mar-10 Apr-10Apr-10 May-10May-10 Jun-10Jun-10 Jul-10Jul-10 Aug-10Aug-10 Sep-10Sep-10 Oct-10Oct-10 Nov-10Nov-10 Dec-10Dec-10 Jan-11Jan-11 Feb-11Feb-11 Mar-11Mar-11 Apr-11Apr-11 May-11May-11 Jun-11Jun-11 Project management Community Involvement Implementation Develop Project Continuity Strategy Monitoring/ evaluation Dissemination/ participation in learning process/ events INDICATIVE PROJECT TIMELINE

27 Dec-09Dec-09 Jan-10Jan-10 Feb-10Feb-10 Mar-10Mar-10 Apr-10Apr-10 May-10May-10 Jun-10Jun-10 Jul-10Jul-10 Aug-10Aug-10 Sep-10Sep-10 Oct-10Oct-10 Nov-10Nov-10 Dec-10Dec-10 Jan-11Jan-11 Feb-11Feb-11 Mar-11Mar-11 Apr-11Apr-11 May-11May-11 Jun-11Jun-11 Project A - Happisburgh Devise relocation options for Manor Farm Caravan Park Negotiate with property owners and relocate those along Beach Road (who are willing) Establish ‘purchase and lease-back’ options Establish a ‘buffer’ along the cliff-top removing redundant and derelict costal defences removing cliff top debris demolish uninhabitable properties (where landowners are willing) establish open-land cliff top uses Relocate car park and other threatened infrastructure create a suitable new beach access provide alternative public toilets establish cliff top paths Help the local community understand, record and manage the impacts of coastal change on heritage ( transfer to other locations later in the project ) Enable people to tell their own story for posterity Provide interpretation of environmental and other assets event to celebrate Happisburgh’s future INDICATIVE PROJECT TIMELINE

28 Dec-09Dec-09 Jan-10Jan-10 Feb-10Feb-10 Mar-10Mar-10 Apr-10Apr-10 May-10May-10 Jun-10Jun-10 Jul-10Jul-10 Aug-10Aug-10 Sep-10Sep-10 Oct-10Oct-10 Nov-10Nov-10 Dec-10Dec-10 Jan-11Jan-11 Feb-11Feb-11 Mar-11Mar-11 Apr-11Apr-11 May-11May-11 Jun-11Jun-11 Project B - Business support Providing tailored business support and advice to threatened coastal businesses Promoting and developing the assets and supply chains of key business sectors in the east of the District, particularly hospitality and tourism sectors Devising options for helping to secure investment in maintenance of business premises (e.g. 'purchase and lease back') Assisting with the relocation of caravan parks & businesses from short and medium-term risk areas Assisting with the relocation of Trimingham Village Hall Devising a mechanism for securing private contributions towards coastal flood defences at Wolferton Creek INDICATIVE PROJECT TIMELINE

29 Dec-09Dec-09 Jan-10Jan-10 Feb-10Feb-10 Mar-10Mar-10 Apr-10Apr-10 May-10May-10 Jun-10Jun-10 Jul-10Jul-10 Aug-10Aug-10 Sep-10Sep-10 Oct-10Oct-10 Nov-10Nov-10 Dec-10Dec-10 Jan-11Jan-11 Feb-11Feb-11 Mar-11Mar-11 Apr-11Apr-11 May-11May-11 Jun-11Jun-11 PROJECT C - Infrastructure Explore options to relocate threatened car parks Realign the Coast path at Cromer Remove redundant/ derelict defences at Ostend - Happisburgh and West Runton INDICATIVE PROJECT TIMELINE

30 Development of project management, community involvement and communication processes Launch meeting with interested parties Publicity in media and summary information provided on website Successful bid Informing parish councils, coastal groups and other interested parties and establishing a way in which they can be involved Implementation of the North Norfolk Coastal Change Pathfinder Programme Dec ‘09 Oct ‘09 Jun ‘11 Jan ‘10 Project Board, Programme Reference Group and Project Liaison Groups Monitoring and evaluation The ethos will be to empower local communities (and interest groups) to continue to generate outcomes that meet agreed project objectives for the longer-term Implementation Indicative programme established with timing for different projects and key milestones (subject to revision e.g. in response to community involvement) Project Continuity Reporting and dissemination Sharing the lessons learned and contributing to Defra’s continuing policy development Evaluation should include feedback from those affected by the outcomes of the various projects Mar ‘10 Mar ’10

31 Actions so far (1) Determined project management structure Programme manager appointed (internal secondment) NLA are recruiting a project officer Prepared draft briefs for –property advisor / valuer –business support –Cromer footpath diversion

32 Actions so far (2) Met with Cromer TC Met with Happisburgh PC Met with Trimingham PC

33 Next Steps Invite tenders for property advisor and business support Appoint temporary conveyancing assistant Set up meetings with community and other groups

34 What would we like from you? Initial comments Suggestions for groups Representatives

35 Questions

36 Shoreline Management Plans Hunstanton to Kelling Public consultation on SMP closed Extra consultation on SEA

37 Shoreline Management Plans Hunstanton to Kelling Public consultation closed Extra consultation on SEA - Closing date 19 February Retreat policies at Thornham, Burnham, Morston and Wells removed and replaced by Hold the Line (subject to review)

38 Shoreline Management Plans Hunstanton to Kelling Public consultation closed Extra consultation on SEA - Closing date 19 February Retreat policies at Thornham, Burnham, Morston and Wells removed and replaced by Hold the Line (subject to review) Members to consider changes before SMP formally presented to Councils & EA for adoption planning/105014.aspx

39 Shoreline Management Plans Kelling to Lowestoft Text revisions, Habitats Regulations & Strategic Environmental Assessments and Water Framework Directive compliance check complete Action Plan to be completed before consultation

40 Shoreline Management Plans Kelling to Lowestoft Text revisions, Habitats Regulations & Strategic Environmental Assessments and Water Framework Directive compliance check complete Action Plan to be completed before consultation Consultation on SEA from March to June 2010

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