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Large Scale Knowledge Management across Media Prof. Fabio Ciravegna, Department of Computer Science University of Sheffield

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1 Large Scale Knowledge Management across Media Prof. Fabio Ciravegna, Department of Computer Science University of Sheffield

2 © X-Media Consortium Requirements For Large Scale KM Focusing –Powerful focusing methods are needed to move within a large multi-dimensional search space. –Requires a balanced mixture of exploration and searching; –Keyword-based search becomes largely ineffective Cross-Media –Knowledge in one medium does not carry full evidence –Multiple evidence as a key to knowledge acquisition Knowledge integration –Large distributed archives require Map distribution of information Weight every single source Distribute searches carefully

3 © X-Media Consortium Requirements For Large Scale KM (2) Uncertainty and Dynamicity –Information is ambiguous, incomplete, or referring to specific contexts –Archives contain noise and imprecision, and obsolete information –Each piece of knowledge must be judged with a pinch of salt considering its provenance, evidence, etc. Infrastructure –A complex infrastructure is needed for KM across media –Different media cannot be shared easily Folder of text documents can be sent by email Folder of images requires shared repository 10 GByte of sensor data requires remote access to data base Organisational and behavioural aspects

4 © X-Media Consortium Project Goals New paradigms for knowledge sharing and reuse –Users-defined and parameterizable views on knowledge –Personalized anticipatory systems to help focusing in large search spaces Knowledge fusion methods to support decision making –E.g. in case of contradicting knowledge from different resources Techniques to represent and manage (i) uncertainty, (ii) trust and provenance (iii) dynamic aspects of knowledge

5 © X-Media Consortium Project Goals (2) Robust and scalable knowledge acquisition and data analysis –Working across media boundaries (text, images and data) –Able to automatically cross-relate and annotate text and images with metadata –Fostering integration with other resources A methodology and a technical infrastructure –To enable cross media knowledge management Taking into account complexity of managing different media with different size of data. Generic and flexible architecture –Mainly open source reference implementation

6 © X-Media Consortium Methods and Techniques 48 months 13M budget, 9.9M funding 2 cycles of 28+20 months –Requirements analysis, Design, Implementation, Evaluation First 18 Months (Mar.2006-Aug.2007) Specification of requirements First prototype for the kernel architecture A prototype for knowledge sharing technologies Preliminary versions of technologies for knowledge acquisition

7 © X-Media Consortium Resources And Duration 48 months 13M budget, 9.9M funding 2 cycles of 28+20 months –Requirements analysis, Design, Implementation, Evaluation First 18 Months (March 2006-Aug 2007) Specification of requirements First prototype for the kernel architecture A prototype for knowledge sharing technologies Preliminary versions of technologies for knowledge acquisition

8 © X-Media Consortium Dissemination Web site with demos and downloadable software –Largely open source software Brochure and leaflets Regular dissemination and awareness events targeted to industry –Via Industrial board Philips, Kodak, Adobe, TeleNor, CSC, CESI Conference papers, journals, etc. Scientific workshop organization –Cross media knowledge acquisition –Large scale knowledge sharing and reuse

9 © X-Media Consortium Dissemination: First Steps European Semantic Web Summer School –One tutor, plus demonstration of relevant existing software –One invited speaker EACL 06 –One organised workshop –One panel invitation –One paper to workshop LREC –One paper at main conference –One poster at cross-media workshop (to be submitted)

10 Collaborations with X-Media are welcome! University of Ljubljana U Freiburg University of Koblenz-Landau

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