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Detailed Analysis of ECMWF Surface Pressure Data E. Fagiolini 1, T. Schmidt 1, G. Schwarz 2, L. Zenner 3 (1) GFZ Department 1, Potsdam, Germany (2) DLR.

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Presentation on theme: "Detailed Analysis of ECMWF Surface Pressure Data E. Fagiolini 1, T. Schmidt 1, G. Schwarz 2, L. Zenner 3 (1) GFZ Department 1, Potsdam, Germany (2) DLR."— Presentation transcript:

1 Detailed Analysis of ECMWF Surface Pressure Data E. Fagiolini 1, T. Schmidt 1, G. Schwarz 2, L. Zenner 3 (1) GFZ Department 1, Potsdam, Germany (2) DLR IMF, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany (3) TUM IAPG, Munich, Germany EGU 2012, Vienna, Austria

2 Project Background Selected Surface Pressure Data Basic Data Characteristics Spatial Neighbourhoods Temporal Neighbourhoods Outlook Summary of this Presentation

3 Priority Programme ”Mass transport and Mass distribution in the System Earth” of the German Research Foundation (DFG). Project IDEAL-GRACE: ”Improved De-Aliasing for Gravity Field Modelling with GRACE” Partners: TUM IAPG, GFZ, DLR IMF, UHH IfM. An improved gravity field modelling requires computation of atmospheric contributions (mainly surface pressure). How good are available surface pressure data? Project Background

4 Selected Surface Pressure Data We selected ECMWF surface pressure data from operational analysis,, global coverage, every 6 hours, N48 Gauss grid (192 columns, 96 lines), 29% land / 71% water. ECMWF surface pressure = combination of predictive modelling and measurements. Time period: 1 year from Sep. 1, 2007 to Aug. 31, 2008 366 days, every 6 hours => 1464 data sets. Footprint per sample: about 200 * 200 km. A few outliers had to be removed by interpolation.

5 Median Values of 00, 06, 12 and 18 Hour Data Small differences around Indonesia.

6 Europe Asia Pacific Ocean N. America Atlantic Ocean Pressure Profile Along +45 deg. N

7 Histogram of Global 1 Year Surface Pressure Levels Mountain areas

8 Contrast Enhanced Dynamic Pressure Range Equatorial Regions are quiet

9 Diurnal Variation in the Tropics

10 Surface Pressure Time Series Data Horizontal axis: transect along -30°S Vertical axis: time (1 year, midnight data) Principal motion of the pressure areas. Sept. Febr. Aug.

11 Time Series Data Horizontal axis: transect along -60°S Vertical axis: time (1 year, midnight data) Pressure data Low pass data High pass data

12 Horizontal axis: time (1 year, midnight data) Vertical axis: transect along the zero meridian Zero Meridian Transects versus Time (Contrast Enhanced) North Pole South Pole Equator

13 Total Variation of 6 Hour Pressure Levels Longitude-dependent total variation: interpolated time step effects?

14 Contrast Enhanced Entropy of Pressure Levels The information content is not constant.

15 Histogram of East/West 1 Sample Differences Back-to-back Laplacians visible small fluctuations and noise.

16 Histogram of North/South 1 Sample Differences Broader the surface pressure differences are direction-dependent.

17 Sum of 2 Gaussians two overlapping effects. Histogram of East/West 2 Sample Differences

18 Histogram of North/South 2 Sample Differences Again, direction dependence.

19 Histogram of East/West 16 Sample Differences Single Gaussian we see different effects.

20 Histogram of North/South 16 Sample Differences the longitude dependence becomes smaller.

21 Pressure < 990 hPa above Water The east coast shores of the continents show rather low pressure values. Why?

22 Differences Between 6 h Time Steps above Land Single Gaussian very regular distributions above land.

23 Differences Between 6 h Time Steps above Water Double peak distribution above water. Due to the microwave instruments?

24 Distribution of 6 h Biases above Water at 00h

25 Distribution of 6 h Biases above Water at 06h The bias locations have changed. Is it a sensor effect, or is it physical reality?

26 Conclusion and Outlook ECMWF data describe a large variety of atmospheric effects in the spatial and temporal domain and at various scales. Outlier correction and removal of topographic background allows detailed studies of temporal phenomena (e.g., transects). Many open questions. A further topic to be discussed is the analysis of estimated errors provided by ECMWF (current activities).

27 Thank you!

28 Backslides

29 Contrast Enhanced Positive Skewness of Pressure Levels

30 Contrast Enhanced Negative Skewness of Pressure Levels

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