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Published byMakayla Blake Modified over 11 years ago
The Pegaso project Experience from EU and Mediterranean cooperation of observatories and testing indicators Françoise Breton & Alejandro Iglesias EEA/EIONET Workshop,Maritime and coastal information systems, Nov, Trieste,Italy
- ICZM and the link with marine/maritime
Content 1. ETC-LUSI : key element to support ICZM policies with indicator development ICZM indicators LEAC and spatial indicators - ICZM and the link with marine/maritime 2.Connected project to support ETC-LUSI EEA work 3. Cooperation elements with relevant Mediterranean organization and observatories
1.1 Development of ICZM indicators
ETC-LUSI Key element supporting ICZM INDEX 1.1 Development of ICZM indicators
ICZM and main policies ICZM and main policies
Support the ICZM Recommendation (EU expert Group and indicator production) Support WFD (river catchments DB) Support the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (especially the ecosystem based concept and the spatial perspective of the seas) Support the Maritime Road Map (coast/sea uses and spatial planning), Adress main socio-environmental issues (especially marititime activities) in all EU coasts and seas (Cohesion policy) Support the climate change adaptation Green Book, the flooding Directive and H2020 Support the new EU Comission restructuring of Directorates (DG ENV Marine unit with Coast and Maritime issue; support DG MARE work)
Water Framework Directive
Integration of EU policies in coastal zones : River catchments, marine and coastal zones ICZM Recommendation 1Nautic Mile WFD Water Framework Directive Watershed management, water bodies Emergent marine policies -UE Continental waters Chemical status Limit territorial waters (4-12 nm) Limit Exclusive Economic Zone Base line Territorial waters Directive/ Marine Strategy Marine sub-regions Juridictional waters Deep sea
ICZM frame and DPSIR Defining Coastal units
Administrative (Coastal Nuts) Geographical (coastline, elevation and bathymetry), physical (sandy, rocky, muddy), by landscape Articulation of the coast with river catchments, and broader hinterland Water quantity and quality (S) River management impacts (ex. dams and beach erosion) (I) River floods (I) Land uses (D, P) Lagoons and deltas, transitional waters (WFD) integrated management (fish nursery, protection against CC ) (S, R) (link with ICZM) Articulation of the coast and river with the marine interface and the maritime activities Coast and Sea bed morphology and biodiversity (ex.posidonia beds) (S) Sea water quality (S, P) Land use and sea use drivers D) Sediment balance (river-coast-sea) (S) Anadrom migratory Species (river-coast-sea)(S) Seascapes and marine ecosystems and species (S) Sea uses maps (3 dimensions) (D, P) Maritime activities and their coastal-sea hinterland (D) Coastal/maritime planning (R) within ICZM frame
INDEX ICZM work at ETC-LUSI Work on ICZM since 1992.
Since ETC creation in 2001, ICZM has been an activity phare: Participation to the EU ICZM Expert Group (DG ENV) since 2002 Lead of the WG-ID of the ICZM Expert Group (since 2002); Participation to high level meetings since today Participation in DEDUCE interreg project to develop and produce the EU first set of agreed indicators ( )towards a coastal observatory Support to the countries doing their ICZM strategy ( ) : participation in EU ICZM Expert Group meetings to assess how to continue and the different options (linking ICZM, marine and maritime)
The EU WG-ID ICZM indicators (1)
The EU WG-ID ICZM indicators (2)
INDEX First agreed list of 27 ICZM indicators
The EU WG-ID ICZM indicators (3)
DEDUCE Products Example: Area of build up land
Indicator fact sheet
INDEX Participation at the Tourism Sustainibility Group TSG
to use ICZM indicator experience for measuring the Sustainability of tourism -Coastal tourism/cruisers maritime activity Following UNWTO criteria for sustainable tourism, most of them have same objectives than ICZM: Make optimal use of environmental resources Respect the socio-cultural authenticity of host communities, conserve tangible and intangible heritage Catalyzing benefits for communities Maintaining high levels of satisfaction for the user and for the local populations solidarity and ethic principles of ICZMlocal sustainable development
Economic well-being of Coastal communities by NUTS
At European scale, coastal communities have a slightly lower population with higher education qualification.
Development of Land and biodiversity accounts (EEA-ETC/LUSI)
INDEX 1.2 LEAC Building Spatial indicators for the dry coast and wetlands Initial inventory of available data linking coast and sea ICZM and the link with marine/maritime applying LEAC for the sea covers, sea uses, seascapes
LEAC: Urban sprawl in the province of Venice, , cells of 1 km x 1 km – wetlands in the background Wetlands Despite possible threats from sea level rise and the permanent ecological problems of the lagoon due to agriculture eutrophicating surpluses, urban and infrastructures development has continued in the province of Venice.
1.The Green Background Landscape index
LEAC: New spatial modeling techniques for mapping biodiversity potential 1.The Green Background Landscape index 2. Naturilis (N2000+CDDA) index 3. MEFF, Mesh size index 4. The Net Landscape Ecological Potential Index
INDEX Developping land accounts for the coast and coastal wetlands
Accounts for biodiversity in coastal wetlands ( )- Report due in 201 Camargue Doñana Amvrakikos Danube Delta Mapping and accounting ecosystem services The Camargue socio-ecosystems
Application of land-use indicators for MedWetland assessment
Initial DB inventory linking coast, marine and maritime issues (1)
erosion patterns Initial DB inventory linking coast, marine and maritime issues (1) INDEX Report on available existing data sets (national, international DB) ( ) Example: erosion patterns Data is available, but the time series are so old and not “significant” European wide, National and Regional Governments have much better information on erosion patters. Distribution of the artificial coastline along the European coasts by NUTS3 coastal segments. Analytical results (language: English, version 3)
Initial DB inventory linking coast, marine and maritime issues (2)
INDEX Alien and invasive species (Only regional examples) Regional data available on specific invasive species, there is not spatial data available on general approaches for the complete coastal and transitional/marine waters. MARATLAS Data identification From EEA Data Services
ICZM and the link with marine/maritime
INDEX Development of Spatial indicators for marine and maritime assessments developping LEAC for the sea
2. The FP7 PEGASO project on Mediterranean and Black Sea
2.Connected project to support ETC-LUSI EEA work INDEX 2. The FP7 PEGASO project on Mediterranean and Black Sea
Supporting the ICZM Protocol
It is a unique legal instrument on ICZM in the entire international community and shall serve as a model for other regional seas. ICZM Protocol adresses Land and sea ecosystems, coastal and maritime planning including tourism, energy, etc., impacts of Climate change and adaptation, in a multi sectoral /holistic approach
AIMS of PEGASO Built on the needs of stakeholders developing simple and efficient tools (Indicators, mapping of conflicts, environment accounts, scenarios, coastal and maritime planning ) Bridging science and decision making in a co-working process involving users from the beginning and, therefore, building a long term co-research capacity within the post normal science paradigm Will enable end user communities around the Mediterranean and Black Sea Basins to work together to identify common threats and solutions in relation to the long-term sustainable development and environmental protection of coastal zones PEGASO build on existing capacities to develop common novel approaches to support integrated policies and practices for coastal, marine and maritime realms.
The PEGASO project (UAB is coordinator)
THE PLATFORM To construct an ICZM governance platform, consistent with the aims of article 14 of the ICZM protocol for the Mediterranean.
The ICZM Governance Platform will enable the science and end user communities to share data and information and explicit their needs for tools, so as to build a common understanding on priority issues affecting the coastal zones of the two regional seas. The platform is formed by the PEGASO partners, nine test fields (the CASES) with their stakeholders and the end-users Committee.
To build a spatial data infrastructure (SDI) for the Mediterranean and Black Seas. The ICZM Platform will be supported by the development and implementation of an SDI: To organize local geonodes and standardize spatial data to support information sharing on an interactive visor, and to disseminate all results of the project.
OBJECTIVES OF THE SDI The Spatial Data Infrastructure will share spatial data in an interactive way: To advance in the concept and implementation of an interactive atlas of the Mediterranean and Black Seaswork with ICAN and Envirogrid (FP7) Sharing capacity: South-south/ north-North and South-North
BUILDING TOOLS PEGASO will refine and further develop efficient and easy to use tools for making sustainability assessments in the coastal zone. Spatial Indicators (expressing statistics into space) Accounting tools/LEAC development for the Mediterranean and Black Sea coasts and sea (as far as possible) Maritime spatial planning guidelines Making of simple scenarios with participatory methods Developing basis for a Med and BS Atlas
Work on GlobCorine: to extend LEAC to the Mediterranean and Black Sea
Identification of wetlands not declared at Ramsar Sources: GlobCover2005 – courtesy European Space Agency Ramsar database – courtesy Wetlands International
Challenge:Accounting for Biodiversity at the coasts and wetlands of the Mediterranean and Black Sea
Building on what we have performed with CLC Colaboration with the Med Wetland Observatory New spatial indicators
Developing spatial indicator of habitat richness
Models based on image texture and primary productivity have been applied for explaining up to 70 % of the variability in species richness (of birds - St-Louis et al, 2006; of birds and butterflies - Seto et al, 2003; of vascular plants – Griffiths and Lee, 2000) A test was performed for the region of Doñana national park, on the basis of vegetation index (NDVI) derived from Landsat TM images, following three steps: Automatic extration of landscape features/heterogeneity using ENVI Zoom software (which detects local homogeneity) Automatic calculation of a number of shape, texture and spectral attributes for each feature Classifying the landscape features into 8 categories according to the increase of average NDVI value
Classification work for Sea Bed Mapping
With the Marine Directive, countries will have to build a sea bed data base. classification and harmonisation issues are of first importance, common support and guidance to countries (following INSPIRE Directive). populating ATLAS of coast and sea (ICAN network)
Mapping coast-sea uses for maritime activities
The shipping routes, the anchorage areas, the nature protection areas (Natura 2000, RAMSAR sites and World heritage), the gas and oil exploitations & connecting pipelines, the fi shing areas and telecom cables were mapped. Shipping intensity in the Northern Adriatic in 2005 (DAMAC project, Marche Regione, Italy 2007) Mapping marine uses on the Romanian Black Sea From SIGLA From PlanCoast project
TESTING THE TOOLS The tools will be tested and validated in 9 sites (CASES) and by the ICZM Platform, using a multi-scale approach for integrated regional assessment.
Building & Testing of Nile Delta ICZM Governance Platform Stocktaking & Assessment of end-users, target groups, stakeholders & their needs Multilevel Stocktaking & Analysis of knowledge and frameworks of ICZM in Egypt Identification of Resources, Environment & Processes Identification of Issues, Conflicts & Threats Building of Nile Delta ICZM Governance Platform Testing of Nile Delta ICZM Governance Platform At different scales, bringing national, regional with local
ASSESSMENT To support an integrated regional assessment for the Mediterranean and Black Sea coastal and maritime areas, agreed with the governance platform. To identify the main common threats and priority responses To formulate policy response options at different spatial and temporal scales. To produce guidelines for sustainable planning and assessment.
To establish and strengthen mechanisms for networking and capacity development so as to promote knowledge transfer and the continued use of the project outputs. Interactive internet portal. Training courses. Dynamic regional networks. Disseminate widely. Promote the ICZM Mediterranean and Black Sea strategic Panel.
PARTNERS The foundation and strength of PEGASO is that it is built upon the long-term work of a number of key national and international institutions dedicated to regional assessment of the Mediterranean and Black Sea basins in recent decades 24 partners : MAP/PAP-RAC/Plan Bleu, IUCN, PSCBS, MEDCOAST, UNEP-GRID, JRC, Universities and Research Institutes from UK, BE, FR, ES, IT, GR, MA, AZ, TN, LB, EG, TR, RO, UA.
Building a huge Mediterranean-Black Sea Connexion
3. Cooperation elements with relevant Med and BS organizations and observatories Building a huge Mediterranean-Black Sea Connexion SPICOSA SESAME ENVIROgrid MESH PlanCoast GEF LME Continuing ENCORA coastal wiki ICAN GEO-GEOSS Observatory of Med Wetlands CEDARE Mediterranean Action Plan Bucharest Convention MEDCOAST UICN (AMPs) WWF National observatories in South countries
Links with Union for the Mediterranean (UpM)
Towards a Mediterranean cluster: supported by Spain, Andalusia and Catalonia Links with Union for the Mediterranean (UpM) Presentation of Coastal and Marine ETCLUSI Work & PEGASO to the EU Maritime Day, May 2010 in Gijon, Spain Links with H2020 and EEA - Bidding for an FP7 proposal for Africa
Muchas gracias Moltes gràcies Eskerrik Asko Muitas gracias
Dziekuje Merci beaucoup Mного Благодаря Obrigado Paldies Ευχαριστώ Tack Thank you very much Dank u Hvala Köszönöm Dekuj Multumesc Dakujem Danke Takk Aitäh Grazzi Kiitos Grazie Dêkuji Cпаси́бо شُكْرًا Dieuredieuf
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