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“Tool Box” Unit Part 2 – Where are you?. Global Grid Use the grid to give your coordinate address on earth Absolute Location vs relative location.

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Presentation on theme: "“Tool Box” Unit Part 2 – Where are you?. Global Grid Use the grid to give your coordinate address on earth Absolute Location vs relative location."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Tool Box” Unit Part 2 – Where are you?

2 Global Grid Use the grid to give your coordinate address on earth Absolute Location vs relative location

3 This is the Earth

4 This is the Earth with Grid

5 Latitude Latitude – Lines that circle the earth east to west, and tell you how far you are north or south of the equator The Equator is the zero latitude line that divides the earth into north and south Also called parallels

6 Longitude Lines that circle the earth north to south and tell you your position east and west. Prime Meridian is the zero longitude line that divides the earth into east and west Also called meridians

7 Hermispheres Equator divides earth into North and South Prime Meridian divides earth into East and West

8 Prime Meridian Runs through England



11 Globes vs Maps

12 Different Kinds of Map Projection Robinson Polar / Azmuthal Goode’s Mercator & more……

13 Robinson Shape and size are both somewhat distorted but not extremely distorted

14 Mercator One of the simplest projections One of the more distorted Shapes are more accurate size is not accurate

15 Goode’s

16 Polar - Azimuthal

17 Problem…. Distortion!!!! (No, Greenland is NOT as large as Africa!

18 Why? THE EARTH IS NOT FLAT, but Maps are! This is the answer to a test question…..

19 IF you could map the round earth….

20 Great Circle Routes…. Which route is shorter? Kinda seems to depend on which map you look at…….

21 Time Zones…. Related to Longitude Earth is divided into 24 zones (because there are 24 hours in the day…..) Why should you care about time zones? –Travel –International business Do you realize it’s already tomorrow in Japan????

22 Time Zones


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