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Ionized gas in massive star forming regions Guido Garay Universidad de Chile Great Barriers in High-Mass Star Formation Townsville, September 15, 2010
Outline HII regions Origin: molecular gas surrounding a high-mass star Jets Origin: gas from putative star-disk system Review the characteristics of sources of ionized gas within massive star forming regions. Depending on the origin of the gas, we distinguish two type of sources: HII regions and Jets Aim
HII regions Physical parameters Source of ionization: UV photons emitted by embedded young luminous high-mass stars. Based on their sizes, densities and emission measures, three classes of HII regions have been identified: Class Diameter Density EM Ref. (pc) (cm -3 ) (pc cm -6 ) Compact 0.1 10 3 >10 6 Mezger et al. (1967) Ultracompact 0.02 10 4 >10 7 Wood & Churchwell (1989) Hypercompact D 10 5 >10 8 Kurtz (2004) Hoare et al. (2007) Time discovery line increase in angular resolution, observing frequency and sensitivity.
Rather than discrete, there is a continuous distribution in the value of the parameters Garay & Lizano (1999) (see also Churchwell 2002) UCHII CHII HCHII UCHII CHII HCHII
Rather than discrete, there is a continuous distribution in the value of the parameters … + more data from recent surveys: DePree et al. (2004) Sewilo et al. (2004) Garay et al. (2006) Murphy et al. (2010) Garay & Lizano (1999) (see also Churchwell 2002) HCHII HCHII are uncommon
There is a significant correlation between the parameters How do we explain these trends? Classical model: spherical bubble expanding in a uniform density medium (Spitzer 1978) n o : ambient density, c s : sound speed R s : initial Stromgren radius Lines indicate model relations for: n o =10 6 cm -3 and N u =3x10 48 s -1 (upper) n o =10 6 cm -3 and N u =3x10 45 s -1 (lower) Evolutionary sequence O7.5 B1 O7.5 B1
This simple dynamical model HII regions reach pressure equilibrium with ambient medium in a time scale of a few 10 4 yrs. Age of compact HII regions could be much larger than this value. Hypercompact are the youngest, smaller and denser versions of UCHII regions. They should give us information about the process of high-mass star formation in the earliest evolutionary stages. : single star, no dust (see Churchwell’s talk for dust considerations) Massive stars are born in a high density ambient medium. Densities are similar to those of hot molecular cores Hot cores are the precursors of UCHII regions.
1.2mm dust continuum Hypercompact HII regions Characteristics of their large scale (~1 pc) surroundings Dust continuum and molecular line observations in high density tracers HCHII are found inside massive and dense cores. 1 pc Massive and dense cores Very dark even at IR (IRDCs) 8 μm MSX Massive and dense core e.g., IRAS 16272-4837 Physical parameters: R ~ 0.4 pc M ~ 4x10 3 M n(H 2 ) ~ 6x10 5 cm -3 Δv ~ 6 km s -1 Highly centrally condensed n r -1.5
Optically thick lines Optically thin lines large scale infalling motions About thirty massive dense cores known with infalling motions Snell & Loren 1977, Welch et al. 1988, Garay et al. 2002, 2003, Wu & Evans 2003 Massive and dense core undergoing intense accretion phase V inf ~1 km s -1 M inf ~ 1x10 -3 M yr -1 Dynamical state: Most in virial equilibrium Few undergoing large scale inflow motions e.g., IRAS 16547-4247
Whether massive stars are formed at the center or migrate there, is still an open question. Images: 4.8 GHz emission (HCHII region) Contours: 1.2-mm emission (Massive core) IRAS 13291-6249 IRAS 15520-5234 IRAS 17016-4124 HCHII regions typically found at the center of massive cores 1 pc Where are HCHII s located within massive and dense cores?
Continuum spectra Due to their high emission measure HCHIIs are expected to have turnover frequencies, ν to, greater than 10 GHz. Range of power-law too wide to correspond to the transition from optically thick to optically thin regimes in a constant density region. =1.0±0.1 Franco et al. (2000) Below ν to, HCHII regions frequently show power-law spectra over a wide frequency range, S ν ν , with typically ~1.
Possible explanations for the power-law: HCHIIs possess density gradients. For a region in which the electron density goes as n r -β Flux density depends with ν as S ν ν , with =(4β-6.2) /(2β-1) Angular size depends with ν as θ ν ν γ, with = -2.1/(2β-1) e.g. HCHII G28.20-0.04: S ν ν 1.1 n r -2.8 ( ν -0.5 ) Is the expected size dependence with ν actually observed? e.g., Avalos et al. (2005) Shell model: β = 2.8 R i = 0.0063 pc R o = 0.055 pc n i = 6x10 5 cm -3
HCHIIs are hierarchically clumped structures. Ignace & Churchwell (2004) Ensemble of clumps with a distribution of optical depths produce: Power-law spectral index covering a wide frequency range No dependence of angular size with frequency
Caveat: Contribution from dust and free-free emission at frequencies of ~50 GHz can be of the same order, affecting the spectral index interpretation. e.g., G75.78+0.34-H 2 O n r - 4 Franco et al. (2000) Cte. density HCHII region + hot dust disk Kurtz (2010)
Radio recombination lines HCHII regions often have broader line widths than UCHII regions. Origin of line broadening? Possible mechanisms: Large-scale organized motions: rotation expansion infall Pressure broadening v n 7.4 n e v HCHII > 40 km s -1 v CHII ≈ 30 km s -1
Velocity gradient of 10 3 km s -1 pc -1. Rotating torus with a velocity of 5 km s -1 at 0.005pc High angular resolution observations indicate that ordered motions are present. H 92 e.g. G28.20-0.04 N H 53 Sewilo et al. (2004) v 74 km s -1 Sewilo et al. (2008)
VLA observations in two epochs with Δt = 5 years, Expansion motions with a velocity of about 35 km s -1. G5.89-0.39 Acord et al. (1998) In most cases the bulk motions are not able to explain the observed linewidths.
Line v n e (km s -1 ) (cm -3 ) H66 50.9 2.2e6 H53 32.5 4.7e6 H30 26.8 --- Pressure broadening seems the most important contributor. In addition to the high densities, the RRL observations indicate the presence of density gradients ( at the higher frequency seeing deeper into the region ). Line v n e (km s -1 ) (cm -3 ) H92 74.4 3e5 H76 57.6 9e5 H53 39.7 7e6 e.g. W51e2 For G28.20-0.04 N: H66 H53 H30
Models Accretion flow (Keto 2002) Ingredients: Gravity + Ionization R i : radius of ionization equilibrium R g : gravitational radius (escape radius for ionized gas) Two characteristic radii If R i < R g ionized gas can not expand gravitationally trapped HII region However, R g < R HCHII
Accretion disk (Keto 2007) Ingredients: Gravity + Ionization + Rotation of primordial cloud radius at which centrifugal and gravitational forces balance Third characteristic radius Actual situation depends on the relative values of the three R’s. e.g., if R i > R d, R g radial wind driven by the thermal pressure of the ionized gas.
Density gradient of photoevaporated wind produces spectral index of ~ 0.8. Photoevaporating disks Ingredients: Keplerian circumstellar disk + luminous YSO Hollenbach et al. (1994) Lizano et al (1996) R g = 0.0007 pc, R d = 0.0015 pc Lugo et al. (2004) MWC 349A
In the case of low-mass protostars, observations clearly show a Disk-Jet symbiosis. Disk: Protostar grows by accreting from disk. Jet: Carries away angular momentum and mechanical energy from disk into the surroundings, allowing accretion to proceed. Accretion disk + jet Ingredients: Gravity + Ionization + Rotation + Magnetic field If this symbiosis also holds for high-mass protostars, then
Jets Jets ≡ Highly collimated ionized flows that emanate from YSOs. Emission mechanism: thermal free-free emission. Detectable as weak radio sources. Source of ionization: UV photons from shocks produced by the impact of neutral collimated wind on the surrounding high density material. Jets are almost always found in the case of low-mass protostars. Thought to be the “base” of the large scale outflow phenomena like the bipolar outflows and HH systems.
Are young massive stars associated with ionized jets? Garay & Lizano (1999) reported a handful of ionized thermal radio jets associated with massive YSOs, all of which have luminosities < 2x10 4 L . Source Lumin. S References (L ) (GHz) (mJy) Cepheus A HW2 1.0x10 4 8 10 0.6 Rodríguez et al. 94 IRAS 20126+4104 1.3x10 4 8 0.2 -- Hofner et al. 99 W75N(B) VLA1 1.5x10 4 8 4 0.7 Torrelles et al. 97 IRAS 18162-2048 1.7x10 4 5 5 0.2 Martí et al. 95
Observed flux density and size dependence with frequency biconical thermal jet S 0.7 -0.6 Cepheus A HW2 jet Rodriguez et al. 1994 L = 700 AU M v = 6x10 -4 M yr -1 km s -1
The number of detections has increased during the last decade and detections have been made towards progressively more luminous YSOs. Source Lumin. S References (L ) (GHz) (mJy) G35.2-0.7 N 1.6x10 4 9 0.4 >1.3 Gibb et al. 03 IRAS18089-1732 3.2x10 4 9 1.1 0.58 Zapata et al. 06 CRL2136-RS4 5.0x10 4 9 0.56 1.2 Menten & Tak 04 IRAS 16547-4247 6.2x10 4 9 6 0.5 Garay et al. 03 G345.494+1.468 7.0x10 4 9 9 0.85 Guzman et al. 10 G331.512-0.103 2.0x10 5 9 166 1.1 Bronfman et al. 08
Triple radio continuum source toward IRAS 16547-4247 ( L = 6 10 4 L ) Garay et al (2003) 0.3 pc Triple radio continuum source toward IRAS 16562-3959 (L = 7 10 4 L ) Guzman et al. (2010) 0.07 pc ATCA survey of radio continuum emission toward luminous massive proto-stellar objects Jets are found associated with luminous YSOs. Thermal jet Lobes 4.8 GHz
Possible explanations: Different formation mechanism? Obscured by bright CHII region? Short timescale for jet phase? Bipolar outflows in high mass protostar have dynamic ages of 10 5 yrs >longer than the K-H time of the jet/disk stage of 10 4 yrs. jet may turn off and the large scale outflow will still persist as a fossil for a relatively long time. Molecular outflows (large scale) are relatively frequent towards high-mass YSOs, however jets are still rare…
Characteristics of jets associated with high-mass YSOs Velocity : 1000-3000 km s -1 Size : 0.01 pc Momentum rate: 10 -2 - 10 -1 M km s -1 yr -1 Jet luminosity 10 3 times more luminous and energetic than low-mass jets ! Rodriguez et al. 2007 High-mass jets Low-mass jets Jets associated with luminous YSOs are powerful Momentum rate
Summary HII regions HCHIIs are probes of the earliest phase of evolution of regions of ionized gas excited by young high-mass stars. However, still far from understanding them: density gradients : n r -2.5 ? S ν ν 1.0 ensemble of clumps ? Disk rotation ? Broad linewidths Outflows ? Pressure broadening ? Morphologies ? Are the high-mass stars exciting HCHII regions formed at the center of massive and dense cores or they migrate there?
Ionized jets Jets are found associated with high-mass YSOs (up to luminosities of 2x10 5 L ). They are 10 3 times more energetic and luminous than low-mass jets. They are rare. Open questions: Disk wind? Which is the nature of the driving mechanism? X-wind? Which are their lifetimes? Do jets rotate?
To address these questions we need to probe HCHIIs and ionized jets with high spatial resolutions (< 2 AU) and high sensitivities. ALMA
Variability of radio emission Lobes show a clear decrease in radio flux density of 20-30% over 12 years. Franco-Hernandez & Rodriguez (2004) e.g., NGC 7538 IRS1 Possible explanations: Ionizing photon flux from star is decreasing. Inyection of fresh gas in core steals ionizing photons for the lobes
Spectral energy distribution At ν 1cm) : free-free emission from ionized gas Ultracompact HII regions SEDs of UCHII regions Kurtz et al. 1994 Modified Planck function ν -0.1 ν2ν2 1 1 1 At ν > 300 GHz ( < 1 mm): thermal dust emission from warm cocoon
Shell 28% Cometary 14% Core-halo 16% Bipolar 8% Morphologies + spherical, irregular, and unresolved morphologies (Churchwell 2002) UCHII regions exhibit a variety of morphologies Morphologies depend on the characteristics of the exciting star and of the environment, as well as on their interaction.
Observational consideration Kelvin-Helmholtz time Massive stars spend short time in the pre-main sequence: Rate of massive star formation in the Galaxy: Massive protostars are very rare How many massive protostars we expect to see in our Galaxy?
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