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European Commission: DG Environment Closing Remarks: Key issues for follow-up from Stakeholder Day Stakeholder Day on the EU MRG Cologne 12 May 2005 Marco.

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Presentation on theme: "European Commission: DG Environment Closing Remarks: Key issues for follow-up from Stakeholder Day Stakeholder Day on the EU MRG Cologne 12 May 2005 Marco."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Commission: DG Environment Closing Remarks: Key issues for follow-up from Stakeholder Day Stakeholder Day on the EU MRG Cologne 12 May 2005 Marco Loprieno Climate Change Unit European Commission, DG Environment

2 European Commission: DG Environment Monitoring…. at the heart of the EU ETS Key issues for follow-up from Stakeholder Day (I) l Improve cost-effectiveness: - Better operationalise cost-effectiveness? - Widen the scope for minor sources and no-tier? - Lighter monitoring requirements for pure biomass use and small installations? - Introduce an intermediate tier layers e.g. lighter requirements regarding EN ISO 17025? - Better consideration of exist. commercial practices? - Simplify tier structure and remove selected higher tiers? - Simplify tier structure and remove selected higher tiers? - Exclusive use of standard factors for commercial fuels?

3 European Commission: DG Environment Monitoring…. at the heart of the EU ETS Key issues for follow-up from Stakeholder Day (II) l Focus monitoring efforts on emissions which can be reduced rather than irreducible process emissions? l Provide more flexibility for large installation: option to assess installations overall uncertainty? l Reconsider presumption of highest tier as starting point? l Streamline terminology on sources & fuel streams? l Clarification of sections on uncertainty analysis including reconsideration of tables 2 and 3?

4 European Commission: DG Environment Monitoring…. at the heart of the EU ETS Key issues for follow-up from Stakeholder Day (III) l Operationalise batch? l Reconsider transferred CO 2 ? l Reassess provisions on responsibilities of operator, competent authority and verifier? l Improve the userfriendliness of the guidelines l Further development of FAQs on DG ENV website l Further guidance on verification? l Basic Approach: Fine-Tuning of MRG

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