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W ELCOME B ACK ! ( KIND OF …) Tuesday, Nov. 1 La, la, libertè… Check out your new seat for the unit!

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Presentation on theme: "W ELCOME B ACK ! ( KIND OF …) Tuesday, Nov. 1 La, la, libertè… Check out your new seat for the unit!"— Presentation transcript:

1 W ELCOME B ACK ! ( KIND OF …) Tuesday, Nov. 1 La, la, libertè… Check out your new seat for the unit!

2 H UMAN R IGHTS W EEK Monday, Nov. 7 – 5 th Hour – Peace Corps! Attendance is expected if you are able. My 5 th hour students: If you can’t attend, you will be expected to report to the LMC. We will keep track of attendance. My 6 th hour students: Your 5 th hour teacher will mark you absent and I will make sure you are where you need to be if you have been excused. Thursday, Nov. 10 – 2 nd Hour – Invisible Children! Attendance optional, but it will be really good too! Again, attendance will be kept track of. If you are not with me, you should be in your 2 nd hour class. Get your permission slips signed by your 2 nd and 5 th hour teachers and a parent/guardian. You are responsible for your work for those classes. Return permission slips to me by Thursday, Nov. 3.

3 We’re going to try the “Season Buddy” System for this unit… You get to CHOOSE your four Buddies, but you must meet certain requirements and you may NOT DOUBLE UP. Both you and your Season Buddy write each other down for the SAME SEASON. Take out a blank piece of paper… and write: SPRING – SUMMER – FALL – WINTER -

4 We’re going to try the “Season Buddy” System for this unit… You get to CHOOSE your four Buddies, but you must meet certain requirements and you may NOT DOUBLE UP. Both you and your Season Buddy write each other down for the SAME SEASON. SPRING – someone sitting in a different ROW (not Left/Right) SUMMER – someone sitting in a different COLUMN (not Front/Behind) FALL – someone wearing the SAME COLOR as you WINTER – someone whose birthday is in the SAME SEASON as you

5 W HY D O R ELATIONSHIPS E ND ? What are some reasons that friendships, dating relationship, or work relationships end?

6 W HY D O R ELATIONSHIPS E ND ? What are some reasons that friendships, dating relationship, or work relationships end? Take 30 seconds to visit with your SPRING buddy and answer this question! Be ready to share several ideas. You can brainstorm on your Season Buddies sheet.

7 W HY D O R ELATIONSHIPS E ND ? Why does the relationship between people and their government sometimes end?

8 F OR H OMEWORK D UE T ODAY … You were introduced to the Three Estates. Please take out your worksheet (white, 2 sides).

9 For EACH estate, your notes should include answers to…. How much of the population of France was included in this Estate? (percentage or just describe)

10 For EACH estate, your notes should include answers to…. How much of the population of France was included in this Estate? (percentage or just describe) What was a typical job for someone in this Estate?

11 For EACH estate, your notes should include answers to…. How much of the population of France was included in this Estate? (percentage or just describe) What was a typical job for someone in this Estate? How much was someone in this Estate expected to pay in taxes ?

12 For EACH estate, your notes should include answers to…. How much of the population of France was included in this Estate? (percentage or just describe) What was a typical job for someone in this Estate? How much was someone in this Estate expected to pay in taxes ? How much land belonged to the members of this Estate?

13 For EACH estate, your notes should include answers to…. How much of the population of France was included in this Estate? (percentage or just describe) What was a typical job for someone in this Estate? How much was someone in this Estate expected to pay in taxes ? How much land belonged to the members of this Estate? What were some benefits this Estate enjoyed?

14 Political Cartoon (on back page) Who are the people (Estates) in this cartoon? B A C

15 Questions on the back page… Why might the First and Second Estates be opposed to change? What did the population graph show? What did the bar graph (income) show?

16 Questions on the back page… Why might the First and Second Estates be opposed to change? What did the population graph show?  Didn’t want to lose PRIVILEGE What did the bar graph (income) show?  Didn’t want to lose WEALTH

17 Questions on the back page… Economic troubles in France? Weak Leadership?

18 Questions on the back page… Economic troubles in France? Tax burden very big on the Third Estate Cost of living is rising Bad weather leads to crop failures, which increases the price of goods Government is deeply in debt Weak Leadership?

19 Questions on the back page… Economic troubles in France? Tax burden very big on the Third Estate Cost of living is rising Bad weather leads to crop failures, which increases the price of goods Government is deeply in debt Weak Leadership? King Louis XIV indecisive King also avoided problem solving Marie Antoinette (queen) unpopular Extravagant spending!

20 W HAT CAN WE LEARN ABOUT THE R EVOLUTION ? Primary Source Secondary Source

21 Primary Source Eyewitness account From the time period, usually saw or participated in the event it is describing Does this make it more “true” than other accounts? NO. EXAMPLES: King Louis XVI’s diary, a merchant’s financial records, a pamphlet encouraging revolution during this time Secondary Source W HAT CAN WE LEARN ABOUT THE R EVOLUTION ?

22 Primary Source Eyewitness account From the time period, usually saw or participated in the event it is describing Does this make it more “true” than other accounts? NO. EXAMPLES: King Louis XVI’s diary, a merchant’s financial records, a pamphlet encouraging revolution during this time Secondary Source Not an eyewitness, but still an “expert” usually From a later time period Could be created after reading primary sources or other secondary sources EXAMPLES: Your textbook, a historian’s report on the financial situation in the French Revolution, a painting from 1900 showing a French Revolution battle in 1789 W HAT CAN WE LEARN ABOUT THE R EVOLUTION ?

23 W HAT IS THE T HIRD E STATE ? Let’s look at excerpts from a PRIMARY SOURCE from this time period. Often, the full primary source is long and complex. Excerpts are basically QUOTES that show sections of the primary source. These are still considered primary sources as long as you do not alter their meaning. Translations are okay.

24 LA, LA, LIBERTÈ… Look for reasons why the Third Estate wanted to “break up” with the French government!

25 W HAT IS THE T HIRD E STATE ? Emmanuel-Joseph Sieyes, 1789 Sit with your WINTER buddy.

26 N EXT STEPS … Video clip on the French Revolution (10 minutes) – What happens after the three Estates meet in 1789? (This is the first time in 175 years the Estates-General has met!!) Literacy Warm-Up: Your Best Guess (if time permits) SUMMER Buddy. UNREST-O-METER.

27 UNREST-O-METER! For the rest of today, we will begin learning about events in the French Revolution. AFTER we learn about all the events and what happened, you will decide how much UNREST was caused by each event.

28 UNREST-O-METER! For the rest of today, we will begin learning about events in the French Revolution. Work with your FALL buddy. ONLY do the “ What Happened ” section for now.

29 U NREST -O-M ETER For NEXT CLASS, you should have completed the FIVE events covered in Ch. 23, Section 1 (pages 652-655). ONLY the “What Happened” section.

30 H OW DO THESE EVENTS AFFECT THE U NREST -O-M ETER ? Little or no effect. Doesn’t add much tension. Small # Big effect. Adds a lot of tension! A bigger #

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