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REPORT of the Second Ad Hoc Session of International Stakeholders in Animal Genetic Resources Rome Italy, 5-6 June 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "REPORT of the Second Ad Hoc Session of International Stakeholders in Animal Genetic Resources Rome Italy, 5-6 June 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 REPORT of the Second Ad Hoc Session of International Stakeholders in Animal Genetic Resources Rome Italy, 5-6 June 2001

2 Participation Countries: China, Czech Republic, Denmark, EC, Finland, France, Germany, Fungary, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, UK, USA International Institutions/Organizations: WB, OIE, ILRI, IPGRI, CBD, CIHEAM International Non-Governmental Organizations: EAAP, HPI, McGill University, NGB, RBI, WAAP, WPSA, FAIP, WREN media Technical Resource Persons and FAO Staff

3 Agenda of the Second Ad-hoc Session of International Stakeholders DAY 1 Welcome Ms. Louise O. Fresco, Assistant Director-General Introduction to the meeting Mr. Samuel Jutzi, Director of the Division of Animal Production and Health Overview of agenda and procedures Mr. Christian Bonte-Friedheim, Chair of the Session

4 Agenda of the Second Ad-hoc Session of International Stakeholders DAY 1 State of the World’s Animal Genetic Resources Ms. Elzbieta Martyniuk Introduction to the DAD-IS SoW-AnGR module Mr. Rafael Nuñez-Dominguez Developing the SoW-AnGR process: Country Reports Mr. Pushkar Bhat Video: Asian Experience

5 Agenda of the Second Ad-hoc Session of International Stakeholders DAY 2 The Convention on Biological Diversity and lessons learned from the SoW-Plant Genetic Resources Mr. Jan Plesnik, Chair of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) of the CBD Special studies in support of the SoW-AnGR process Mr. John Gibson, ILRI

6 Agenda of the Second Ad-hoc Session of International Stakeholders DAY 2 Financial requirements - Donor and stakeholder involvement Mr. Tjaart Schillhorn van Veen Video: African Experience Main Conclusions of the Session Mr. Christian Bonte-Friedheim Closing of the Session Chair of the Session

7 MAIN CONCLUSIONS OF THE SESSION Animal genetic resources are global assets that will increasingly contribute to food security and alleviation of poverty, and must be wisely used, developed and conserved, to meet current and future demands for animals and animal products.

8 MAIN CONCLUSIONS OF THE SESSION FAO has been given the important task to coordinate the preparation of the First Report on the SoW-AnGR, which will for the first time bring together all those with primary interests and responsibilities for the management of animal genetic resources. In order to undertake this important initiative, stakeholders and donors should enhance their efforts to support FAO.

9 MAIN CONCLUSIONS OF THE SESSION FAO should clarify the outcomes that result from the preparation of the First SoW-AnGR Report. FAO also needs to increase understanding of the financial and other resources required to undertake these activities, continue to identify opportunities for the involvement of donors and stakeholders throughout the process, and define modalities for their involvement, including the establishment of formal arrangements for collaboration.

10 MAIN CONCLUSIONS OF THE SESSION The initial phase of the SoW-AnGR process will focus on the preparation of Country Reports. Stakeholders and donors agreed that it will be essential that a large number of Country Reports be prepared over the next 18 months to encourage and assist all countries to participate in this important initiative.

11 MAIN CONCLUSIONS OF THE SESSION Many developing countries might not have sufficient financial resources to prepare their CRs. Donors and stakeholders have agreed to assist FAO to seek financial and other resources necessary to undertake the preparation of the SoW-AnGR including the preparation of CRs. In order to facilitate this collaboration, FAO should prepare documentation of the required resources, and the countries and regions that need assistance.

12 MAIN CONCLUSIONS OF THE SESSION Donors and stakeholders agreed to increase awareness of the SoW-AnGR using their networks of contacts, meetings, workshops, and other events. The following intergovernmental meetings were identified where AnGR should be profiled: SBSTTA 7 - November 2001 regional CBD preparatory meetings COP 6 - April 2002 Regional Conferences of FAO 2002.

13 MAIN CONCLUSIONS OF THE SESSION Efforts by FAO to involve and expand the range of stakeholders should continue further engaging international organizations, regional institutions and networks, agricultural production and research organizations, national universities, professional and scientific societies, private sector interests, consumer associations, relevant international NGOs, zoos and farm parks, and other stakeholders. Many of these interests would require financial support to enable their full participation.

14 MAIN CONCLUSIONS OF THE SESSION FAO should establish or enhance existing mechanisms to ensure regular, preferably monthly, updating and reporting to all interested parties of activities related to the preparation of the First Report on the SoW-AnGR. The update should report on progress and indicate opportunities for the involvement of donors and stakeholders, and the issues that require their assistance.

15 MAIN CONCLUSIONS OF THE SESSION Opportunities for national stakeholders to be involved in the process of developing CRs should be identified, to ensure the participation of farmers, breeders, and local and indigenous communities. Donors and stakeholders have agreed that if the recommended process described in the Guidelines for the Development of Country Report is followed, opportunities for contributions of a wide range of national stakeholders can be achieved.

16 MAIN CONCLUSIONS OF THE SESSION Pilot projects are necessary to demonstrate the roles and values of CRs as strategic documents. Pilot projects involving donors and stakeholders should be initiated as soon as possible to put into practice the strategic priorities identified in the Country Reports. They should also be undertaken to initiate action in response to the Strategic Priorities Report that will result from the synthesis of the first available Country Reports.

17 MAIN CONCLUSIONS OF THE SESSION Donors and stakeholders concluded that the preparation of Country Reports by August 2002 is an extremely ambitious schedule. However, they supported this schedule, to ensure preparation of the Strategic Priority Report by 2003 and its presentation to the CGRFA and to ensure completion of the First Report on the State of the World's Animal Genetic Resources by 2005.

18 MAIN OUTCOME OF THE SESSION Increeased awareness and interest of stakeholders Development of good relationship with SBSTTA – Support and advice from SBSTTA Chair, Jan Plesnik  Increased awareness of SoW and AnGR within CBD Community

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