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Joint workshop (EEA-EC DG Fisheries-DG environment) on "Tools for measuring (integrated) Fisheries Policy aiming at a sustainable ecosystem " in Brussels,

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3 Joint workshop (EEA-EC DG Fisheries-DG environment) on "Tools for measuring (integrated) Fisheries Policy aiming at a sustainable ecosystem " in Brussels, October 28-29, 2002 In order to: 1) support EEAs mission to provide reliable assessments on the state of the European environment based on information comparable at regional level, 2) support EC policies on environmental integration and sustainability, 3) acquire, supply and better manage the data and the integration of indicator systems developed by the stakeholders active in the fishery-aquaculture and environmental sectors, it was organised a

4 Experts of international, regional/national organisations, active in the fisheries-aquaculture sector were called to provide: 1) an overview of indicators development by their organisations and experiences of integration with environmental indicators 2) comments on the proposed EEAs core set of fisheries/aquaculture indicators. Participants came from: EU: EC DG Environment, EC DG Fisheries, EC EUROSTAT EEA: ETC/ WTR, ENEA, NCMR, NIVA Aquaplan; International organisations: FAO, ICES, OECD Regional organisations: BSSAP, EIFAC, IBSFC, NEAFC, SAC -GFCM; National organisations: ICRAM (I), IFREMER (Fr), SNBF (Se), NCMR (Gr), Non Governmental Organisations: EAFE (Fisheries Economist, Maritime Team English Nature Conservation, IEEP, BirdLife International (UK partner of).

5 The Workshop tackled, in Subgroups, the following aspects : Fisheries: fish stocks (marine capture fisheries only) Fisheries/ aquaculture and environment Fisheries/ aquaculture and socio-economics Results Suggested revised fish-aquaculture Indicators (see Table 3 of Summary Report : folder: Workshop on Fish/Aquaculture-Envir Indicators) Will to cooperate, within a Joint Fisheries Working Group on :

6 improvement of data collection systems and availability/streamlining on impact indicators (the least developed) socio-economic and fish-stock indicators. Set up of a small group of representatives of some of the participating organisations to develop a proposal for converging efforts and suggesting priorities for further work. General statement: need for major interaction between the scientific community and the other stakeholders ( e.g. private sector and commercial fisheries organisations ) and, consequently, integrated information deriving from them, preserving however the scientific independence

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