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Published byJewel Atkinson Modified over 9 years ago
Maite Beltrán – WP 1 – iALMA kick-off26/03/20141 WP1 Science Working Group Maite Beltrán
Maite Beltrán – WP 1 – iALMA kick-off26/03/20142 Members 12 members INAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri: o R. Cesaroni, C. Codella, F. Fontani, L. Hunt, L. Testi, M. Beltrán INAF-Istituto di Radiostronomia o J. Brand, I. Prandoni, V. Casasola, M. Massardi Università di Bologna o L. Gregorini Università di Firenze o A. Marconi
Maite Beltrán – WP 1 – iALMA kick-off26/03/20143 WP1 goals o Band 2 covers a frequency interval (~67-90 GHz) hardly investigated but that contains more than 1000 spectral lines of molecular species (potentially observable), which are important for both galactic and extragalactic studies. o The main goal of WP1 is to develop scientific programs to be carried out with the future Band 2 on the basis of the results already obtained with existing ALMA bands: group has solid experience with ALMA (Cycle 0 and 1)
Maite Beltrán – WP 1 – iALMA kick-off26/03/20144 Dynamics of IRDCs (Tan, Fontani + 2013) Previous ALMA observations Keplerian disks in HMCs (Sánchez-Monge, Cesaroni, Beltrán 2013) Outflows in low-mass SFRs (Codella + 2014) Circumstellar disks in BDs (Ricci, Testi, 2013, 2014)
Maite Beltrán – WP 1 – iALMA kick-off26/03/20145 Previous ALMA observations SBS 0335-052: ALMA Band 7 localizes cool dust in a metal- poor starburst, overthrowing previous estimates of dust-to- gas mass ratios at low metallicity (Hunt et al. 2014). Continuation of NUclei of GAlaxies (NUGA) in the southern hemisphere with NGC 1433: ALMA reveals the weakest outflow ever discovered in a low- luminosity active galactic nucleus (LLAGN, ESO press release ESO1344: Combes, Garcia-Burillo, Casasola, Hunt et al. 2013).
Maite Beltrán – WP 1 – iALMA kick-off26/03/20146 WP1 goals o Band 2 covers a frequency interval (~67-90 GHz) hardly investigated but that contains more than 1000 spectral lines of molecular species (potentially observable), which are important for both galactic and extragalactic studies. o The main goal of WP1 is to develop scientific programs to be carried out with the future Band 2 on the basis of the results already obtained with existing ALMA bands: group has solid experience with ALMA (Cycle 0 and 1) o To confront the results with the laboratory work carried out by the WP6 (in particular for complex molecules)
Maite Beltrán – WP 1 – iALMA kick-off26/03/20147 WP1 activities 1.Development of an italian science case for the Band 2 receiver in collaboration with the other WPs (in particular WP2, WP3, and WP6) year 1 to 4 2.Internal iALMA workshop to discuss the technical specifications of the receiver needed for the Band 2 science case year 1 3.Close collaboration with the WP6 (Laboratory of Astrophysics) to confront the observations of COMs with laboratory data, in particular of pre-biotic molecules year 1 to 4 4.Development of diagnostic tools based on publicly available algorithms to better distinguish the physical conditions traced by the different Band 2 ground state transitions. year 1 to 4 5.Possible Science Verification test of the Band 2 prototype receiver with SRT (or Noto) year 3 6. Final definition of projects to be observed with ALMA in Band 2 year 4 7.International conference to make public the iALMA results year 4 o Scientific support to iALMA
Maite Beltrán – WP 1 – iALMA kick-off26/03/20148 WP1: italian science case 1.Galactic science o Deuterated species o Complex organic molecules (COMs) o Evolution of solids in protoplanetary disks 2.Extragalactic science o Dense-gas tracers in nearby galaxies o The AGN fueling/feedback cycle and its role in galaxy evolution o The Sunyaev-Zel’dovic effect in clusters and galaxies in formation 3.Polarization and mm-VLBI (in collaboration with WP3)
Maite Beltrán – WP 1 – iALMA kick-off26/03/20149 Galactic science 1.Deuterated species 2.Complex Organic Molecules
Maite Beltrán – WP 1 – iALMA kick-off26/03/201410 1. Deuterated species in SFRs o D frac (N 2 H + ) versus D frac (DNC) o DNC forms from the same route reaction as N2D+: H 2 D + + CN DCN + + H 2 HCND + + e - DNC (Turner et al. 2002) o DNC/HNC decreases of 1 ord. mag. after protostellar birth in 10 4 yrs o N 2 D + /N 2 H + decreases of 1 ord. mag. after protostellar birth in <100 yrs ➡ Deuterated fractions can be used ad CHEMICAL CLOCKS Sakai et al. 2012, Fontani et al. 2013 DNC/HNC N 2 D + /N 2 H +
Maite Beltrán – WP 1 – iALMA kick-off26/03/201411 (Crapsi et al. 2005) О = pre-stellar cores N(N 2 D + )/N(N 2 H + ) before the formation of the protostar…. (Emprechtinger et al. 2009) …and after 1. Deuterated species: low-mass pre-stellar cores o N(N 2 D + )/N(N 2 H + ) perfect to trace the initial conditions because reaches the maximum at the onset of gravitational collapse ➡ Deuterated fractions can be used ad CHEMICAL CLOCKS
Maite Beltrán – WP 1 – iALMA kick-off26/03/201412 o Statistical separation between HMSCs and HMPOs/UCHIIs: Kolmogorov-Smirnov test: P ~ 0.004 time Dfrac = N(N 2 D + )/N(N 2 H + ) 0.26 0.037 0.044 HMSCHMPOUCHII ➡ PERFECT to study the initial conditions of both Low and High-mass SFRs (Fontani et al. 2011) 1. Deuterated species: high-mass pre-stellar cores
Maite Beltrán – WP 1 – iALMA kick-off26/03/201413 o Deuterated species in protoplanetary disks are important for understanding the origin of the primitive solar system bodies ➡ directly constrain the D/H ratio in the outer regions where cometary ices are formed o Deuterated species are also important probes of the cold and dense mid-plane of proto-planetary disks where dust settles and coagulates. They may provide a means of tracing the evolution of planets Caselli & Ceccarelli (2012) o Few detections (almost none at ground state) : DCO+ (van Dishoeck et al. 2003; Guilloteau et al. 2006; Qi et al. 2008) DCN (Qi et al. 2008) H2D+ (Ceccarelli et al. 2004, 2005) HDO (Ceccarelli et al. 2005) … disputed by Guilloteau et al. (2006) 1. Deuterated species: protoplanetary disks
Maite Beltrán – WP 1 – iALMA kick-off26/03/201414 ALMA Band 2 o Observations of ground-state transitions of deuterated species o Simultaneous observations of the “hydrogenated” species MoleculeTransitionFrequency (GHz) MoleculeTransitionFrequency (GHz) CH 2 D + 1(1,0)-1(1,1)67.273 NHD 2 1(1,1)0-1(0,1)067.843NH 3 1(0,0)-0(0,1)572.598 D 13 CO + 1-070.733H 13 CO + 1-086.754 D 13 CN1-071.175H 13 CN1-086.339 DCO + 1-072.039HCO + 1-089.189 C2DC2D1-072.108C2HC2H1-087.284 DCN1-072.415HCN1-088.630 DNC1-076.306HNC1-090.664 N2D+N2D+ 1-077.108N2H+N2H+ 1-093.172 NH 2 D1(1,1)0-1(0,1)085.926NH 3 1(0,0)-0(0,1)572.598 1. Deuterated species in star-forming regions
Maite Beltrán – WP 1 – iALMA kick-off26/03/201415 2. COMs in SRFs Herbst & van Dishoeck (2009) 2. Complex Organic Molecules in star-forming regions
Maite Beltrán – WP 1 – iALMA kick-off26/03/201416 o ALMA cycle 0 obs in Band 7 towards the high-mass B-type star G35.03+0.35 Beltrán et al. (in prep) o COMs allow to study the physical properties (T, n) and the kinematics in hot cores o Velocity gradients indicative of rotation o Keplerian pattern for a disk of 0.01 pc rotating about a 9 Msolar star. o Band 2: CH 3 CN (4-3); E upper = 9-70 K o Cold inner part of the disks; Less line confusion 2. COMs: high-mass SFRs
Maite Beltrán – WP 1 – iALMA kick-off26/03/201417 o CALYPSO IRAM-PdBI Large Pr ogram 17 Class 0 protostars closeby (< 300 pc) Continuum and > 50 line; 0.5 arcsec res. (50-70 AU) Formation of multiple systems and disks … ➡ Several COMs detected (Codella et al. 2014a, Maury et al. 2014) o From PdBI to ALMA: All the ingredients of the Sun-like star formation recipe imaged with a single spectral set-up! Including hot-corino…… (Codella et al. 2014b) 2. COMs: low-mass SFRs
Maite Beltrán – WP 1 – iALMA kick-off26/03/201418 iALMA: WP1 acetic acid (vinegar) (CH 3 COOH) amino acetonitrile (NH 2 CH 2 CN) (direct precursor of glycine??) glycolaldehyde (CH 2 OHCHO) (collaboration with WP6) Not YET detected: glycine (NH 2 CH 2 COOH), the simplest amino acid o Biologically important: Beltrán et al. (2009) 1.4 mm 2.1 mm 2.9 mm Plateau de Bure Jiménez-Serra et al. (submitted) 2. COMs: pre-biotic molecules
Maite Beltrán – WP 1 – iALMA kick-off26/03/201419 Extragalactic science 1.Dense-gas tracers in nearby galaxies 2.The AGN fueling/feedback cycle and its role in galaxy evolution 3.The Sunyaev-Zel’dovic effect in clusters and galaxies in formation
Maite Beltrán – WP 1 – iALMA kick-off26/03/201420 1. Dense-gas tracers in nearby galaxies o Continuation of NUGA in the southern hemisphere with another nearby LLAGN NGC 1566: dense-gas tracers HCO+, HCN (Combes, Garcia-Burillo, Casasola, Hunt et al. 2014). o Left: the integrated intensity maps of HCO+(4-3), HCN(4-3); above: the integrated spectra over the 18” Band 7 FOV. o With Band 2 we can explore the J=1-0 transitions of these molecules up to z=0.3 (for star-formation rate and cool dense- gas fractions, and diagnose AGN vs. PDR heating). HCO+(4-3), Band 7 HCN(4-3), Band 7 30x20 pc beam
Maite Beltrán – WP 1 – iALMA kick-off26/03/201421 2. The AGN fueling/feedback cycle and its role in galaxy evolution o Understanding the AGN fueling/feedback cycle in radio loud AGNs and its role in galaxy evolution: Addressing the hot vs cold gas accretion scenario in low power (low excitation) radio galaxies Assessing the role of molecular gas in fueling AGN and in powering the large-scale radio galaxy phenomenon Assessing the role of radio-jet-induced feedback on the formation and evolution of early-type galaxies (hosts of radio galaxies) o Comprehensive analysis of gas and stellar kinematics in the cores of radio-loud early- type galaxies: Cold molecular gas: APEX-1 CO(2-1) observations of complete volume-limited sample of Southern low-power Radio Galaxies (Prandoni et al. 2010; Senatore et al. 2014); ALMA follow up for high resolution imaging (proposal submitted for Cycle 2) Ionized gas and stellar components: VLT/VIMOS IFU Integral Field Spectroscopy of entire sample (data obtained, to be reduced) Dust/warm molecular gas: Spitzer spectra, HST images, Herschel Radio-continuum: VLA data of adequate resolution in part available
Maite Beltrán – WP 1 – iALMA kick-off26/03/201422 o The SZ effect is a powerful tool: To study high redshift structures: - 8, m To study the cloud properties To study intracluster medium and forming galaxies To estimate cosmological parameters (comparing with X-ray) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ALMA bands Band 2-3 are close to the minimum of Contaminants (radiosources and dust from SF) 2 3 Band 2-3-4 are close to the maximum negative peak at 128 GHz o The Thermal SZ effect is the spectral distortion of the CMB radiation due to Inverse Compton Scattering of CMB photons with electrons in hot clouds. 3. The SZ effect in galaxy clusters
Maite Beltrán – WP 1 – iALMA kick-off26/03/201423 WP1 preparatory activities 1.IRAM 30-m observations of possible precursors of glycolaldehyde in Hot Molecular Cores at 2 and 3 mm: proposal submitted (Beltrán, Codella, Fontani, Cesaroni) 2. IRAM PdBI Large Program aimed at finding COMs: proposal submitted. PI: Ceccarelli (Codella, Fontani, Testi) 3.IRAM 30-m observations of COMs towards Sun-like protostars large program ASAI: accepted (Codella, Fontani) 4.ALMA observations of massive dense cores to study the physical mechanism that dominate the fragmentation process: ALMA cycle 1 accepted proposal (Fontani, Beltrán, Cesaroni, Brand) 5.Data exploitation of ALMA Cycle 0 and 1 observations of infalling envelopes in low-mass protostars (Codella) 6.Continuation of low-luminosity AGN fueling/feedback mechanisms with further analysis of the molecular gas in NGC 1068 (Hunt) 7.Preparation and development of the optimization of dense-gas tracers using publicly available models for PDRs, XDRs, CRDRs, and shocks (Hunt, Casasola) o Supporting observations
Maite Beltrán – WP 1 – iALMA kick-off26/03/201424 WP1 preparatory activities 8.Analysis of gas scaling relations in low-luminosity AGNs with ALMA archive data combined with HST 9.Follow-up interferometric (PdBI and ALMA) observations of possible precursors of glycolaldehyde 10.Follow-up interferometric observations at the best angular resolution of COMs with ALMA and NOEMA 11. ALMA and PdBI studies of the chemical composition of disks around high-mass stars: proposals submitted (Cesaroni, Beltrán) 12.AGN feedback and feeding in nearby low-luminosity AGNs: ALMA proposal submitted (Hunt, Casasola) 13.Observations of deuterated molecules (APEX/ALMA) to study massive clumps in earliest phases of massive SF (Brand) 14.High-sensitivity polarimetric observations with ATCA of complete samples of extragalactic radio sources between 5-100 GHz (Massardi, Casasola, Liuzzo, Paladino, Mignano): ALMA proposal submitted o Supporting observations
Maite Beltrán – WP 1 – iALMA kick-off26/03/201425 Manpower 1 Post-doctoral fellow at Arcetri (2-years position) o Requested expertise: (sub)-millimeter astronomy, interferometry, astro-chemistry, star formation 2 PhD students from WP2 o Galactic profile (Università di Firenze) o Extragalactic profile (Università di Bologna)
Maite Beltrán – WP 1 – iALMA kick-off26/03/201426 Manpower 1 Post-doctoral fellow at Arcetri (2-years position) o May 2014: Publication of the Job application o June 2014: Deadline for presentation of applications o July 2014: Selection of the candidate o September-October 2014: Starting post-doctoral position
Maite Beltrán – WP 1 – iALMA kick-off26/03/201427 Arcetri, March 26 th, 2014 iALMA: WP1
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