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Phases, Phase Changes, Chemical and Physical Changes By: Brianna Shields March 19, 2007.

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2 Phases, Phase Changes, Chemical and Physical Changes By: Brianna Shields March 19, 2007

3 DO NOW 1. What tool is used to measure mass? 2. What is one unit used to label density? 3. What is volume?

4 GOAL To discuss the states of matter and the terms relative to changes in state To distinguish between chemical and physical changes


6 Phases of Matter Solid1. Has a definite shape 2. Has a definite volume

7 Phases of Matter Solid3. Particles are tightly packed (can’t move or flow well) 4. Low energy

8 Phases of Matter Solid5. May be crystals with repeating patterns –Ex: salt

9 Phases of Matter Solid6. Amorphous solids lose shape/flow like slow moving liquids –Ex: candle wax, window glass, tar

10 Phases of Matter Liquid1. No definite shape- takes the shape of the container 2. Has a definite volume

11 Phases of Matter Solid3. Particles are packed loosely and flow slowly 4. Average energy

12 Phases of Matter Liquid5. Varying viscosities= resistance of a liquid to flow –Honey has a high viscosity

13 Phases of Matter Gas1. No definite shape- takes shape of container 2. No definite volume

14 Phases of Matter Gas3. Particles are spread far apart- fill all spaces 4. Contantly moving and bumping into eachother 5. High energy

15 Phases of Matter Gas6. Particles can be squeezed in closer –Bumping into eachother and walls causes pressure

16 Phase Website Phases of matter at the molecular level

17 Phase Summary Chart Work with a partner to fill in the phase summary chart


19 Phase Changes Matter such as water can change from phase to phase by adding or taking away heat energy

20 Phase Changes MeltingSolid to liquid Must take in heat energy M.P of water = 0 C or 32 F

21 Examples of Melting

22 Phase Changes FreezingLiquid to solid Must lose heat energy F.P of water = 0 C or 32 F

23 Examples of Freezing

24 Phase Changes EvaporationLiquid to gas Must gain heat energy B.P of water = 100 C or 212 F

25 Examples of Evaporation

26 Phase Changes CondensationGas to liquid Must lose heat energy

27 Examples of Condensation

28 Phase Changes SublimationSolid skips to gas Must gain a lot of heat energy Ex: –Freezer Frost –Dry Ice –Cirrus Clouds

29 Phase Change Website Click here to view a phase change

30 Phase Change Diagram

31 Assessment Determine what phase change is the opposite of evaporation. Explain

32 Assessment What type of phase change is seen in this picture? Explain what occurs during this phase change

33 Assessment

34 Assessment What phase change is the opposite of freezing? Explain

35 Physical and Chemical Changes Physical Change Change in the appearance of a substance without changing its identity The atoms remain unchanged












47 Physical and Chemical Changes Chemical Change A substance changes into a new and different substance The atoms are altered Often involves chemical rx














61 Assessment: Physical or Chemical Change????

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