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VALUE ADDED BITUMEN. Mankind is driven forward by dim apprehensions of things too obscure for it’s existing language. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance,

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2 Mankind is driven forward by dim apprehensions of things too obscure for it’s existing language. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Robert M. Pirsig

3 What is Bitumen? A viscous liquid or a solid, consisting essentially of Hydrocarbons and their derivatives, which is soluble in Trichloroethylene and is substantially non- volatile and softens gradually when heated. It is Black or Brown in colour and posses water proofing & adhesive properties. It is obtained by refining processes from Crude Petroleum.


5 Engineering Properties of Bitumen  Bitumen is a visco-elastic material & it’s deformation under stress is a function of both temperature & loading time  At higher temperature &/or longer loading time  Behave as viscous liquids  At low temperature &/or short loading time  Behave as elastic solids  The intermediate range of temperatures, more typical of the conditions in service, result in visco-elastic behaviour.

6 The Stiffness Concept In solids : E =     where E = Elastic modulus  Stress  Strain

7 The Stiffness Concept S t,T =     t,T Where S t,T = Stiffness modulus at specific time t & Temp. T.   Stress  t,T = Strain at specific time t & temp. T.


9 Elemental Analysis Carbon82 - 88 % Hydrogen 8 -11 % Sulphur 0 - 6 % Oxygen 0 -1.5 % Nitrogen 0 - 1 %

10 Chemical Composition  Bitumen Asphaltenes (5 to 25 % wt.) Maltenes Saturates (5 to 20 % wt.) Aromatics (40 to 65 % wt.) Resins (10 to 20 % wt.)

11 Elemental Analysis Elemental composition depends on origin of crude processes used in refinery Elemental composition Extremely complex with the number of molecules with different chemical structures being very large Not feasible to attempt a complete analysis Elemental composition provides little information of the types of molecular structure

12 Properties of BITUMEN of BITUMEN

13 Properties of Bitumen Characteristics80/10060/70 30/40 Specific gravity at 27 O C 0.99 0.99 0.99 Softening Point O C 35 to 50 40 to 55 50 to 65 Penetration at 25 O C, 100gm, 80 to 100 60 to 70 30 to 40 5 secs., 1/10 mm Ductility at 27 O C, in cm min. 75 75 50

14 SIGNIFICANCE OF TESTS  Penetration Test Indicates consistence  Softening Point Indicates melting temperature  Loss on heating / thin film oven test Hardening on road  Ductility Test Affinity for aggregates  Solubility in Trichloroethelene Indicates purity of Bitumen

15 Penetration  Travel in dmm of a specified needle under 100 g wt. for 5 secs into Bitumen at 25 O C  Denotes consistency

16 Softening Point  3.5 g steel ball placed on Bitumen sample in Brass ring  Bath temp. raised at 5 O C per minute

17 DUCTILITY  Indicates the extent to which a sample can be stretched before breaking.  Length in cm. at breaking point is ductility

18 FLASH POINT  Used to measure temperature to which a sample bitumen may be safely heated  The flash point is the temperature reached when the vapour causes an instantaneous flash

19 Value Added Bitumen  Cutback  Bitumen Emulsions  Modified Bitumen  Modified Bitumen Emulsions  Multigrade Bitumen


21 CUTBACK BITUMEN  Manufactured by blending solvents like Kerosene with Bitumen  Free flowing liquid at ambient temperature  Used for tack coat and prime coat applications.

22 Types of Cutbacks  Rapid Curing (RC 70, 250, 800, 3000) For aggregate passing 2.36 mm sieve  Medium Curing (MC 70, 250, 800, 3000) For less than 20% aggregate passing 2.36 sieve  Slow Curing (SC 70, 250, 800, 3000) For more than 20% aggregate passing 2.36 sieve


24 Bitumen Emulsion  Chocolate brown free flowing liquid at ambient temperature  Stable dispersion of fine globules of bitumen in continuous water phase  Dispersion is obtained by processing bitumen and water under controlled conditions through a colloidal mill with selected additives.

25 Types of Bitumen Emulsion  Cationic Bitumen Emulsion & Anionic Bitumen Emulsion.  Anionic not used for road work as aggregates are generally siliceous.  Cationic Bitumen Emulsions used in roadwork worldwide.

26 Emulsion Ingredients  Bitumen (80/100)  Emulsifier  Chemicals / additives  Water

27 Emulsification  Bitumen milled into fine particles & held in molecular spaces of water  Use of correct emulsifier / chemicals facilitate proper emulsification

28 Breaking  Electrostatic attraction causes breaking of emulsion  Bitumen +ve charge  Aggregate -ve charge  Result : excellent bonding / antistripping between bitumen & aggregate

29 Types of Cationic Emulsions  Slow Setting  Medium Setting  Rapid Setting

30 MODIFIED BITUMEN Binder of the future

31 Why Modified Bitumen? Demands on Road increasing every year èIncreasing Number of Vehicles èIncreasing Axle Load èDesire to maintain higher serviceability level èHigher fatigue resistance èHigher resistance to weathering èBetter adhesion èHigher stiffness modulus èLesser cracking, ravelling, deformation & creep failure èReduce number of overlays èReduction in vehicle operation cost

32 Types of Modifiers Polymers Rubbers Plastics Thermoplastic LDPE, EVA, EBA Thermoset Epoxy Resins Synthetic Elastomers SBS, SBR etc. Crumb Rubber Chemically Treated Natural Rubber (Latex) Plain

33 Properties of Modifier  Be compatible with Bitumen  Blend with Bitumen properly & thoroughly  Improve temperature resistance of Bitumen  Resist degradation of Bituminous mix  Be capable of being processed by conventional mixing plants and laying machinery  Produce coating viscosity at application temp.  Maintain premium properties during storage,application and in service.  Be cost-effective considering life cycle cost


35 MODIFIED BITUMEN EMULSIONS  It is an Emulsion of Modified Bitumen  Has the advantages of Modified Bitumen & Emulsions both  Natural Rubber Modified Bitumen Emulsions  Polymer Modified Bitumen Emulsions


37 MULTIGRADE BITUMEN  Resists cracking at low temperature  Resists deformation at high temperature  Reduced rutting at heavy traffic loads  Reduced cracking due to high traffic frequencies  Resists Aging  Optimize adhesion  Optimize emulsability

38 Thank You

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