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Published byRosanna Hicks Modified over 9 years ago
Brownfields in Baltic States - Lifelong Educational Project CZ/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/134005 Introduction to brownfield issue Jiřina Bergatt Jackson IURS – Institut pro udržitelný rozvoj sídel o.s. Tel +420 602 370 176,,
Brownfields in Baltic States - Lifelong Educational Project CZ/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/134005 Teaching Goals Communicate the basic understanding about brownfields issue. Create awareness of the main barriers and drivers to brownfields reuse. Explain how to visualize and categorize brownfields. Outline how to approach brownfields solutions.
Brownfields in Baltic States - Lifelong Educational Project CZ/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/134005 Learning outcomes By the end of this presentation you will be aware : What it is a brownfield and what different type and classification of brownfields exist. Why there are brownfields. What are brownfields reuse drivers and barriers. The need to plan with brownfields. The need of measure, size and analyze the issue. How the market effects brownfields and how to view brownfield reuse potential. Who are the main stakeholders in brownfield reuse and what they have to offer.
Brownfields in Baltic States - Lifelong Educational Project CZ/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/134005 Presentation content Brownfields definition and problem description Brownfields causation and effects Revelation and intervention Drivers and solutions Brownfields visualization Roles of stakeholder and consultants
Brownfields in Baltic States - Lifelong Educational Project CZ/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/134005 CABERNET brownfield definition Brownfields are sites that: have been affected by the former uses of the site and surrounding land are derelict or underused may have real or perceived contamination problems are mainly in developed urban areas require intervention to bring them back to beneficial use
Brownfields in Baltic States - Lifelong Educational Project CZ/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/134005 “Frogs into princes...” a brownfields fairytale One day (hopefully soon), an investor in a big white Mercedes will come and... –Prepare a project that cost him lots of time and money and carries exceptional risks. –If necessary, initiate zoning changes. –Prepare and pay for all necessary technical surveys and investigations of potential environmental damages. –Investigate complicated land ownership and land charges and place a securing contract on the land despite the unstable context for securing land titles. –Not hesitate to pay unrealistic prices for dilapidated properties and land purchased from large numbers of owners. –Eagerly invest money in the necessary environmental clearance, and demolition. –Bring lots of money for the project itself, which will bring jobs and an increased tax base for the community Then kiss the frog and change it into a prince....
Brownfields in Baltic States - Lifelong Educational Project CZ/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/134005 From when we „see“ brownfields From the beginning of history, human activities were changing and this caused abandoning existing structures for new ones´. (for example, castles became superfluous, when gunpowder came to use) Brownfield label was firstly used in 1970 and then it meant mostly risky, contaminated and abundant industrial properties. (This perception still continues in some countries, mainly US, but the EU accepts CABERNET definition). In late 1980 it was realized, that brownfields are of more varied origin (demising institutions, dilapidated housing, outlived transport est.) The key brownfields issues which, are their integration in an urban context and the opportunity their reuse may bring to improvements to urban environment were realized in late 1990. Paralelly to this is was realized that brownfields reuse can support communities cohesion and certainly it supports communities quality of life and competetivness.
Brownfields in Baltic States - Lifelong Educational Project CZ/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/134005 What problem are we talking about? Single dilapidated property in the middle of community? Several empty or underused properties within the urban area? Demise of the whole industrial and/or service base of the community or even entire region? Depopulation and urban dilapidation and social issues that are attached to the above demise? Devastation of vast tracts of land effected by community past economic or other activities? WHAT TYPES OF BROWNFIELDS DO YOU KNOW?
Brownfields in Baltic States - Lifelong Educational Project CZ/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/134005 What do brownfields cause? Changes in the society production and its organizational base Changes in society systems Global change from industrial to postindustrial society Pressures, that private capital alone can not cope with Unsuitable land use policies Low demand and growth URBAN LAND RECYCLING IS NOTHING NEW, HAS BEEN WITH US FOR CENTURIES AND SOCIETIES HAVE CREATED VARIOUS TOOLS TO COPE WITH IT
Brownfields in Baltic States - Lifelong Educational Project CZ/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/134005 How do brownfields affect us? High % brownfields in a community has a detrimental effect on it: Deters investors Reduces business activities Brings job reduction Decreases surrounding property values Causes decreases in the productive tax rate Causes lowering of living standards Can cause lowering of environmental standards Pushes out the able, mobile and young population Builds up social and environmental inequity Increases cost of externalities (infrastructure, transport, est.) IT REALLY DOES NOT MATTER WHO OWNS THESE BROWNFIELDS - THE WHOLE COMMUNITY IS AFFECTED BY THEIR EXISTENCE
Brownfields in Baltic States - Lifelong Educational Project CZ/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/134005 REVELATION BROWNFIELDS ARE NOT AN INDUSTRIAL BUT A LAND USE, PLANNING AND REAL ESTATE PROBLEM, which affects the whole surrounding community. To address brownfields reuse effectively, large amount of new knowhow is needed!
Brownfields in Baltic States - Lifelong Educational Project CZ/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/134005 Communities – main problem holders Brownfields are a broad issue but their main impact is on the local communities, but it is not too easy for them to deal with the issue. Legislation is in hands of National and European parliaments. State agencies and SF programs have their own objectives. Financing is controlled by private or public institutions. Regions may have different priorities. Land and investment decision are in hands of private owners. Communitties knowledge how to deal with the issue is limited INCREASING COMMUNITY UNDERSTANDING OF BROWNFIELD REUSE PRINCIPLES IS ONE OF THE MAIN PATHS TO SUCCESFUL BROWNFIELDS REGENERATION
Brownfields in Baltic States - Lifelong Educational Project CZ/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/134005 What do land owners do with it? Active brownfields owners attitudes Maximize their return on their investment/ asset Mitigate their potential liabilities Work to realize the site reuse potential Form partnerships to realize the location reuse and development potential Passive brownfields owners attitudes Dead beetle position –Land/opportunity speculation –Cash or know-how limitation –Limitation of ability to act Unknown owners – delay the reuse process OWNERS NEED TO BE ASSISTED TO UNDERSTAND THE REAL REUSE POTENTIAL OF THEIR SITES
Brownfields in Baltic States - Lifelong Educational Project CZ/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/134005 What kind of intervention is needed to get brownfields reused? ADVICE KNOW-HOW GOOD RULES LEADERSHIP MONEY Intervention should be directed mainly towards brownfields owners NONMONETORY OR „SOFT“ PUBLIC INTERVENTION IS OFTEN THE KEY TO A SOLUTION
Brownfields in Baltic States - Lifelong Educational Project CZ/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/134005 Approaches by other countries Spatial agendas are fully within national remits, this is why approaches to brownfields solutions varies from country to country. National ways of governing and problem solving guide the individual countries approach to brownfields solutions. They: are driven by particular nation levels of brownfield blight and threats by governing systems and legal framework suitability depend on local management and technical experience, are depended on market reactions and maturity of markets vary from supporting and enabling owners to supporting institutions to delivering government policy. New approaches are constantly developing and solutions are updating Not all solutions prove to be correct (hence the updating). Not all brownfields do have a market solution. NOT ALL BROWNFIELDS SOLUTIONS ARE EASILY TRANSFERABLE, BUT GENERALLY THE PRINCIPLES ARE
Brownfields in Baltic States - Lifelong Educational Project CZ/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/134005 Advantages of reuse Removes unproductive “holes” in the local urban fabric (economic dimension) Catalyst to revitalization of the entire local area (social dimension) Increased local employment, local economic activity and local tax base in the area (economic dimension) Public health and protection of local environment and heritage (social, cultural and environmental dimension) Reduced development pressure on greenfields (environmental, economic and social sustainability)
Brownfields in Baltic States - Lifelong Educational Project CZ/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/134005 Drivers to brownfields reuse National/regional drivers Need to remain competitive Change in society knowledge and values Economic growth Environmental and social pressures Sustainability Local drivers Provide liveable, attractive and equitable urban environment Provide personal and property safety Provide development opportunities Provide employment opportunities Provide environmental safety and diversity Improve tax income
Brownfields in Baltic States - Lifelong Educational Project CZ/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/134005 Way to brownfields solutions Applies to all levels (national, regional, local) Get involved Get informed Create workable partnerships Provide leadership BOTH TOP-DOWN AND BOTTOM-UP APPROACHES ARE NEEDED TO ACHIVE EFECTIVE BROWNFIELDS SOLUTIONS
Brownfields in Baltic States - Lifelong Educational Project CZ/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/134005 Achieving an effective solution Brownfields have strong spatial, economic, social and environmental consequences, therefore their solutions need to be cross-institutional, cross-departmental, cross-professional. To move a subject of such a complexity, it is necessary for it to have a wide public and political support and be one of national, regional and local priorities. Without such an approach, subject may be „nibbled“, but not really addressed and funds and efforts directed into it may be wasted.
Brownfields in Baltic States - Lifelong Educational Project CZ/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/134005 Where to „see“ brownfields? Understanding that there is a problem = problem has first to be realized = it is named, labeled, sized located, before a solution or mitigation can take place. Where should you„see“ brownfields ? in planning documents in strategic documents in special economic analyses in local inventories in regional databanks in operational programs for structural funding other? WHOSE JOB IS IT TO IDENTIFY BROWNFIELDS? WHOSE JOB IS IT TO PRESS FOR SOLUTIONS? WHO SHOULD LEAD THE REUSE PROCESS ?
Brownfields in Baltic States - Lifelong Educational Project CZ/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/134005 How much, how many, what type? (urban land recycling) Comparative data on the amount of the underutilized previously used urban land is limited. Is it known how many brownfields and how much underutilized urban land your country is? What type of brownfield problem country has ? BE AWARE THAT DATA ALONE IS NOT ENOUGH!!! Data only describe the situation, Analyses identify the issues to be addressed, Strategies identify the actions, Implementation deliverers the solutions!
Brownfields in Baltic States - Lifelong Educational Project CZ/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/134005 What can data analyses show ? Quantitative (objective) information based on survey facts Numbers, areas, ownership details, physical relationship to infrastructure Qualitative (subjective) conclusions based on experts´ opinion: –Level of dilapidation and related risks, –Level of development potential and reuse likelihood, –Owners ability to act, –Land consolidation potential, etc. HOWEVER, WHAT ANALYSES DOES NOT SHOW, IS AN INDICATION, HOW MUCH WILL AND MOTIVATION TO AID SOLUTIONS THERE EXIST IN A PARTICULAR COMMUNITY
Brownfields in Baltic States - Lifelong Educational Project CZ/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/134005 „Measuring“ with same meter What needs to be measured and compared? Community development potential Total % of brownfield land Profile of brownfields Their development potential Land use options, etc. …. To know how much, what type, what development potential become especially necessary when considering formulation of local, regional or national policies, priorities, plans and programs or when considering the use of structural funding. WHEN MAKING INVENTORIES THEY SHOULD BE DONE TO THE SAME METHOD, OTHERWISE WE „COMPARE APPLES WITH COAL“.
Brownfields in Baltic States - Lifelong Educational Project CZ/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/134005 Why measure? Q - would an inventory give my brownfield a better chance to find a possible reuse and why? Q - would an inventory make development of my brownfield easier? Q - can an inventory be detrimental for my brownfield? Q - would an inventory give community brownfields a better chance and why? Q - what would an inventory tell the community about their brownfields Q - does an inventory need to be 100% complete or correct? Q - how an inventory enhances community argument?
Brownfields in Baltic States - Lifelong Educational Project CZ/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/134005 Brownfields reuse potential Brownfields reuse is affected by the: Location and Market absorption Development barriers Volume/ Size/ Time Private interests and motivation Promoters experience A bankable/sustainable reuse projects Program or grant availability NOT ALL BROWNFIELDS HAVE THE SAME REUSE POTENTIAL Many brownfields in commercial locations of thriving towns may not present a problem, whereas a single brownfield in a non thriving community may present a serious issue. NOT ALL COMMUNITIES HAVE THE SAME CHANCE FOR REUSE OF THEIR BROWNFIELDS, LARGE % OF BROWNFIELDS IS SUPPERFLUOUS TO MARKET NEEDS brownfields are quite different!!!
Brownfields in Baltic States - Lifelong Educational Project CZ/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/134005 +- What indicates the potential? Type of community (A) Location in community (A,B) High yearly development increment (∑ of all use certificates or construction permits) Positive population growth Low unemployment High number of business operations High tax generation/head of population High number of real estate transaction High community motivation Type of community (B,C) Location in community (B,C) Low yearly development increment Depopulation Aging population Unskilled population High unemployment Low number of business operations Low tax generation/head of population Low number of real estate transaction Low community motivation
Brownfields in Baltic States - Lifelong Educational Project CZ/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/134005 Brownfields reuse options Reclamation: –Demolition –Remediation –Restoration –Change of use –Operation OUTCOME: AS EXISTING Temporary uses: OUTCOME: PROTECTS VALUES UNTIL NEW USE IS FOUND Redevelopment: –Demolition –Remediation –Restoration –Reconstruction –Change of use –Construction –Revitalization –Operation OUTCOME: NEW FACILITY
Brownfields in Baltic States - Lifelong Educational Project CZ/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/134005 The value of stakeholders input Brings in a different point of view Brings in different skills and experiences Brings in users reality Enriches solutions with new ideas Can introduce new uses Represents the community and users interests Improves an overall acceptance of a final solution Helps to market the solution to „their“ section of community BUILDING UP OF A SYNERGY WHERE 1+1= 3
Brownfields in Baltic States - Lifelong Educational Project CZ/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/134005 Which consultants are involved? Brownfields reuse projects are more complex, time consuming and more risky than are a new built ones. Achieving an appropriate site solution usually requires an involvement of variety of consultants. Real estate consultants Environmental and remediation consultants Cost consultants Project managers Design consultants Technical consultants PR consultants Community and employment consultants, etc. BROWNFIELDS REMEDIATION REQURIES SOPHISTICATED MULTIDISCIPLINARY AND MULTICRITERIA SOLUTIONS
Brownfields in Baltic States - Lifelong Educational Project CZ/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/134005 Brownfield land as a sustainability indicator Quality of water, air, agricultural land or biodiversity are used as a sustainable development indicators. Vacant or brownfield land can be an economic and sustainability indicator: Ratio of vacant or brownfield land/ to build up area Ratio of vacant or brownfield land/ to a particular land use Ratio of vacant or brownfield land/ to land designated for greenfield development Ratio of vacant or brownfield land/ to an yearly growth increment Brownfields and sustainable development see
Brownfields in Baltic States - Lifelong Educational Project CZ/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/134005 Cross-professional solutions The team work, creativity and stakeholders participation are essential to success of brownfields projects. Cross- professional working and sharing of experiences, which is so necessary for brownfields redevelopment also brings benefits to development of individual professional understanding as well as to the projects and makes them: Novel, Exiting, Equitable, Usable, Buildable, Financeable IT ALSO BRINGS THE CROSS-FERTILARIZATION OF IDEAS AND DEVELOPMENT OF CROSS-PROFESSIONAL UNDERSTANDING AND DEVELOPS SECOND PROFESSION SKILLS
Brownfields in Baltic States - Lifelong Educational Project CZ/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/134005 Conclusion Brownfields are not industrial but a land use, planning and real estate issue, which affects the whole society. To address brownfields reuse effectively, a large amount of new know-how is needed to be directed to all the stakeholders. This know-how needs to be up to date, reflecting the country systems and local level of practice. Data and mainly analyses are needed to evaluate the issue on local, regional and national scale. Majority brownfields will be remediated by private capital. Not all brownfields can be developed or reused.
Brownfields in Baltic States - Lifelong Educational Project CZ/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/134005 Thank you for your attention „This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.“ Jiřina Bergatt Jackson IURS – Institut pro udržitelný rozvoj sídel o.s. Tel +420 602 370 176,,
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