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Reptiles and Birds Chapter 31 Biology Auburn High School Pgs. 840 – 863.

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Presentation on theme: "Reptiles and Birds Chapter 31 Biology Auburn High School Pgs. 840 – 863."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reptiles and Birds Chapter 31 Biology Auburn High School Pgs. 840 – 863

2 31.1: Reptiles p. 841 – 849

3 Characteristics of Reptiles Class Reptilia Means – to creep First animals to adapt to land Have dry scaly skin w/ claws Have lungs Legs at right angles from body Provides greater support and make walking and running on land easier Most have 3 chambered heart; some have 4 chambered heart (crocodilians)

4 Characteristics of Reptiles Ectotherms (cold blooded) Most are herbivores but some are carnivores Internal fertilization (sexually) Lay eggs on land (amniotic eggs) Provides nourishment and protection to developing embryo Use sense organs to detect prey or ID chemicals

5 Characteristics of Reptiles 4 orders Squamata (snakes and lizards) Lizards live on the ground, burrows, trees or water Snakes - have no limbs; kill prey by constriction or venom and swallowing whole Chelonia (turtles) Protected by a 2-part shell Some are aquatic, others are terrestrial No teeth but powerful jaws w/ beak-like structure Most are herbivores

6 Characteristics of Reptiles 4 orders (continued) Crocodilia (crocodiles and alligators) Crocodiles have long slender snouts Alligators have short broad shouts Fresh and salt water 4 chambered heart Rhynchocephalia (tuatara) Only survivor of primitive group of reptiles

7 31.2: Birds Pgs. 852 – 859

8 Characteristics of Birds Class Aves Feathers, wings and thin hollow bones which allow for flight Keel shaped sternum 4 chambered heart Respiratory systems consist of: lungs, anterior and posterior air sacs Endotherms (warm blooded) Able to regulate their internal body temperature

9 Characteristics of Birds Internal fertilization (sexual) Amniotic eggs w/ hard shell Incubate their eggs (keep at a consistent temperature) Adaptations of birds Feathered legs and feet of ptarmigans Modified wings and feet of penguins Large eyes, acute sense of hearing and sharp claws of owls Long beaks of hummingbirds

10 Pictures of Birds

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