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Solution Concentration. Review  A solution is a homogeneous mixture.  The solvent is the major component of the solution.  The solute is the minor.

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Presentation on theme: "Solution Concentration. Review  A solution is a homogeneous mixture.  The solvent is the major component of the solution.  The solute is the minor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solution Concentration

2 Review  A solution is a homogeneous mixture.  The solvent is the major component of the solution.  The solute is the minor component and active ingredient.  A saturated solution holds the maximum amount of solute that is theoretically possible for a given temperature.

3 How would you describe this picture?

4 Solution Concentration  Is one glass of tea stronger than the other? –What’s true about the “stronger” glass of tea? –How much tea does it have in it compared to the other glass?

5 Solution Concentration  Concentration – a ratio comparing the amount of solute to the amount of solution.  Many ways of expressing concentration: –% by weight (% w/w) –% by volume (% v/v) –parts per million (ppm) or parts per billion (ppb) for very low concentrations –molality (m) –Molarity (M)

6 Concentrated vs. Dilute  The words “concentrated” and “dilute” are opposites.  EX: The dark tea is more concentrated than the light tea.  EX: The light tea is more dilute than the dark tea.

7 Concentrated vs. Dilute Concentrated solution Dilute solution = solute particles

8 Percent by Weight  % by weight (% w/w)  What is the % w/w of a solution if 3.00 grams of NaCl are dissolved in 17.00 g of water? –mass of solute = 3.00 g –mass of solution = 3.00 g + 17.00 g = 20.00 g –(3.00 g / 20.00 g) x 100% = 15.0% w/w

9 Percent by Volume  % by volume (% v/v)  What is the % v/v of a solution if 20.0 mL of alcohol are dissolved in 50.0 mL of solution? –volume of solute = 20.0 mL –volume of solution = 50.0 mL –(20.0 mL / 50.0 mL) x 100% = 40.0%

10 Molarity  Molarity (M) –UNITS: mol/L or Molar (M) –Example: 0.500 mol/L = 0.500 M

11 Molarity  What is the Molar concentration of a sol’n if 20.0 grams of KNO 3 (MM = 101.11 g/mol) is dissolved in enough water to make 800. mL? –Convert g of KNO 3 to mol of KNO 3 –Convert mL to L

12 Molarity  What is the Molar concentration of a sol’n if 0.198 mol KNO 3 is dissolved in enough water to make 0.800 L?

13 Molarity  What is the Molar concentration of a sol’n if 10.5 grams of glucose (MM = 180.18 g/mol) is dissolved in enough water to make 20.0 mL of sol’n? –Convert g of glucose to mol of glucose. –Convert mL to L.

14 Molarity  What is the Molar concentration of a sol’n if 0.0583 mol of glucose is dissolved in enough water to make 0.0200 L of sol’n?

15 Calculating Grams  How many grams of KI (MM = 166.00 g/mol) are needed to prepare 25.0 mL of a 0.750 M solution? –Convert mL to L. –Solve for moles. –moles of KI = 0.750 M x 0.0250 L = 0.0188 mol KI

16 Calculating Grams  How many grams of KI (MM = 166.00 g/mol) are needed to prepare 25.0 mL of a 0.750 M solution? –Convert 0.0188 mol KI to grams.

17 Calculating Grams  How many grams of HNO 3 (MM = 63.02 g/mol) are present in 50.0 mL of a 1.50 M sol’n? –Convert mL to L. 50.0 mL = 0.0500 L –Solve for moles: moles = (1.50 M)(0.0500 L) = 0.0750 mol HNO 3 –Convert 0.0750 mol HNO 3 to grams: 0.0750 mol HNO 3 = 4.73 g HNO 3

18 Dilution  Dilute (verb) - to add solvent to a solution. –Decreases sol'n concentration. –M 1 V 1 = M 2 V 2 M 1 = initial conc. V 1 = initial volume M 2 = final conc. V 2 = final volume –Assumes no solute is added.

19 Dilution Stock Solution Impractically High Concentration Usable Solution Add H 2 O Question for Consideration: Why do you think chemical supply companies typically sell acids (and other solutions) in extremely high concentrations when it would be safer to ship more dilute solutions?

20 Dilution  To what volume should 40.0 mL of 18 M H 2 SO 4 be diluted if a concentration of 3.0 M is desired? –What do we want to know? V 2 –What do we already know? M 1 = 18 M V 1 = 40.0 mL M 2 = 3.0 M –(18 M)(40.0 mL) = (3.0 M)V 2 –720 M*mL = (3.0 M)V 2 –V 2 = 240 mL

21 Dilution  You are asked to prepare 500. mL of 0.250 M HCl, starting with a 12.0 Molar stock sol'n. How much stock should you use? –What do we want to know? V 1 –What do we already know? M 1 = 12.0 M M 2 = 0.250 M V 2 = 500. mL –(12.0 M) V 1 = (0.250 M)(500. mL)‏ –(12.0 M) V 1 = 125 M*mL –V 1 = 10.4 mL

22  To how much water should you add 20.0 mL of 5.00 M HNO 3 to dilute it to 1.00 M? –What do we want to know? How much water to add. (V 2 - V 1 )‏ –What do we already know? M 1 = 5.00 M V 1 = 20.0 mL M 2 = 1.00 M –(5.00 M)(20.0 mL) = (1.00 M) V 2 –100. M*mL = (1.00 M) V 2 –V 2 = 100. mL –Water added = 100. mL - 20.0 mL = 80. mL Dilution

23 Colligative Properties  Colligative properties are properties of solutions that are affected by the number of particles but not the identity of the solute

24 Boiling Point Elevation: A Colligative Property  Boiling point elevation is the temperature difference between a solution and pure solvent  The value of the boiling point elevation is directly proportional to molality, meaning the greater the number of solute particles, the greater the elevation

25 Freezing Point Depression: A Colligative Property  Freezing point depression is the difference in temperature between a solution and a pure solvent  The value of freezing point depression is directly proportional to molality, meaning the greater the number of solute particles

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