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Chapter 5 Organic Macromolecules. Polymerization is… –the forming of large organic compounds (polymers) by the joining of smaller repeating units called.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 5 Organic Macromolecules. Polymerization is… –the forming of large organic compounds (polymers) by the joining of smaller repeating units called."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 5 Organic Macromolecules

2 Polymerization is… –the forming of large organic compounds (polymers) by the joining of smaller repeating units called monomers M M M

3 How does polymerization occur? By Dehydration Synthesis: the removal of a water molecule to form a new bond. HO H H2OH2O H H Short PolymerMonomer Dehydration removes a water molecule forming a new bond 123 1234

4 How are polymers broken? HO H H2OH2O H H Short Polymer Monomer Hydrolysis adds a water molecule to break a bond 123 123 4 by hydrolysis - literally, “Water Splitting” Add water to break bonds

5 4 Types of Organic Polymers 1)Carbohydrates 2)Lipids 3)Proteins 4)Nucleic Acids

6 Carbohydrates Formula (CH 2 O) n 2:1 ratio of H:O Carbonyl Groups Ring form in (aq) solution Important Energy Source Cellular Structures Monomer: –Monosaccharides Polymers: –Disaccharides –Polysaccharides

7 Monosaccharides Monosaccharides (simple sugars) –Contain 3-7 Carbons each Examples: Glucose, Galactose, Fructose Glucose

8 Disaccharides Disaccharides (two sugars) – joined by dehydration synthesis Examples: Sucrose, Maltose, Lactose –Maltose = Glucose + Glucose –Lactose = Glucose + Galactose Sucrose GlucoseFructose

9 Polysaccharides Polysaccharides (many sugars, usually thousands) Examples: Starch, Glycogen, Cellulose StarchCellulose ChloroplastStarch Glycogen Liver Cell Plant Cells Cellulose

10 Starch and Cellulose Structures (Plant Polysaccharides) ά – linkages (cis- formation) are easily hydrolyzed, while β - linkages (trans-formation)are not

11 Glycogen and Chitin (Animals Polysaccharide) Glycogen = glucose polymer –Stored in liver/muscle Chitin = structural polymer in exoskeletons

12 Lipids Elements: C, H, O with H:O ratio > 2:1 Hydrophobic Lipids function in: –Energy (E) storage, –forming cell membranes, –and as chemical messengers (ex. hormones) Monomers: glycerol, fatty acids, sometimes phosphate groups Polymers: –Fats (triglycerides) –Phospholipids –Steroids

13 Triglycerides Fats (Triglycerides) –G–Glycerol + 3 Fatty Acids –S–Saturated = No Double Bonds (solid) –U–Unsaturated = Double Bonds (liquid) OH Ester Bonds

14 Phospholipids Phospholipids –G–Glycerol with Phosphate Head + 2 Fatty Acid Chains –A–Amphiphilic (“Both” “lover”) Hydrophilic head Hydrophobic tail –F–Forms 2 layers in water –M–Makes up cell membranes Phosphate Glycerol Fatty Acids

15 Steroids OH O Testosterone HO O Estrogen AKA Sterols –L–Lipids whose Carbon Skeleton consists of 4 fused rings –I–Includes: Hormones Cholesterol Cortisol –M–Makes up cell membranes HO OH O O

16 Proteins (Polypeptides) Polymers of AA – 20 AA, all varied in their “R” groups – 9 essential AA can not be made by the body 50% of dry weight of organisms Varied fcns: enzymatic, structural, hormonal, transport, storage, mvmt, defense, etc. Protein function unique with 3-D shape

17 Proteins Protein monomers are called amino acids –Peptide Bond: Bond between 2 Amino Acids: H2OH2OH2OH2O Side Chains Backbone R Group = Amino end Carboxyl end

18 Protein Structure Primary Secondary Tertiary Quarternary Polypeptides fold and twist to form a specific shape to create a functional protein

19 Primary Structure AA sequence

20 Secondary Structure AA H-bonded at backbone (no interaction btwn side chains) α – Helix β - Pleated Sheats

21 Tertiary Structure More Complex Folding Interactions btwn side chains –H bonds –Ionic Bonding (+/-) –Hydrophobic Interactions –Disulfide Bridges

22 Quarternary Structure 2 or more polypeptide chains assemble Ex. Hemoglobin (4 polypeptide chains)

23 Functional Proteins Hi sweeties, Do you remember me? In addition to what you know. I am a substrate. I am an enzyme. I am going to try to convert you. I am now a product. I am a glucose now. I am a product, too. I am a fructose now. I am completely unchanged, and ready for some more sucrose! I am the active site. The substrate binds to me. The twisting and folding into tertiary or quarternary structures creates active sites with a specific shape that fits specific substrates that are responsible for catalyzing reactions

24 Factors That Affect Protein Formation pH Salinity Temperature (ex. Boiled egg) Denaturization = unraveling of protein  loss of shape and function Renaturization can occur, but not always

25 Nucleic Acids –Informational Polymers: Code for all of the proteins in an organism –Monomers: Nucleotides Phosphate Group Pentose 5-C Sugar –Ribose or deoxyribose Nitrogenous base –Purines (A, G) –Pyrimidines (T, C, U)

26 Nucleic Acids Polymers –DNA –RNA (tRNA, mRNA, rRNA) DNA directs RNA synthesis RNA directs protein synthesis

27 Base Pairing Rules DNA Base Pair Rules C = G A = T RNA Base Pair Rules C = G A = U

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