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IPA: an overview The Instrument for Pre–accession Assistance

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1 IPA: an overview The Instrument for Pre–accession Assistance
Mr. Giannantonio Ballette Acting Head of Unit ELARG.D.1 Financial Instruments 1

2 The Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance
An integrated pre-accession instrument to assist candidate (Croatia, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey) and potential candidate countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo under UNSCR 1244) Replaces Phare, ISPA, SAPARD and Turkey pre-accession instruments, as well as CARDS Financial envelope (2007–13): 11.5 billion € (current prices) Worshop on "IPA: Its contribution to Civil Society Development", Brussels 18 April 2008

3 IPA Regulatory framework
= Council Framework Regulation No 1085/2006 of 17 July (OJ L 210 of 31 July 2006) + Commission Implementing Regulation No 718/2007 of 12 June 2007 (OJ L 170 of 29 June 2007) Worshop on "IPA: Its contribution to Civil Society Development", Brussels 18 April 2008

4 Structure of IPA: 5 components
One framework, a differentiated approach All countries: Transition Assistance and Institution Building Cross-Border Co-operation In addition, for Candidate countries: Regional Development Human Resources Development Rural Development Worshop on "IPA: Its contribution to Civil Society Development", Brussels 18 April 2008

5 A 3-level implementation framework: flowchart
1. ENLARGEMENT PACKAGE, including Multi-annual Indicative Financial Framework (MIFF) by country and by component Worshop on "IPA: Its contribution to Civil Society Development", Brussels 18 April 2008

6 A 3-level implementation framework: flowchart
1. ENLARGEMENT PACKAGE, including Multi-annual Indicative Financial Framework (MIFF) by country and by component 2. Multi-annual Indicative Planning Document (MIPD) by country for all relevant components Comp I Comp II Comp III Comp IV Comp V Worshop on "IPA: Its contribution to Civil Society Development", Brussels 18 April 2008

7 A 3-level implementation framework: flowchart
1. ENLARGEMENT PACKAGE, including Multi-annual Indicative Financial Framework (MIFF) by country and by component 2. Multi-annual Indicative Planning Document (MIPD) by country for all relevant components Comp I Comp II Comp III Comp IV Comp V 3. National or Regional Programmes CBC Programme Operational programmes/ Large projects Operational programme Rural Development programme Worshop on "IPA: Its contribution to Civil Society Development", Brussels 18 April 2008

8 Multi-annual Indicative Financial Framework (2009-11)
In € million, current prices Country 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Croatia 141.2 146.0 151.2 154.2 157.2 749.8 Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 58.5 70.2 81.8 92.3 98.7 401.5 Turkey 497.2 538.7 566.4 653.7 781.9 3037.9 Albania 61.0 70.7 81.2 93.2 95.0 401.1 Bosnia & Herzegovina 62.1 74.8 89.1 106.0 108.1 440.1 Montenegro 31.4 32.6 33.3 34.0 34.7 166.0 Serbia 189.7 190.9 194.8 198.7 202.7 976.8 Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244) 68.3 124.7 66.1 67.3 68.7 395.1 Multi-beneficiary 109.0 140.7 160.0 157.7 160.8 728.2 1218.4 1389.3 1423.9 1557.1 1707.8 7296.5 Worshop on "IPA: Its contribution to Civil Society Development", Brussels 18 April 2008

9 Implementation principles
Increased ownership by and responsibility of the beneficiary country As a consequence, decentralised management shall apply wherever possible … … with the ultimate objective of decentralised management without ex–ante control by the Commission Worshop on "IPA: Its contribution to Civil Society Development", Brussels 18 April 2008

10 Clear requirements for decentralised management
In terms of: Structures and authorities to be put in place by the beneficiary countries Accreditation criteria Accreditation process and conferral of management powers by the Commission on the beneficiary country Monitoring of the accreditation Worshop on "IPA: Its contribution to Civil Society Development", Brussels 18 April 2008

11 Scope of the TAIB component:
Component I Scope of the TAIB component: Strengthening of democratic institutions Development of civil society Promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms Enhance administrative and judicial capacity Economic reform Reconciliation and reconstruction Economic and social development (in particular in potential candidates) Copenhagen criteria (1993) Political criteria: Stable democratic institutions Economic criteria: Functioning market economy Capacity to cope with competitive forces in EU Transposition of EU laws and standards (“acquis communautaire”) Tools for the TAIB component: Administrative cooperation measures /Twinning Technical assistance Investments in regulatory infrastructures Grant schemes Project preparation facilities (court building, laboratory, …) Participation in Community programmes and Agencies Investments (economic and social development) (potential candidate countries) Worshop on "IPA: Its contribution to Civil Society Development", Brussels 18 April 2008

12 Component I (TAIB) Programming (1)
Annual National Programmes: Prepared by national authorities Approved by the Commission Implemented (tendering & contracting): decentralised management (currently in Croatia and Turkey, soon in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia): by national authorities centralised management (remaining countries): by the EC Delegations Worshop on "IPA: Its contribution to Civil Society Development", Brussels 18 April 2008

13 Component I (TAIB) Programming (2)
Annual Regional/Horizontal Programmes: Prepared by the Commission (in consultation with beneficiary countries) Implemented (tendering & contracting): Centralised management: by the Commission (HQ) Joint Management: by the Commission together with IFIs Democracy and rule of law: Public administration Judicial system Human right and protection of minorities Minority rights Regional cooperation Regional school of Public administration Trade Justice, freedom and security Disaster risk reduction Civil society Development and Dialogue Functioning Market economy Private sector, energy efficiency, infrastructure (with IFIs) Capacity to cope with competitive pressure and market forces Human capita: education, youth, research Ability to assume the obligation of Membership Free movements of goods (standards) Intellectual and industrial property Food safety, veterinary and phytosanitary policy Transport policy Custom and taxation Statistics Environment Nuclear safety Worshop on "IPA: Its contribution to Civil Society Development", Brussels 18 April 2008

14 Scope of the CBC component:
Component II (CBC) Scope of the CBC component: Promote sustainable economic and social development in the border areas Address common challenges in environment, public health and the prevention of and fight against organised crime Ensure efficient and secure borders Promote local "people to people" type actions Copenhagen criteria (1993) Political criteria: Stable democratic institutions Economic criteria: Functioning market economy Capacity to cope with competitive forces in EU Transposition of EU laws and standards (“acquis communautaire”) Worshop on "IPA: Its contribution to Civil Society Development", Brussels 18 April 2008

15 Component II (CBC) Programming
Multi-annual cross-border programmes Jointly prepared by national authorities Approved by the Commission Implementation (tendering & contracting): EU Member States (shared management) for CBC at EU borders (eg. HR–SI) National authorities (decentralised management) or EC Delegations (centralised management) for CBC between Western Balkan countries (eg. HR–BiH) Copenhagen criteria (1993) Political criteria: Stable democratic institutions Economic criteria: Functioning market economy Capacity to cope with competitive forces in EU Transposition of EU laws and standards (“acquis communautaire”) Worshop on "IPA: Its contribution to Civil Society Development", Brussels 18 April 2008

16 Components III, IV and V (Candidate countries)
Components III and IV: Precursor of the Structural (ERDF, ESF) and Cohesion funds Component V: Precursor of the Agriculture and Rural Development funds Regional Development Transport Environment Regional competitiveness Scope of Human Resources Development comp IV: Increase adaptability of workers and enterprises Enhance access to employment, preventing unemployment Reinforce social inclusion of people at disatvantage combat all forms of discrimination in the labour market Promote partnerships and networking in the fields of employment and social inclusion Expand and improve investment in human capital Strengthening institutional capacity and the efficiency of public administrations and public services Scope of Rural Development comp. V: Contribute to the implementation of the acquis communautaire concerning the Common Agricultural Policy Contribute to the sustainable adaptation of the agricultural sector and rural areas in the candidate country Worshop on "IPA: Its contribution to Civil Society Development", Brussels 18 April 2008

17 Components III, IV and V Programming
Candidate countries only Multi–annual operational programmes: Prepared by national authorities Approved by the Commission Implementation (tendering & contracting): National authorities (decentralised management required) Copenhagen criteria (1993) Political criteria: Stable democratic institutions Economic criteria: Functioning market economy Capacity to cope with competitive forces in EU Transposition of EU laws and standards (“acquis communautaire”) Worshop on "IPA: Its contribution to Civil Society Development", Brussels 18 April 2008

18 DG Enlargement, financial assistance:
Useful links DG Enlargement, financial assistance: EC Delegations: Copenhagen criteria (1993) Political criteria: Stable democratic institutions Economic criteria: Functioning market economy Capacity to cope with competitive forces in EU Transposition of EU laws and standards (“acquis communautaire”) Worshop on "IPA: Its contribution to Civil Society Development", Brussels 18 April 2008

19 The Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance
Thank you for your attention Copenhagen criteria (1993) Political criteria: Stable democratic institutions Economic criteria: Functioning market economy Capacity to cope with competitive forces in EU Transposition of EU laws and standards (“acquis communautaire”) Worshop on "IPA: Its contribution to Civil Society Development", Brussels 18 April 2008

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