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Developing subject knowledge Friday 27 th September 2013.

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1 Developing subject knowledge Friday 27 th September 2013

2 What counts as subject knowledge? Subject knowledge vs pedagogic content knowledge What’s the difference? PCK first described by Shulman (1986)

3 PCK “The transformation of subject matter for teaching (Shulman, 1986) occurs as the teacher critically reflects on and interprets the subject matter; finds multiple ways to represent the information as analogies, metaphors, examples, problems, demonstrations, and classroom activities; adapts the material to students’ abilities, gender, prior knowledge, and preconceptions(those pre-instructional informal, or nontraditional ideas students bring to the learning setting); and finally tailors the material to those specific students to whom the information will be taught” Cochran, DeRuiter, and King (1993: 264) Cochran, K. F., DeRuiter, J. A., & King, R. A. (1993) Pedagogical content knowledge: An integrative model for teacher preparation. Journal of Teacher Education 44/4: 263-271. Shulman, L. S. (1986). Those who understand: Knowledge growth in teaching. Educational Researcher 15-2: 4-31.

4 Ways to develop MFL subject knowledge Subject institutions (Institut français etc.) Special events (e.g. ISMLA German Day 16 th Nov) Professional associations: join ALL Reading (whatever interests you …) Film / TV / Current affairs Networking (see Twitter, Facebook and blogs suggestions) Further study (evening classes, an MA or informal study) Peer support (German group / intercambios / talk to the FLA) Trips / holidays (NB Comenius funded language courses, see Anything that nurtures your passion for languages. Can you think of anything else ?

5 Subject knowledge audit (SKA) The four skills Knowledge of grammar / linguistic structures Cultural knowledge Please circle the statements from 5 (least confident) to 1 (most confident). Today is Date 1. We will ask you to revisit this at different dates throughout the year. Keep it in the back of your PDP

6 Peer support Teaching each other using a resource, with some cultural significance for that language.

7 Language-specific issues List three aspects for each of your two languages which learners may find particularly difficult. These may relate to phonology, grammar or vocabulary, or a combination of these. (How could these be addressed in class?)

8 Erasmus A special feature of the King’s PGCE. A unique opportunity! You do a third teaching practice abroad (equivalent number of lessons in school) Improve your proficiency in your minor language Broaden your knowledge and awareness of target culture and different education systems

9 Five partner institutions Austria – Linz Pädagogische Hochschule France – Paris IV (Sorbonne)-IUFM de Paris Germany – Universität Bielefeld Spain– Universitat de Barcelona – Universidad Complutense de Madrid

10 Arrangements Accommodation arrangements depend on local context There is a travel grant (previous Erasmus participants not eligible but can still participate unfunded) You must hold an EU passport You must be progressing satisfactorily on the PGCE Expression of interest is firm but not binding (numbers are limited!) You do an extra assignment to write up your experience (fuller details will follow)

11 If interested … Provide the following details: KCL student id no Name Desired location Date of birth Age Nationality

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