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A new lexical module for NooJ Max Silberztein LASELDI, Université de Franche Comté.

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Presentation on theme: "A new lexical module for NooJ Max Silberztein LASELDI, Université de Franche Comté."— Presentation transcript:

1 A new lexical module for NooJ Max Silberztein LASELDI, Université de Franche Comté

2 DELA & INTEX DELAS aider,V3+tr  automatic construction of a DELAF : aiderions,aider.V3+tr:C1p DELAC: a few tools but no full support  manual construction of a DELACF : cousine germaine,cousin germin.N+NA+Hum:fs DELAV: no support except in DELAFs Lexicon Grammar tables: (very!) frozen expressions / no support for simple words

3 In NooJ No more DELAFs No more DELACFs DELAS, DELAC & DELAV are merged: aider,V+tr+FLX=Aimer cousin germain,N+NA+Hum+FLX=CousinGermain czar,tsar,N+Hum+FLX=Crayon Lexicon-Grammar tables are supported

4 NooJ dictionary

5 Dictionary file format no more « : » : inflectional information is no longer limited to one character: +Present +PP +3rd +sing +fem Inflectional information is separated from category : no more A31 vs N31: ami,N+FLX=Cousin vert,A+FLX=Cousin no more alphabet file (corrected Unicode) ; sorting is performed according to language & culture information.

6 Special properties +FLX=Aimer (inflectional paradigm) +NW (Non Word) ha,V+NW+FLX=Have +UNAMB (UNAMBiguous) cousin germain,N+UNAMB

7 Inflectional description (flx)

8 Inflectional desc. for compounds

9 Inflectional grammars (nof)

10 Table view & Lexicon-Grammars no more meta-graphs => only one type of syntactic grammars: LG lexical information can be used, e.g.:, etc. information has a type: features become values of properties: –either explicitly: +FLX=Aimer+Tense=Present+Pers=3+Number=sing –or implicitly, thanks to a properties’ definition file: +Present+3+sing

11 Properties’ definition files

12 Table view & lexicon-grammars

13 Perspectives a new property, e.g.: +DRV=Iser ? france => franciser, refranciserons, défranciseable... generate inflected forms during analyses, e.g.: $V_PP $N_Iser_PR+3+s $V_Ation+p lexicon grammars for non-contiguous expressions

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