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Communication and data transfer between partner institutions within international mobility activities using e procedures Manuel Dietz, Managing Partner.

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Presentation on theme: "Communication and data transfer between partner institutions within international mobility activities using e procedures Manuel Dietz, Managing Partner."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communication and data transfer between partner institutions within international mobility activities using e procedures Manuel Dietz, Managing Partner

2 Page 2 / 24 Workshop Rome November 9th 2007 Content 3 The moveonnet workgroup 4 Managing international mobility with partner institutions 5Summary of experiences 1 unisolution 2 International relations management with moveon and moveonnet

3 Page 3 / 24 Workshop Rome November 9th 2007 unisolution – Higher Education Worldwide unisolution … … offers software solutions and services for Institutions of Higher Education with a special focus on the Internationalisation of Higher Education. … was founded in 2001 as spin-off of the Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany) … management software is used by 300 institutions in 13 European countries … portals are actively used by around 1.000 HEI worldwide

4 Page 4 / 24 Workshop Rome November 9th 2007 IT Projects Consulting Individual Portal Solutions Higher Ed. Worldwide Recruitment & Admissions International Relations PORTALSSERVICESSOFTWARE unisolution – Business Areas

5 Page 5 / 24 Workshop Rome November 9th 2007 unisolution – Customer References

6 Page 6 / 24 Workshop Rome November 9th 2007 Content 3 The moveonnet workgroup 4 Managing international mobility with partner institutions 5Summary of experiences 1 unisolution 2 International relations management with moveon and moveonnet

7 Page 7 / 24 Workshop Rome November 9th 2007 Processes in International Relations Management

8 Page 8 / 24 Workshop Rome November 9th 2007 Data Exchange Processes in international mobility own system Home institution Partner Institution agreements, nomination, application, learning agreement, transcript of records or

9 Page 9 / 24 Workshop Rome November 9th 2007 What are the e procedures The electronic procedures - simplify the exchange of information among International Office electronic nomination of exchange students electronic edition of exchange agreements electronic exchange of curriculum data for students The e procedures have been defined within the moveonnet workgroup initiated in 2006/07, continued in 2007/08

10 Page 10 / 24 Workshop Rome November 9th 2007 Content 3 The moveonnet workgroup 4 Managing international mobility with partner institutions 5Summary of experiences 1 unisolution 2 International relations management with moveon and moveonnet

11 Page 11 / 24 Workshop Rome November 9th 2007 The moveonnet workgroup The moveonnet workgroup 2007 -Further develop the electronic procedures for simplifying the communication between partner institutions in regards to international mobility (e agreements and e transcripts) -Participants include approx. 20 major institutions from across Europe e.g.: Universität Hannover, Université Toulouse 1, University of Bristol, Universidad a Coruna Further details:

12 Page 12 / 24 Workshop Rome November 9th 2007 The moveonnet work group – Participants 2007/08 France - Université de Bourgogne - Dijon France - Université de la Réunion France - Université de Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV) France - Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 France - Université Toulouse 1 Sciences Sociales Germany - Otto-Von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg Germany - Universität Trier Germany - Carl Von Ossietzky-Universität Oldenburg Germany - Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) Great Britain - University of Dundee Netherlands - Universiteit Maastricht Romania - Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara Spain - Universidad de Almería Spain - Universidad de Sevilla Spain - Universitat de Girona Spain - Universidad de a Coruña Spain - Universitat Politécnica de Cataluña Sweden - Mälardalens Högskola Turkey - Abant Izzet Baysal Universitesi

13 Page 13 / 24 Workshop Rome November 9th 2007 Content 3 The moveonnet workgroup 4 Managing international mobility with partner institutions 5Summary of experiences 1 unisolution 2 International relations management with moveon and moveonnet

14 Page 14 / 24 Workshop Rome November 9th 2007 e nomination The standard electronic procedure for the nomination of exchange students the procedure automates and secures the nomination of exchange students between partner institutions the communication between institutions and with the students is completely automated and uses email templates. it can be used by all institutions within or outside Europe and for all incoming and outgoing students independent of the exchange programmes students are automatically informed by email about each stage of the nomination.

15 Page 15 / 24 Workshop Rome November 9th 2007 e nomination | 4 steps Nomination is sent to host institution, student is notified Acceptance/refusal is sent to home institution and the student Aknowledgement of receipt of nomination is sent to home institution and the student Student sends application to host institution Actions during the whole process: cancellation, correction of personal data, sending of messages

16 Page 16 / 24 Workshop Rome November 9th 2007 e nomination | Nomination email to partner Subject: e-Nomination | Universität Berlin | nomination of exchange student(s) Dear John Smith, We would like to nominate the following student(s) for exchange studies at your institution: Home institution: Germany – Universität Berlin Host institution: United Kingdom - University of London Surname, first name: MEIER, Bettina Sex: Female Date of birth: 11/04/1988 Field of study: 08.3 - History Study level: U - Undergraduate Exchange period: SS08-WS08/09 (2 Semesters / 10 Months) Email: Our institution is using e-Nomination for processing the nomination of exchange students. Please follow the link below to acknowledge the receipt of the nomination and for all other tasks regarding nominated students (e.g. information about application, acceptance, refusal, etc.). If you have any remarks or questions concerning a student, please use the function also available on this site to contact us instead of replying to this email. Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, Laura Fischer Universität Berlin

17 Page 17 / 24 Workshop Rome November 9th 2007 e nomination | The procedure in moveonnet Subject: e-Nomination | Universität Berlin | nomination of exchange student(s) Dear John Smith, We would like to nominate the following student(s) for exchange studies at your institution: Home institution: Germany – Universität Berlin Host institution: United Kingdom - University of London Surname, first name: MEIER, Bettina Sex: Female Date of birth: 11/04/1988 Field of study: 08.3 - History Study level: U - Undergraduate Exchange period: SS08-WS08/09 (2 Semesters / 10 Months) Email: Our institution is using e-Nomination for processing the nomination of exchange students. Please follow the link below to acknowledge the receipt of the nomination and for all other tasks regarding nominated students (e.g. information about application, acceptance, refusal, etc.). If you have any remarks or questions concerning a student, please use the function also available on this site to contact us instead of replying to this email. Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, Laura Fischer Universität Berlin

18 Page 18 / 24 Workshop Rome November 9th 2007 e agreements The standard electronic procedure for the edition of exchange agreements e agreements automates and secures the negotiation or renewal of bilateral agreements and enables to print the agreements with one single click During the whole process the communication between institutions is completely automated and uses email templates. Both partner can at any time get an up-to-date overview list of all agreements and track the status of each agreement All information regarding agreements are exchanged electronically and can be imported from or to other systems without manual data entry The procedure can be used by all institutions Availability: End of 2007

19 Page 19 / 24 Workshop Rome November 9th 2007 e agreements | prototype in moveonnet

20 Page 20 / 24 Workshop Rome November 9th 2007 e transcripts The standard electronic procedure for the exchange of curriculum data of exchange students Aim: A common online procedures for managing all communication between partner institutions regarding the courses followed by exchange students and the grades achieved, from the first draft of the learning agreements by the student to the final transmission of the transcripts of records to the home institution. Advantages: automates and secures the workflow between partner institutions guarantees the authenticity and completeness of the transcripts of records reduces unnecessary paperwork prevents repeated data entry Development: 2007/08

21 Page 21 / 24 Workshop Rome November 9th 2007 Content 3 The moveonnet workgroup 4 Managing international mobility with partner institutions 5Summary of experiences 1 unisolution 2 International relations management with moveon and moveonnet

22 Page 22 / 24 Workshop Rome November 9th 2007 Summary of experiences of the e procedures project What challenges are we facing? - all countries have their own specific rules and organisational structure - standard formats or procedures at a European level are missing -student management systems are not typically conceived to manage international mobility AND - even good solutions take time and effort to be diffused!!

23 Page 23 / 24 Workshop Rome November 9th 2007 Summary of experiences of the e procedures project and what results are we achieving ? A seamless management of international mobility: -All processes for the international office integrated in a usable and efficient manner -Information management within the institution optimised -Quality of information exchange with partner institutions improved... resulting in the improvement of quality of service for students


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