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This project is financed by the European Union 1 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium TRAINER’s STYLE AND TECHNIQUES (2)

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Presentation on theme: "This project is financed by the European Union 1 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium TRAINER’s STYLE AND TECHNIQUES (2)"— Presentation transcript:

1 This project is financed by the European Union 1 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium TRAINER’s STYLE AND TECHNIQUES (2) By Senior Sort Term International Expert: Kyriakos DIMITRIOU Place: UCCI Tashkent Training Centre Ташкент - July 4, 2014 Training of Trainers

2 This project is financed by the European Union 2 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium Interactive Interactive is mutually or reciprocally active - involving the actions or input of a user (the British online encyclopaedia)  Interactive learning is a more hands-on/ two parts/ real-world process of relaying information in a training room. The opposite is passive learning Usually interactivity in learning is combined with all the techniques we mentioned already plus the use of computers.

3 This project is financed by the European Union 3 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium on the job training (OJT) Interactivity is combined also with training techniques for virtual learning environments, online and hybrid courses and on the job training that is Employee training at the place of work while he or she is doing the actual job. Usually a professional trainer (or sometimes an experienced employee) serves as the course instructor using hands-on training often supported by formal classroom training ( job-training-OJT.html )

4 This project is financed by the European Union 4 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium Training requirements Many standards promulgated by the related authorities in European and other countries (ie Ministries of Labor in E.U, OSHA - USA) require the employer to train employees in various periods (entry stage, fixed periodically continuous training, special on demand training etc). This is based on the assumption that even certified employees need to be trained according …

5 This project is financed by the European Union 5 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium Training requirements take into account Employers demands Safety Assurance Quality Assurance

6 This project is financed by the European Union 6 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium Purpose of Selecting Training Methods Training methods serve two purposes: 1) They provide a means for the learner to learn the specific training content that is compiled for the training. 2) They keep the learner interested and involved in the training so learning is enhanced. Taking into account TNA a variety of training methods is available. First it is necessary to realize that different methods are best for providing different learning experiences for ▪Acquiring skills ▪Forming attitudes ▪Enhancing knowledge

7 This project is financed by the European Union 7 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium engagement As we already know adults may face difficulties in participating in training activities or in learning. Some of these difficulties can be overcome through engagement strategies that Do not force but understand Involve Facilitate to overcome kind of problems Enhance learning procedure

8 This project is financed by the European Union 8 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium Engagement strategies The “learning contract” It is a virtual contract between the two parts: Learners and the trainer. Usually comes out during the first hours of the session, as a result of techniques and strategies the trainer has apply. It can be renewed occasionally, especially if the trainer faces some difficulties with part of the group.

9 This project is financed by the European Union 9 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium Reprtition As a general rule in communication, repetition is valuable. In presentations during training, there is a golden rule about repetition: Say what you are going to say, say it, then say what you have just said. In other words, use the three parts of your presentation to reinforce your message

10 This project is financed by the European Union 10 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium The 3 parts Introduction: inform learners what and how and start “the learning contract” Body: deliver the training Conclusion: point out the main parts Opening (introduction) is the most crucial part. Is vitally important as sets the scene for the session and outlines the process. Also help to “break the ice” between all participating members

11 This project is financed by the European Union 11 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium Opening Usually in the opening hour there is a lot of confusion. Who, What, Why, How are some of everybody's sensations and thoughts. Some times participants do not know each other and almost always they do not know their trainer. So there are some techniques that help The traditional but less interactive technique is self presentation by the trainer, procedure announcement, and sort self presentations by participants Other techniques are: ▪ partner presentations ▪ the name – chain ▪Voice recognition and …

12 This project is financed by the European Union 12 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium Any technique you choose Must continue with “learning contract”. It comes after the group start feel efficiently and after using some group dynamic techniques that engage learners. Then we follow with words like do you agree? lets try we ……

13 This project is financed by the European Union 13 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium Closing Closing should summarize the hole session. We should try to keep enough time to summarize but also let feelings from both (learners and trainer) get out. Both parts have spent together time, share feelings and emotions, agree or argue, share experiences.

14 This project is financed by the European Union 14 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium Icebreaking Icebreaking (in terms of group dynamics) Is an activity that needs communication skills. Ice can be created any time during training (after the opening session when exist one way or another) caused in actions carried out by learners and /or trainers reaction. Then an icebreaker is needed. Sometimes brilliant learners feel it and decide to play the roll. When it happens is a gift. Otherwise trainer has to do it. Usual techniques could be ▪ A joke with respect to anybody (religion, sex, culture taking into account) Discussion ▪ Relaxing actions - games

15 This project is financed by the European Union 15 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium types of learners Initiator Coordinator Ice-breaker Evaluator Mediator Gatekeeper Performer Harmonizer Blocker Avoider Humorist Doubter

16 This project is financed by the European Union 16 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium Understanding audience differences Audience in a training activity can vary in many ways. All adults are individual personalities. But we also may face a lot of differences such as in:  Qualification  Culture  Religion  Sex  Ethnic (minorities)  Disadvantage persons  Language etc

17 This project is financed by the European Union 17 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium Include them all Also (as mentioned the first day) a great particularity comes after the fact that each one participates due to different goal. All these people need to be included in the same training action. Under this circumstance trainer must use all his/her imagination and skills to create a group from these differences/ varieties. Any time he/she must respect individuality and persons preferences.

18 This project is financed by the European Union 18 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium Tough questions: A challenge there might be tough questions. Tough in 2 ways: Tough as personal questions or Tough under the scientific point of view When a tough question is in personal matters, it depends on you to react appropriately. It could happen any time in life not only in training When the question is in a scientific subject that you can not recall at the moment, or you are not 100% sure, then… In my opinion the only way is to be honest. Ask the learner to answer in a close future time in order to make your own research

19 This project is financed by the European Union 19 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium MONITORING … Trainer’s role, is not only to be the intermediary between trainees and the learning goals, but to manage in a new way the hole training procedure.  Observe the team as a hole  Observe each individual  Note all kind of observation in order to discuss at an appropriate time in team or individually  Feel his/her own reaction  Use his/her experience thoughts and feelings before and during the training  The assignments (of the team and sub-teams)

20 This project is financed by the European Union 20 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium So, the trainer Keep notes during training procedure (explaining why keeping these notes) in order to have references Use any contribute by the learners during the training methods / techniques he or she is going to use Take feedback of group reactions Is able to redefine methods/techniques and time schedule in benefit of the group Becomes a team member with relevant rights and responsibilities (with some minimal exceptions when appropriate) – example. Share his/her own feelings about procedure

21 This project is financed by the European Union 21 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium Evaluation Generally speaking, evaluation is used to determine the degree to which program objectives are met through the procedures used. If we want to define “evaluation in training” as a term, we could say that is a systematic procedure to give a “value” qualitative and quantitative in a training session, using concrete criteria and methodology.

22 This project is financed by the European Union 22 The project is implemented by a European Profiles S.A. led consortium Evaluation has a meaning when  Is a procedure to collect valid, reliable and useful information and data  Extend in explaining of the results  Is combined with feedback  Is not only quantitative  Its results are used by appropriate persons in terms of improvement

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