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Utilities Department June 24, 2008 Mandatory Refuse & Recycling Collection Services Tentative 2009 MSBU.

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1 Utilities Department June 24, 2008 Mandatory Refuse & Recycling Collection Services Tentative 2009 MSBU

2 BCC approval no later than July 15 th annually –Hauler Compensation –Tentative MSBU Final MSBU and hauler compensation rate adoption at first Budget Public Hearing in September Tentative 2009 MSBU

3 Program History –Rates competitively bid by zone in 2002; seven year Franchise Agreements –5 zones of approximately equal size; each hauler limited to a maximum of two zones –Objective approach to calculating annual compensation by zone for collection services using the Consumer Price Index Tentative 2009 MSBU

4 Program History –Contracts expire December 31, 2008 Haulers did not want to extend contract –Bid out seven year service starting 2009 Included automated collection in bid Presented collection options to focus groups –BCC approved manual collection service bids for 2009 Tentative 2009 MSBU


6 MSBU –Components Hauler Compensation Disposal Administrative Costs Tentative 2009 MSBU

7 Hauler Compensation: 2-1-1 Service Zone 2008 2009 Variance 1$ 78.88 $171.96 +$93.08 2$113.37 $165.60 +$52.23 3$116.53 $171.96 +$55.43 4$105.81 $164.64 +$58.83 5$115.02 $169.68 +$54.66 Avg$106.82 $168.77 +$61.95 Tentative 2009 MSBU

8 Hauler payment increase 58% from 2008 to 2009 –Current Contract bid in 2001 –Average fuel cost increased 146% –Average truck driver wage increased 90% –Steel prices increased 85% Reasons for collection cost increase

9 Tentative 2009 MSBU Disposal Per Household 2009 $49.81 Unchanged from 2008 Administrative Costs 2009 $8.01 Unchanged from 2008

10 Program Cost Summary 2009 Collection $168.77 Disposal $ 49.81 Admin $ 8.01 Total Cost $226.59 Tentative 2009 MSBU

11 Orange County MSBU Residential Collection Program Rate Comparison - Miami-Dade County$439.00 - Palm Beach County$360.44 - Broward County$270.00 - Orange County (Proposed)$226.59 - Lee County$224.77 - Hillsborough County $196.24 - Seminole County$191.00

12 Orange County MSBU

13 Tentative MSBU: $226.59 per household per year Hauler Compensation: Zone 2007 1$171.96 2$165.60 3$171.96 4$164.64 5$169.68 Avg $168.77 Tentative 2009 MSBU

14 Requested Action –Establish tentative Mandatory Refuse and Recycling program MSBU at $226.59 –Set annual rate of compensation to the haulers as presented today Tentative 2009 MSBU

15 Utilities Department June 24, 2008 Mandatory Refuse & Recycling Collection Services Tentative 2009 MSBU

16 Program Cost Comparison 2008 2009 Variance Collection $106.82 $168.77 +$61.95 Disposal $ 49.81 $ 49.81 $0.00 Admin $ 8.01 $ 8.01 $0.00 Total $164.64 $226.59 +$61.95 Adj $ 2.93 $ 0.00 - $2.93 Total $167.57 $226.59 +$59.02 Tentative 2009 MSBU

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