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1 ARRL Field Organization for Emergency Communications GAREC 2005 Tampere, Finland Rod Stafford, W6ROD ARRL International Affairs Vice President 13-14.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ARRL Field Organization for Emergency Communications GAREC 2005 Tampere, Finland Rod Stafford, W6ROD ARRL International Affairs Vice President 13-14."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ARRL Field Organization for Emergency Communications GAREC 2005 Tampere, Finland Rod Stafford, W6ROD ARRL International Affairs Vice President 13-14 June, 2005

2 2 ARES Amateur Radio Emergency Service Administered by ARRL FCC licensed amateur radio volunteers Over 40,000 registered in United States Trained and experienced operators, ready to respond in emergencies

3 3 ARES Organization National Section District Local

4 4 Section Manager SM Section Emergency Coordinator SEC District Emergency Coordinator DEC Emergency Coordinator- EC Official Emergency Station OES ARES Field Organization

5 5 Section Level ARRL Section Manager appoints the Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) SEC oversees and recommends District EC and local EC appointments May appoint OES (Official Emergency Station)

6 6 Section Emergency Coordinator - SEC Advises Section on emergency policy and planning. Develops and maintains Section Emergency Plan. Liaison with section served agencies.

7 7 District Emergency Coordinator - DEC Coordinates training and organization of local EC’s. Makes local decisions in the absence of, or in cooperation with, the SEC. Coordinates reporting activity in district.

8 8 Local: Emergency Coordinator EC Establishes working relationships with served agencies in the ARES jurisdiction. Recruits and trains ARES members through exercises and tests.

9 9 Official Emergency Station - OES Responsible for specific, pre-determined operational assignments. Liaison, administration, logistics. Participates in planning meetings and post- event evaluations.

10 10 Simulated Emergency Test –SETs Annual Nationwide Exercise Find strengths and weaknesses of ARES Provide public demonstration to served agencies

11 11 SETs and Training Gain experience under simulated emergency conditions. ARRL offers 3 Levels Amateur Radio Emergency Communication Courses. Information:

12 12 More information ARRL: Public Service:

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