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Business Letters. Elements Letterhead Date Inside Address Greeting Body Closing Signature.

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Presentation on theme: "Business Letters. Elements Letterhead Date Inside Address Greeting Body Closing Signature."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business Letters

2 Elements Letterhead Date Inside Address Greeting Body Closing Signature

3 Letterhead Name Address Phone Number eMail Watermark (optional)

4 Date Always comes after letterhead Should be full form: –March 23, 2009

5 Inside Address Name and Address of recipient: –John Jones 345 Main Street Anywhere, USA 97654

6 Greeting Dear Mr., Mrs., Ms. And Last Name Either no punctuation, colon or comma –Dear Mr. Jones –Dear Mr. Jones: –Dear Mr. Jones, Any form is acceptable, but must be consistent in Greeting and Closing

7 Body Substance of letter Should either be block format or indented paragraphs Block has no indent and line between each paragraphs Indented has an indent and no line

8 Closing Sincerely or something similar Punctuation consistent with Greeting: –Sincerely –Sincerely,

9 Signature Leave space for signature and then type your name: signature goes here Stephen Caswell

10 Enclosures If items enclosed with the letter it is acceptable to add it at the bottom You can also add your initials, it you have typed the letter for someone else

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