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Understanding real research 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding real research 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding real research 2.
Case control studies.

2 What can studies do? Describe the situation: Descriptive.
Explain the situation: Analytical. Compare approaches: Experimental.

3 Study designs. Descriptive Cross-sectional, longitudinal. Analytic
Case-control studies. Cohort studies. Quasi-experimental Natural experiments, policy interventions. Experimental Randomised controlled trial.

4 Study designs

5 Prevalence Cross-sectional Cause/ Aetiology Cross-sectional; Case-control; Cohort. Prognosis Harm Effectiveness Randomised controlled trial.

6 Past Present Future Cross-sectional Case-control Cohort
From Altman. Practical Statistics for Medical Research, 1991.

7 Case control studies: Key features.
Retrospective, i.e. backward looking. Relate an effect or outcome to a probable cause. Individuals with disease (cases) compared to individuals without disease (controls).

8 Case control study. From:

9 Advantages & disadvantages
Quicker than cohort studies No measure of incidence Relatively small study population required Can only investigate one disease at a time & no temporal association Good for rare diseases – can select all known cases Retrospective, so data may be biased, e.g. poor records; memory recall Case selection bias – must define cases very explicitly Control selection bias Matching controls to cases can be difficult Can only determine the odds ratio, not relative risk


11 Appraising case control studies
Methodological approach: Are cases and controls similar, except for exposure to the putative cause? Is collection of retrospective data objective? Is there evidence of “causation”? Statistical reporting: Type of data – influences statistical analysis. Reporting of risk.

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