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State of the Profession: PreK-12 Ohio TESOL Conference November 1, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "State of the Profession: PreK-12 Ohio TESOL Conference November 1, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 State of the Profession: PreK-12 Ohio TESOL Conference November 1, 2013

2 Ohio TESOL Conference in Conjunction with the Lau Resource Center PK-12 State of the Profession Dan Fleck, Ph.D. Abdinur Mohamud, Ph.D. Office of Curriculum and Assessment Lau Resource Center Ohio Department of Education November 15, 2013

3 Agenda  State funding for ELLs  CCIP Updates  AMAOs for 2012-2013  Ohio’s Teacher Evaluation System for ELL Professionals  Ohio’s New ELP Standards  Ohio’s New ELP Assessment  Early Childhood and ELLs  Useful resources

4 4 New State Funding for ELLs Per pupil amount based on ELL category Refer to Q and A handout

5 5 CCIP Updates  New features added on the CCIP LEP budget detail page.  In-depth description of activities proposed in the budget detail such as number of teachers paid from Title III and nature of supplies purchased.

6 6 CCIP Updates  Supplement vs. Supplant  LEP Improvement Plans

7 7 2013 AMAO Reports AMAO reports will be sent next week AMAO #1: Progress Target - 84% AMAO #2: Attainment Target - 29% AMAO #3: Five ELL AMO Targets

8 8 AMAO#3 Annual Measurable Objectives  Reading Achievement  Mathematics Achievement  Reading Participation  Mathematics Participation; and  Graduation

9 9 School Year 2012-2013 AMAO Report AMAO Designation - LEAs  Made AMAO #1 - 78  Made AMAO #2 - 185  Made AMAO #3 - 219

10 10 AMAO Report 2012-2013 AMAO Designation - LEAs  Met all three AMAOs - 49  Met two AMAOs - 113  Met one AMAO - 109  Met no AMAO - 36

11 11 LEAs Missing AMAOs AMAO Designation - LEAs  Missed AMAO - one year - 69  Missed AMAO two years in a row – 91  Missed AMAO three years in a row - 54  Missed AMAO four years in a row - 44  Met All AMAOs for four years in a row - 8

12 12 Ohio’s Teacher Evaluation System for ELL Professionals  Consider student backgrounds and characteristics;  Collaborate with others;  Use available data;  ELL Template on ODE website search OTES then Sample SLOs for ELL.

13 13 Current English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standards Developed in 2007 Revised in 2010 Correspond to Existing Academic Standards

14 14 New ELP Standards Cross State Collaborative Inform new ELP Assessment Development Corresponds to the New Learning Standards

15 15 New ELP Standards New Focus: Coherence, focus, rigor Integrate content and skills College and career readiness

16 16 New ELP Standards Communication and Outreach Electronic Communications State Level Conferences ELL Organization meetings State Education Organizations

17 17 New ELP Standards Next Steps Review and Evaluate Stakeholder Feedback Determine if additions are needed for Ohio Prepare for implementation after school year 2014-2015

18 18 New ELP Assessment Cross State Collaborative Online Assessment Corresponds to the New ELP Standards

19 19 ELLs and Early Childhood Education Early Learning and Development Standards Implementation Guides ELL Modules being developed

20 20 Resources Key search words  About the Lau Resource Center  LEP  Assessment Rules Books  OTELA  Early Learning  Teacher Evaluation

21 21 Thank you! For more information, contact The Lau Resource Center Telephone: 614-466-4109 Email:

22 22

23 23 Social Media @OHEducation ohio-department-of-education Ohio Families and Education Ohio Teachers’ Homeroom OhioEdDept

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