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Teaching and learning about South America at Key Stage 2

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1 Teaching and learning about South America at Key Stage 2
Ben Ballin, 2014

2 Geography NC14 ‘A high-quality geography education should inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives.’ DfE 2013 Words from Geography programmes of study: key stages 1 and 2 National curriculum in England Department for Education 2013 Image from

3 Geography is about enquiry
Asking Collaborating and Selecting Communicating Reflecting Evaluating Doing Young geographers go local Investigating OS maps Messy Maps and other approaches Taking action in the environment making a report or a film using the PGQM Framework Doing a risk assessment with pupils

What is it like? What kind of features does it have? (Human & physical) How and why is it changing? What do people do here? How do I feel about it? How does it compare to other places? How does my view of this place change when I zoom in or out? How and why are places connected at different scales? PLACE SPACE SCALE G Space Place and Scale are the essential core – you need elements of each. They can be enhanced by other aspects of geography such as sustainability, diversity and culture, human and physical processes and environmental interaction. Geography thinking takes place at the heart of this, often driven by enquiry. Where is this place? How does it connect to other places? How can it be mapped? What is unique about its location? ENQUIRY

5 Core knowledge Sense of place “Schools should:
focus strongly on developing pupils’ core knowledge in geography, particularly their sense of place ...p.7 Ofsted (2011) Geography Learning to make a world of difference , Published: February 2011 Reference no: Core knowledge Facts, location, names, vocabulary, Sense of place Senses, emotions, values, opinions Geography Ofsted says both core knowledge and a sense of place needs developing in geography in primary schools. It’s important to know that these are different ends of the same continuum and that balance is needed. 5

6 Pub Quiz Geography? Core knowledge
Sense of place Lacks empathy, awareness of other views and values, subtleties of change and influence. Ofsted says both core knowledge and a sense of place needs developing in geography in primary schools. It’s important to know that these are different ends of the same continuum and that balance is needed. 6

7 Not Geography? Sense of place
Core knowledge Sense of place Little underpinning geographical knowledge. Lacks rigour. Is it even geography? Ofsted says both core knowledge and a sense of place needs developing in geography in primary schools. It’s important to know that these are different ends of the same continuum and that balance is needed. 7

8 Core knowledge and Sense of Place
We need to ensure teaching and learning has both Geography Core knowledge Facts, location, names, vocabulary, Sense of place Senses, emotions, values, opinions Ofsted says both core knowledge and a sense of place needs developing in geography in primary schools. It’s important to know that these are different ends of the same continuum and that balance is needed. 8

9 NC 2014 purpose of study - people & places
As pupils progress, their growing knowledge about the world should help to deepen their understanding of: • The interaction between physical and human processes. • The formation and use of landscapes and environments.

10 Aims • Contextual knowledge of places [including locational knowledge] • Understanding physical and human processes Skills: • Use and communication of data, especially through fieldwork • Interpreting maps, diagrams, globes etc • Communicating - maps, writing at length

11 Key stage 1 Same Focus on local area [links to History] New Locational knowledge: The nations of the UK, the world’s seven continents and five oceans New Contrasting non-European locality specification New UK seasons & weather, hot & cold regions [links to Science] New Specified vocabulary - physical & human features New Use of simple compass directions Gone Environmental change & sustainable development

12 Key stage 2 Same Focus on UK - though greater detail is specified
New Locational knowledge: the world’s countries * New Locational and place knowledge of Europe [including Russia] and the Americas. * New Position and significance of latitude, longitude etc * New/Same Key aspects of physical & human geography [includes settlement, rivers, the water cycle] * New Compass directions, use of OS map conventions. Greater emphasis on fieldwork.

13 Key stage 2 Gone Environmental change and sustainable development … though this is a key geographical concept, and is fundamentally about the interaction between physical and human processes * Gone Contrasting locality requirements

14 Curriculum Structure? Place knowledge ^ ^ ^ Locational knowledge
Human and physical geography Geographical skills and fieldwork


16 Assessment and Progression
Schools are free to devise their own curriculum and assessment increasing breadth of study, wider range of scales studied, greater complexity of phenomena studied increasing use made of generalised knowledge and abstract ideas The changes in an individual pupil's understanding of concepts, use of skills, development of values and knowledge of content over time Curriculum planning that develops pupils' geographical thinking in a systematic manner. 

17 Support from the G.A. Primary Geography journal
Primary Geography Quality Mark Champions Network / Global Learning Programme Website and Publications CPD – conference, day courses & History/Geog courses Website includes guidance from the GA on Planning with the new National Curriculum Design note: Please include GA logo 17

18 Looking for Lucy in Lima
Website includes guidance from the GA on Planning with the new National Curriculum Design note: Please include GA logo 18

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