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G RADES K-2 CLC Tiffany Giannicchi. T ODAY ’ S A GENDA 1. Why Common Core? 2. K-2 CCSS in Literacy Review 3. Common Core Literacy -6 Shifts 4. Focus on.

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Presentation on theme: "G RADES K-2 CLC Tiffany Giannicchi. T ODAY ’ S A GENDA 1. Why Common Core? 2. K-2 CCSS in Literacy Review 3. Common Core Literacy -6 Shifts 4. Focus on."— Presentation transcript:

1 G RADES K-2 CLC Tiffany Giannicchi

2 T ODAY ’ S A GENDA 1. Why Common Core? 2. K-2 CCSS in Literacy Review 3. Common Core Literacy -6 Shifts 4. Focus on informational text (Shift 1) (AM) 5. Create a “Barnes and Noble” 6. LUNCH 7. Writing (text types, production and research) 8. Create a common core writing and/or reading lessons. 9. Ticket Out

3 T ODAY ’ S G OALS … Balancing literacy and informational text in the primary classroom. Incorporating text structure to teach informational text.

4  Race to the Top (RTTT)  Adopted by 48 states Built on current state standards adding career and college readiness standards in literacy in all content areas Large emphasis on informational text and text complexity More specific and intentionally benchmarked Focus on mastery of skills N EED TO K NOW …

5 Analyze how individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact over a course of text Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse formats and media Read both literary and informational texts Strengthen writing by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach Use technology to produce, publish, interact and collaborate Conduct research based on focused questions D EVELOP C OLLEGE AND C AREER S KILLS

6 Reading Literature Reading Information Reading Foundational Skills Writing Listening and Speaking Language - grammar C OMMON C ORE ELA C OMPONENTS (G RADES K-5)

7 C OMMON C ORE S HIFTS Shift 1- Grades PreK-5, Balance of literature and informational text Shift 2-Grades 6-8, Building knowledge in the disciplines. Shift 3- Staircase of complexity Shift 4-Text-based answers Shift 5- Writing from sources Shift 6- Academic Vocabulary

8 G IVE O NE G ET O NE On an index card… How do you currently use informational text in your classroom? - Write down 2 ways -Go “get” 2 new ways -Sit when you have 4 different ways.

9 G OAL … Learning to Read (Primary) Reading to Learn (Primary and Intermediate)

10 I NFORMATIONAL T EXT Have at least 50% of what students read informational Primary students access the world-science, social studies, and the arts through text.

11 Table Journal… Respond and Pass it On! What do you believe are the benefits of having students read and write informational text?

12 #1 Complete the Informational Text Self- Assessment #2 Take a 15 min. break

13 R EASONS TO U SE I NFORMATIONAL T EXT Provides the key to success in later schooling Prepares students to handle real life learning Appeals to readers preferences Addresses students’ questions and interests Builds knowledge of the natural and social world Boosts Vocabulary and other kinds of literacy knowledge

14 M USEUM W ALK What strategies do you use to teach comprehension of informational texts? What resources do you have/use to teach comprehension of informational texts? What daily activities do you use that involve print? What scales or rubrics do you use to evaluate children’s retellings?

15 T EXT S TRUCTURE Fiction Story Elements: -characters -setting -problem/solution -plot Non-Fiction -Cause and Effect -Sequence -Problem/Solution -Description -Compare and Contrast *teach words and phrases that frequently signal organization.

16 Y OUR T URN 3 Groups (K, 1 and 2) In groups of 4, create a lesson(s) using a non-fiction book of your choice. Focus on Text Features if you can.

17 N ON FICTION Book Sorting Guiding Questions: What do we know so far? What did we just learn? What else do you wonder about this? o Whole Group: (Name basket) What is the most interesting thing someone found out? Does anyone have something related to _______ fact? What is a new fact someone learned? Make a fact book: 2 Fold Factlets

18 How do I fit it all in?

19 C OMPONENTS OF A B ALANCED L ITERACY Independent reading workshop Writing workshop Shared reading Interactive read aloud with accountability talk Story time Small group work (guided reading, strategy lesson) Word study (phonics, spelling) Interactive Writing

20 How balanced is literacy in your classroom? What are your strengths? What are your gaps? What will you change? (add or delete from your routine)

21 T ICKET OUT Shaping your reflection Thank you for joining us!

22 For more information and full Common Core Documents: http://www.primary-education- activities.html R ESOURCES

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