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Flamingo HotelLas Vegas, Nevada January 27, 2010 Realty Competency Building Navigator (RCB) Online tool Marshall Wainright Office of Real Estate Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Flamingo HotelLas Vegas, Nevada January 27, 2010 Realty Competency Building Navigator (RCB) Online tool Marshall Wainright Office of Real Estate Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flamingo HotelLas Vegas, Nevada January 27, 2010 Realty Competency Building Navigator (RCB) Online tool Marshall Wainright Office of Real Estate Services

2 What is the Navigator? It is an online repository of professional development resources for those who work in the Right-of-Way field. How does it work? The Navigator tells ROW professionals WHAT they need to know, HOW WELL they should know it, and HOW they can find the resources that will get them there.

3 Using the Navigator: Step 1 User selects a role Project Manager Planner Appraiser Highway Beautification Acquisition Specialist Housing/ Relocation Specialist Environmental Practitioner Outdoor Advertising Control Specialist Property Manager

4 Using the Navigator: Step 2 Based on the role chosen, user is provided with three levels of knowledge. General Understanding AwarenessTechnical Proficiency Property Manager

5 Using the Navigator: Step 3 Each role is expected to have a certain level of knowledge in specific subject areas. Property Manager General Understanding AwarenessTechnical Proficiency Mobile Homes Outdoor Advertising Control Section 106 GIS Just Compensation Land Consolidation Civil Rights Junkyards Contaminated Properties Zoning/Land Use Disposals Leasing and Income Airspace/Joint Use & Occupancy Access Control Pre/Post Construction Mgmt.

6 Using the Navigator: Step 4 FHWA Guidance Training Courses Published Research Legislation Conferences Property Manager Technical Proficiency Airspace/Joint Use & Occupancy Level of Knowledge Role Subject Area Direct Links to Available Resources

7 Benefits The Navigator serves as a centralized source of credible, up-to-date information on resources available to ROW professionals. Provides an accessible and easy to use way for practitioners to stay up to date in their fields, prepare themselves to do their jobs, and advance through the ranks.


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