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Chapter 15, Section 1 “Immigration”.

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1 Chapter 15, Section 1 “Immigration”

2 Europeans Flood into the U.S.
By 1890s: ½ of immigrants from Europe Reasons for coming to U.S.: plenty of jobs available Avoid forced military service Avoid religious persecution *Immigrants allowed to take money w/ them *offered a chance to break away from Europe’s class system---move to democratic nation

3 The Atlantic Voyage Immigrants booked passage in steerage
Edward Steiner wrote about passage: Crowded Bad smell Slippery/narrow stairways Uncomfortable Bad food

4 Ellis Island *14-day journey: passengers off at Ellis Island (NY Harbor) *processing center for immigrants on East Coast Immigrants: go through medical exam Coat/shirt marked w/ a code Fail inspection-may be returned to Europe

5 Ethnic Cities Most immigrants settled in cities
Jacob Riis: Danish-born journalist----described NYC as “colorful” w/ many different groups of people “Little Italy” or “Lower East Side”---spoke native languages and re-created their homeland Adapted faster if had more money or settled w/ own ethnic groups

6 Asian Immigration to America
Chinese immigrants crossed Pacific---China not many jobs, poverty, and famine 1848: Discovery of gold in CA 1860s: Construction of Central Pacific Rail Settled in western cities-worked as laborers or servants, merchants, opened own business Japanese increased in # in 1900s 1910: Asian immigrants arrived in San Francisco Jan. 1910: Angel Island opened (barracks)

7 The Resurgence of Nativism
Immigration led to Nativism among Americans Anti-immigrant feelings on Asians, Jews, and eastern Europeans Opposing immigration: Fear of the influx of Catholics would give Catholic Church too much power Immigrants worked for lower wages

8 Prejudice Against Newcomers
Nativism led to anti-immigrant organizations: American Protective Association-founded by Henry Bowers---hated Catholics and foreigners---wanted to stop immigration Workingman’s Party of CA-Denis Kearney---fight Chinese immigration---won seats in CA legislature

9 Impact of the Anti-Immigrant Movement
Chinese Exclusion Act: passed in 1882 Barred Chinese immigration for 10 yrs. Prevented Chinese from becoming citizens Chinese protested law Congress renewed Chinese Exclusion Act in made permanent in 1902 Act repealed in 1943

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