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Fire Safety Director’s Association of Greater NY By: Robert Burton and Tom Chiginsky Blue Water Partners Global, LLC Testing Emergency Operation Centers.

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Presentation on theme: "Fire Safety Director’s Association of Greater NY By: Robert Burton and Tom Chiginsky Blue Water Partners Global, LLC Testing Emergency Operation Centers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fire Safety Director’s Association of Greater NY By: Robert Burton and Tom Chiginsky Blue Water Partners Global, LLC Testing Emergency Operation Centers to Help Facilitate Community Collaboration

2  Often delivered via power point.  Participants respond on paper or type into a Word document on a laptop.  Exercise rooms can get over crowded.  Regulators, external stakeholders and others may have to travel.  We all have to be on the same schedule.  The AAR can take weeks or even months to be delivered.  It’s only a learning experience for the group that is in the room.  We often squeeze what would be a long emergency situation into a one to two hour TTX.  Simulated scenarios are compressed which can lead to some areas of a plan being ignored.  However, the face to face interaction is invaluable. TTX (Table Top Exercise) – Traditional Method 2

3 High-rise Groups and Key Personnel Fire Safety/EAP Director Property Manager HVAC Engineer Chief Engineer Security Supervisor Elevator Mechanic Building Management Group of no more than 5 (senior personnel) Corporate Public Affairs Representative Critical Operations Staff - Building Management & Occupant Personnel Floor Fire/EAP Warden Teams Building Fire/EAP Response Teams Business Continuity Teams Other key participants Observers Incident Command Team Crisis Management Team Crisis Management Team Other Key Personnel Other Key Personnel 3

4 Preparing for an emergency management exercise  Gather the team to discuss options  Send out emails  Make phone calls  Receive emails  Have several if not multiple meetings  Invite external agencies and vendors  Invite other stakeholders and observers  Schedule the event  Re-schedule as senior management can’t attend that day  More emails……  Map out a scenario  Send out the invite, again  Finalize the scenario and don’t forget the tea and pastries  And this is just preparation time  The cost? 4

5 An organization with a problem  The first LNG facility in Canada (one hour North of the Maine boarder.)  The organization has local, regional and global stakeholders.  Required an operating license prior to the first LNG ship arriving.  Had six weeks to conduct an exercise program  Wanted dispersed on site personnel, multiple agencies, stakeholders and other observers to be involved.  The EOC holds 25 (at least 90 wanted to attend each exercise.)  We asked the facility and the regulators if they would like to see the scenarios unfold online to help facilitate the large numbers that wanted to participate and observe? They said yes.  GlobalTop was developed. 5

6  Delivered securely online to anywhere in the world.  Rich media such as streaming news simulations for all to see.  All participants respond in to a central and controlled environment.  An unlimited amount of people can observe an exercise.  It eliminates travel expense and operational interruptions.  Regulators and observers can get a quick overview at a glance.  The AAR is ready as soon as someone says End Ex.  It’s a learning experience for an unlimited amount of people.  Scenarios can start at any time, days or even weeks prior.  The power of video conferencing still allows for the face to face communication. A New Virtual Evaluation Method – GlobalTop 6

7 Allows organization's the ability to conduct an exercise at any time, from any location and involve any number of participants  From an EOC as a team.  From a hotel room as an individual.  From your desk top, while on the road or from anywhere your connected.  7

8 Having the ability to invite our local, regional and global partners and community  One building or location.  Multiple buildings or locations in the same city or region.  Global locations. 8

9 GlobalTop - Overview  Secure web browser log in.  Common looking and functioning web site.  Fully customizable.  Can be modified during an exercise. 9

10 Situational Awareness  Provides everyone with situational awareness and a common operating exercise picture.  An exercise progress bar and exercise timers provide a quick overview.  Current scenario information. 10

11 Current Scenario, Injects and Responding  A scenario is launched and teams collaborate.  Scenario responses are placed into a response form.  Moves/Injects are introduced.  Additional responses are placed in. 11

12 Responses and Results  Team or individual responses are posted.  Responses can be seen by all or by authorized groups or users.  Results can be displayed almost immediately.  Any scoring criteria can be used. 12

13 Recordkeeping  Images sent from phones or cameras.  Videos sent from phones or a $150 Flip.  VOIP audio.  All posted text.  Acts as an audit trail. 13

14 The After Action Report  IAAR – Immediate After Action Report.  All data including images, audio and video are collated in one document.  Allows organization to display compliance and state of readiness. 14

15 Communicating  Video conferencing allows the face to face interaction for up to six different locations.  Live IM chat allows participants to text backwards and forwards.  Telephone conferencing.  VOIP calls to and from a simulation cell can be recorded for injects and exercise reporting and shared through GlobalTop. 15

16 GlobalTop – Additional Features and Options  Simulated video news that can be pre-filmed or launched during an exercise.  VOIP calls can be recorded.  GIS mapping and full Google Earth functionality to each group or user. 16

17 Tech slide - Tom 17

18 Questions? Thank you for listening. 18 212-812-4466 Ext 714 Contact:

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