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Nazi Persecution of the Jews Holocaust – A great or complete devastation or destruction, especially by fire. – Shoah Catastrophe – Any group considered.

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2 Nazi Persecution of the Jews Holocaust – A great or complete devastation or destruction, especially by fire. – Shoah Catastrophe – Any group considered inferior Disabled Gypsies Homosexuals Slavic people


4 Nuremburg Laws September 1935 – Took citizenship away from Jewish Germans – Banned marriage between Jews and Germans – Holding public office/ voting – At least 1 Jewish grandparent – 1938 banned from many jobs – Reluctant to leave Only a person of 'German blood' (four white circles, top row left, on the chart) could be a German citizen.

5 Kristallnacht “night of broken glass” November 7, 1938 – Herschel Grynszpan shot and killed a German diplomat – Hitler ordered ‘spontaneous’ raids – Police were forbidden to interfere – Gestapo Secret police Arrested over 20, 000 wealthy Jews Demanded Jews pay for the damage More than 90 dead


7 Trying to Flee Between 1933 & 1939, 350, 000 Jews escaped 1938 – 100, 000 visas backlogged – Following Anschluss 3,000 Austrian Jews each day Why was it so difficult to leave?? – Money – Many countries refused to accept them – U.S. laws restricted anyone who may become a public charge Unemployment Few wanted to raise immigration quotas 150, 000 annually – 1938 Countries regretted they could not take in more without raising quotas – 1939 SS St. Louis

8 The Final Solution January 20, 1942 – Wannsee Conference – Concentration Camps Slaves – Extermination Camps Elderly, infirm, young children sent to massive gas chambers

9 Nazi Death and Concentration Camps

10 Dehumanizing Valuables taken Stripped Heads shaved Separated Medical experiments

11 Why?? German peoples sense of injury after WWI Severe economic problems Hitler’s control over the German nation/Propaganda Lack of strong tradition of representative government Fear of Hitler’s Gestapo Long history of anti-Jewish prejudice and discrimination Government Control


13 Assignment Why was it difficult for Jewish people to leave Europe? What methods of extermination were used in the concentration camps? Create a timeline of events from this section. Include a minimum of 3 events. – Write event, date, & explanation – Ex. Nuremburg Laws, Sept. 1935, took citizenship away from Jewish Germans Why do you think this was allowed to go on for so long? Explain.

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