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 Coming to new Terms with the New Age. a. Religious & Political persecution b. Economics/jobs c. overcrowding d. Food and land shortages.

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Presentation on theme: " Coming to new Terms with the New Age. a. Religious & Political persecution b. Economics/jobs c. overcrowding d. Food and land shortages."— Presentation transcript:

1  Coming to new Terms with the New Age


3 a. Religious & Political persecution b. Economics/jobs c. overcrowding d. Food and land shortages


5 1. B/4 1890, most came Ireland and Germany; “old immigrants” 2. After 1890, most came from Central, Eastern, and southern Europe; “new immigrants” 3. Filled thousands of low paying jobs 4. Cities unable to keep up with demands





10 1. Potato famine – 1845 2. Catholic 3. Anti-British 4. Poor and illiterate 5. Northeast 1. Farmers and craftsmen 2. Better off than the Irish 3. Midwest


12 1. China and Japan 2. Transcontinental RR and gold rush 3. Mining, farming, domestic work

13 1. Culture shock: The confusion and anxiety that results from not understanding a new culture 2. How do you cope?

14 1. Nativism – favoritism over native-born 2. Increase in anti- immigrant groups 3. “Right” immigrants 4. Asians, Jews, E. Europeans, Catholic: Not!

15  Perceived opportunities of wealth

16 1. Urbanization Rapid growth of a city 2. Who moved into the cities? a. Immigrants b. Rural Americans 3. Why the cities? a. Cheap and convenient b. jobs c. Cultural diversity

17 1. Uneven 2. Slums sign of God

18  “are running the cities”




22 1. Informal political group designed to gain and keep power. Ran by a “party boss” 2. Tammany Hall: NY Democratic political machine led by “Boss” Tweed 3. Graft - bribes 4. Helped government officials/themselves get elected 4. Helped immigrants get jobs and homes in return for votes

23  & The Second Great Awakening (1790s)

24  Advocated Christian Perfectionism

25 1. Social reform supported by Evangelicals 2. Wanted to make the world “perfect” 3. Facilities for the criminals and insane 4. Reforms based on social control; i.e. temperance 5. Women biggest supporters; Declaration of Sentiments/Elizabeth Cady Stanton

26 1. Horace Mann a. Kids need school for structure and discipline b. Advocated public schools c. Group by age not ability; help each other d. Women make better teachers; they are nurturers





31  Mother Ann Lee  advocated celibacy and communal families



34 a. Community based on cooperation and hard work b. Self govern c. JS Killed in Illinois; 1844 d. B.Y. takes followers to Utah e. Accepting of immigrants  Joseph Smith  Brigham Young

35  SLC Temple

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