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This person is MIG welding a T- joint

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Presentation on theme: "This person is MIG welding a T- joint"— Presentation transcript:

1 This person is MIG welding a T- joint

2 This person is welding a piece of metal with MIG.

3 You can have a some fun welding like hear
You can have a some fun welding like hear. You get board and weld two cans together.

4 This is an example of TIG welding aluminum bike frame together.

5 I chose welding because of it is what I want to do.
It makes good money It also is apart of my major future scheme

6 The over all scheme is to get my Doctorate in Metallurgy
The only place in the U.S. that offers that is Ferris State University

7 The tuition cost for this is $530.00 per credit hour.

8 Required Courses  Credit Hours  General Education CHEM 114 Intro to General Chemistry 4 COMM 121 Fundamentals-Public Speaking 3 ENGL 311 Advanced Technical Writing 3 MATH 126 Algebra-Analytic Trigonometry 4 MATH 216 Applied Calculus 4 *Electives: Cultural Enrichment (one at 200 level) 6 * Social Awareness (One at 200 Level) 6 Major EEET 301 Controls for Automation 3 MECH 250 Fluid Power With Controls 2 MFGE 353 Statistical Quality Control 3 WELD 311 WELD Automat-Robotics 1 4 WELD 312 Design of Weldments 3 WELD 321 WELD Automat-Robotics 2 4 WELD 322 Advanced Resistance Welding 3 WELD 393 Internship in Welding Engr TEC 4 WELD 411 Advanced Welding Processes 3 WELD 412 Computer Aided Weldment Design 4 WELD 422 Material Science 3 WELD 499 Weld Proj Engineering-Mgmt 3 Minimum credit hours required for B.S. degree (after completion of an A.A.S. degree): This is a type of welding that is called pipe welding. They use this type of welding on the Alaskan gas line.

9 They can make between $67,000 and $74,000 a year.
But If I don’t get a job in that I always can fall back on welding engineer. This is an example of home grown projects. This person put a front end loader on his lawnmower.

10 A welding engineer makes between $30 – 60 an hour
A welding engineer makes between $30 – 60 an hour. It all depends on how good you are and if you have any certifications. This is an example of a welding job. They took this trailer and made it into a mobile grill. All the welds on this is stainless steal.

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