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Connecting Military Families to Employment Opportunities Duty Called – They Delivered – They Deserve a Job MSCCN is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization.

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Presentation on theme: "Connecting Military Families to Employment Opportunities Duty Called – They Delivered – They Deserve a Job MSCCN is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Connecting Military Families to Employment Opportunities Duty Called – They Delivered – They Deserve a Job MSCCN is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization

2 Who We Are:  The MSCCN is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization chartered in 2004 and fully endorsed by all military branches of the Armed Forces through strictly enforced Memoranda of Understanding (MOU).  The MSCCN Program provides a state-of-the-art internet website that collects resumes, posts open jobs, and assists MSCCN personnel in matching military- affiliated applicants to jobs. We offer personal hands-on employment services to military-affiliated applicants for the purpose of vocational training, job placement, and the creation of work-from-home jobs.  The MSCCN was founded and created by a senior Navy spouse and continues to be fully operated and managed by a team of military spouses who provide targeted information and employment opportunities for military- affiliated applicants.

3  Our MSCCN website averages over 130 unique visitors every day. Since 2004 we’ve placed over 1,000 military spouses into the corporate workforce.  Since November 2008, the MSCCN has placed over 350 military spouses into corporate jobs during a nationwide job loss crisis in which millions of jobs were lost in the U.S.  The MSCCN created 112 work-from-home corporate jobs complete with benefits including 401K, dental and eye care in the months of October, November, December of 2008, during the most severe unemployment downturn in the U.S. since 1974. MSCCN Job Placement Success:

4 What We Do: TRAIN REFER REINTEGRATE  We create and implement on-site employment-related seminars and workshops to military installations and online employment workshops to military-affiliated applicants nationwide.  We match the job skill sets of talented military-affiliated applicants to employment opportunities, along with personal job coaching services to our MSCCN applicants.  We publish a successful military spouse online employment newsletter that is distributed within global military installations and viewed by thousands of website visitors.

5 MSCCN Employment Training Programs: “MSCCN On The Move” Training Programs:  MSCCN “Sponsor-a-Spouse”  MSCCN “Volunteer to Career”  MSCCN “Work-at-Home”  MSCCN “Resumix Federal Resume Training”  MSCCN “Job Interview Techniques Teleconference”  MSSCN “Career Integration Program”  MSCCN “Employer Partner Orientation”  MSCCN “Corporate Recruiter Orientation”  MSCCN “Begin Your Own Business – BYOB” Program

6 MSCCN’s Referral and Reintegrate Program: MSCCN’s Referral and Reintegrate Program:  We provide employment opportunities for military families through our hands-on job placement approach within our MSCCN employer group.  We connect our MSCCN employer group to the often overlooked labor pool of military family members.  We educate employers on the adaptability, talent, loyalty, and diversity of military family job seekers.  We create and implement vocational training programs for applicants who are not ready to enter the workforce.  We offer targeted educational information to military applicants reentering the workforce and attend nationwide job fair events through a partnership with Recruit Military, LLC.

7 How We Do It:  We are funded entirely through individual and corporate sponsorships, donations, and grants.  We continually enhance our methods of outreach to military applicants. 10,455 applicants’ resumes on MSCCN Gateway 20,000 applicants reached through our online magazine, “The Military Spouse Employment Journal”, applicant and job referrals, military command and military installation public relations 4,500 applicants at MSCCN and Recruit Military Job Fairs  We implemented a corporate “MSCCN Work-from-Home” campaign with two major corporations that has created 1,200 jobs earmarked for military spouses, caregivers, widows, and veterans.

8 MSCCN Program Goals for 2009 : Increase: Visibility Support Funding  Enhance our military-affiliated applicants’ ability to use our website’s technology  Expand our military-affiliated applicants’ opportunities for income through alternative work solutions  Begin a senior military spouse advisory board consisting of admirals’ and generals’ spouses  Create an advisory board of top corporate female leaders  Increase our “MSCCN on the Move” workshops and “Sponsor-a-Spouse” program to global military destinations  Extend our promotion of volunteerism  Expand program to regional counter-parts to enhance job placement services and outreach

9 We Will Never Profit From Their Sacrifices Deb Kloeppel President and CEO 636-561-3442

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