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Getting to Know the Australian Aborigines An Integrated Thematic Unit By: Nicole Kanemaki, Karin Schankat, and Megan Schroeder.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting to Know the Australian Aborigines An Integrated Thematic Unit By: Nicole Kanemaki, Karin Schankat, and Megan Schroeder."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting to Know the Australian Aborigines An Integrated Thematic Unit By: Nicole Kanemaki, Karin Schankat, and Megan Schroeder

2 Unit Summary This ITU on “Getting To Know The Aborigines” provides students an opportunity to explore the history, culture, life, religion, music, and art of the Aborigines people. It covers content on various topics in four subject areas. Florida State Standards for 6th graders and a variety of assessment tools were used in developing this ITU. The Social Studies section of this unit covers information about the history, life, and culture of the Aborigines people. Lessons include creating a timeline of historical events and a lesson on the “Stolen Generation”. The Language Arts section of this unit includes having the students research and compile information about the Aborigines in a variety of formats: informational presentation, and interview, compare/contrast essay. The students will work individually and collaboratively in small groups.

3 Major Concepts The Australian Aborigines Reading/Language Arts Conduct internet research of Aborigines people Interview a hypothetical Aboriginal student Create a Facebook page Participate in Jeopardy vocabulary review Write an essay comparing and contrasting US and Aborigines students Social Studies Create a map of Australia Discuss and learn about the Aboriginal culture Compare and contrast societal expectations Use timelines to understand history Recognize the significance of longitude and latitude Art Create Aboriginal didgeridoos Create Aboriginal handprints Create Aboriginal rock paperweights Participate in virtual field trip to view Aboriginal artifacts Music Translate two verses from an Aboriginal song and discuss how it relates to their culture Create an Aboriginal Instrument and learn how to play. Present a poster board presentation on the 3 types of Aborigine Music. Participate in a listening review identifying which instrument is being played.

4 Learning Goals Language Arts To identify accurate resources, research and compile the information, and cite references. To work collaboratively with classmates to write and present an informational presentation. To practice identifying and compiling important details, and integrating those details in a variety of writing formats; informational, interview, and compare /contrast.

5 Learning Goals Social Studies To determine important events in Aborigines History, coordinate their dates, and create an accurate timeline. To teach students about a period in Aborigines history known as the “Stolen Generation”.

6 Learning Goals Art

7 Learning Goals Music

8 Student Learning Outcomes Language Arts Provided a list of topics, and access to multi-media resources, such as internet and other written and media resources, the students will work collaboratively in small groups to compile and present information to the class on their topic with 80% accuracy. Given an example of an interview format and how to structure questions and responses, the student will be able to write an interview in the correct format, by developing open-ended questions, creating and compiling responses including details from the reading with 80% accuracy. Provided a summary of daily life and interests of Aborigines people, the students will be able to write a compare/contrast essay with 80% accuracy.

9 Student Learning Outcomes Social Studies Provided a sample timeline and a summary of historical events in Aborigines history, the students will create a timeline of historical events in Aborigines history with 80% accuracy. Provided access to multi-media resources, such as written, internet and audio resources, the students will extract essential information about the “Stolen Generation”, and explain how this period in Aborigines history has impacted its people.

10 Student Learning Outcomes Art

11 Student Learning Outcomes Music

12 Sunshine State Standards Art VA.68.C.1.1.: Apply a range of interests and contextual connections to influence the art- making and self-reflecting processes. VA.68.C.2.4.: Use constructive criticism as a purposeful tool for artistic growth. VA.68.F.1.4.: Use technology skills to create an imaginative and unique work of art. VA.68.H.3.3.: Create imaginative works to include background knowledge or information from other subjects.

13 Sunshine State Standards Social Studies SS.6.G.1.7: Use maps to identify characteristics and boundaries of ancient civilizations that have shaped the world today. SS.6.G.1.1: Use latitude and longitude coordinates to understand the relationship between people and places on the Earth. SS.6.W.1.1: Use timelines to identify chronological order of historical events.

14 Sunshine State Standards Music MU.68.H.1.1: Describe the functions of music from various cultures and time periods. MU.68.S.1.2: Using traditional instruments and/or voice, compose a short musical piece MU.68.H.2.1: Describe the influence of historical events and periods on music composition and performance.

15 Grade Level Expectations

16 Weekly Schedule

17 Media List Computer with high speed internet Overhead projector CD player

18 Lesson Plans

19 Culminating Activities

20 Assessments Rubric Student Evaluation Forms Worksheets Poster Presentation Projects Translated song creation

21 References

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