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FUNdamentals of School Success JoAnne Owens-Nauslar, Ed.D.;FASHA; FNAS; LBWA (Dr. Jo) Director of Corporate/Community Dev.

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Presentation on theme: "FUNdamentals of School Success JoAnne Owens-Nauslar, Ed.D.;FASHA; FNAS; LBWA (Dr. Jo) Director of Corporate/Community Dev."— Presentation transcript:

1 FUNdamentals of School Success JoAnne Owens-Nauslar, Ed.D.;FASHA; FNAS; LBWA (Dr. Jo) Director of Corporate/Community Dev. 407.488.4806

2 Expectations Laugh / Learn / Share Move to Improve Action Solutions GeoFitness - Meaningful Movement, Music, Brain Development, School Success to Develop the Whole Child

3 “Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” Will Rogers You will remember: 10%-Read 20%-Hear 30%-See 50%-See & Hear 70%-Discuss 80%-EXPERIENCE 95%-TEACH SOMEONE ELSE - William Glasser

4 Move and Improve! Let’s experience it !! 80% Chance of Remembering

5 (*BMI ≥30, or ~ 30 lbs overweight for 5’ 4”person) Trends* Among U.S. Adults


7 An overweight adolescent has 70% chance of becoming an overweight adult. More overweight children are going into hospitals for diabetes (including Type 2), sleep apnea, asthma, hypertension and high blood pressure. Obesity shortens the lifespan by 9 years The costs of childhood obesity more than tripled in the last 20 years to $127 million. Trends* Among Children

8 Why GeoFitness?? The best For the $$$

9 Everyone active and engaged Exciting variety of activities Easy to follow numbers and cues Physically and mentally challenging Diverse applications and curriculum Enhances social interaction Emotional safety Personal Success = Exercise Adherence Create Success

10 Move and Improve! Let’s experience success –

11 Academic Performance Research indicates that academic performance is influenced by several factors: Healthy Nutrition Positive Environment Music and Arts Physical Activity & Movement + Optimal Learning Development

12 GeoFit Generation Activities Promotes Learning This movement-based physical activity develops the Social / Emotional Domain –Non-competitive –Non-aggressive –Non-violent –Gender equal –All-age inclusive –Culturally adaptive –Work alone or with a partner

13 Math, Music, & Movement Increases Learning –3 rd grade children significantly improved multiplication knowledge - increased test score by 30% –Using music with multiplication problems – children moved to the correct answer –Children with special needs were noted to be especially engaged and successful in the learning process Math Research Pilot Study Math Research Pilot Study


15 S ocial / Emotional Domain  Development of learning styles – intrapersonal and interpersonal  Non-competitive, Non- aggressive  Gender equal, All-age inclusive  Non-violent, Culturally adaptive  Work alone or with a partner  Demonstrates leadership skills  Sets / manages goals & performs self-appraisal  Uses conflict-resolution techniques  Restrains impulsivity  Demonstrates perseverance  Maintains a healthy self-concept P sychomotor / Physical Domain Development of learning styles - body / kinesthetic and spatial Gross Motor Development including Locomotor, NonLocomotor, Space & Body Awareness, Pathways, Levels, Relationships, Force, & the use of Manipulatives Health Related Components of Fitness – Cardiovascular Fitness, Muscular Strength & Endurance, Flexibility & Body Composition Skill Related Components of Fitness – Agility, Balance, Coordination (Eye & Foot Power, ReactionTime, & Speed A cademic / Cognitive Domain Development of learning styles- musical /rhythmical, verbal/spatial, auditory/verbal, & mathematical/logical Number Awareness, Math Concepts, Colors, Numbers, Alphabet, Spelling, NSEW Directions, Shapes, & Telling Time Following Directions - Following Auditory or Visual Cues Multi-sensory Integration Sequencing Skills Problem Solving Creativity SPA Development of the “Whole Child” Whole Child

16 Brain-compatible learning means that educators should weave math, movement, geography, social skills, role play, science, and recreational music making together. Larry Abraham, University of Texas, 1997 Brain Development

17 Brain Development Music, rhythm, repetitive practice of patterns … using balance and eye- tracking are all powerful tools for physical and mental learning. Vanessa Sluming, University of Liverpool, 2002, UK

18 To improve our brains, we have to move our bodies… Exercises involving learning a series of complex movements while coordinating one’s balance have been proven to generate a greater number of connections between neurons. These connections make it easier for children of all ages to learn. John Ratey, Harvard Medical School,, 2001, US Brain Development

19 Simplifies instruction and increases learning by using numbers, directions, shapes, numbers, colors, or letters of the alphabet Allows for each individual to have own personal space focusing on their own learning Fitness mat is safer since it lowers impact Why Use Mats

20 Teacher / instructor led DVD provides instruction Audio CD provides instruction or music suggests the type of movement Task / learning cards Music usually promotes movement Ways to Teach GeoMotion ®

21 GeoMat ® Learning Cards Cards show a right and left foot lead Right foot is shown in green - Left foot in blue Both feet are shown in red Beat Boxes - Each box represents 1 beat of music and participant performs moves from left to right (method adapted from Phyllis Weikart) Starting position is 5 unless stated otherwise Names of moves are often from geometrical shapes which help the participant associate and remember the movement

22 Action Based Learning Jean Blaydes Madigan Jean Blaydes Madigan is a movement consultant who provides fun and exciting game, fitness, and rhythmic activities --- --to demonstrate how to boost a child's brain power, how to prepare the brain for optimum learning, and how to improve memory and retention while reinforcing the classroom teacher's math, language arts, science, and social studies objectives.

23 Action Based Learning Jean Blaydes Madigan Jean reports: Our society is into a lot of sitness – not fitness If a person sits for about 17 minutes – brain is not getting as much nourishment – not attending (Since you are an adult – you have learned to try and keep awake) Positive benefits of the 45 second activity – will last 15 – 20 minutes

24 GeoFitness = Linking Movement & Learning More Movement – Smarter Kids movement-smarter-kids.htm movement-smarter-kids.htm As Einstein so succinctly pointed out, “Learning is experience. Everything else is just information.” The cerebellum, the part of the brain previously associated with motor control only, is now known to be, as Eric Jensen, author of numerous books on brain-based learning, puts it, a “virtual switchboard of cognitive activity.” More Movement – Smarter Kids

25 Public Relations - Marketing/Funding Find Champions –Physical Therapists –Hospitals –Physicians –Energy providers –Brain storm with your neighbor –Money isn’t everything…but it ranks up there with oxygen

26 FAME-Fitness and Math Exploration Gavin Colquitt- Lev McDonough, GA-Middle School Math and Physical Education Teachers partnered to increase math scores and physical activity time

27 SUCCESS Sincere Dedication Unique Commitment Communication Enthusiasm Stress Management Success: If it is to be…It is up to ME

28 Be Safe [ provide physical & emotional safety, build confidence] Have Fun [ provide great music, variety, socialization, success – step by number ] Get Fit [ fitness activities embedded into fun programming ] Join the GeoFit Generation

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