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“ Teach, Learn, Evaluate ” Software Designed to foster musical understanding, general learning skills, and cross-cultural tolerance Research Team: Dr.

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Presentation on theme: "“ Teach, Learn, Evaluate ” Software Designed to foster musical understanding, general learning skills, and cross-cultural tolerance Research Team: Dr."— Presentation transcript:

1 “ Teach, Learn, Evaluate ” Software Designed to foster musical understanding, general learning skills, and cross-cultural tolerance Research Team: Dr. Adena Portowitz, Osnat Lichtenstein, Ludmila Egorov Statistics: Dr. Dov Hareven, Bar Ilan University DP-Multimedia, Information Design: WBM Danny Sasson 5 th Conference of the Chais Research Center for the Integration of Technology in Education Open University 10 February 2010

2 “ TLE ” Software Interconnects Between: Computer-Based Music Activities Cognitive and Social Skills Interactive Frameworks of Learning

3 Objectives of the “ TLE ” Music Software  To develop musical understanding through digital activities, a medium strongly rooted in youth culture.  To promote general learning and social skills through computer-based music activities.  To identify individual patterns of learning through interactive E-learning activities.  To facilitate the transfer of skills acquired in music contexts to new contexts.  To cultivate an awareness of similarities and a tolerance of differences among children who stem from multi-cultural backgrounds.  To support international collaborative research.

4 Benefits of the “ TLE ” Software  Facilitates one-on-one teacher-student interaction.  Collects, saves and responds to data in real time.  Serves as both a learning and an assessment tool.

5 “ TLE ” Music Activities Listening Exercises Creative activities Open answer questions Multiple choice answers Music Analysis Composition Transfer

6 Musical Skills addressed in “ TLE ” Activities Recognizing and understanding:  Repetition, contrast, and variation in music  Different types of sounds  Imitative textures  Musical forms  Text-Music relationships  Expression of ideas and feelings

7 Cognitive Skills developed in “ TLE ” Activities  Understanding large-scale structural relations  Recognizing patterns  Differentiating and coordinating among multiple sources of information  Cultivating precision and self-regulation  Applying acquired skills to new contexts

8 Social Skills targeted in “ TLE ” Activities  Developing multiple modes of communication  Promoting Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy  Facilitating collaborative interactions

9 Interactive Frameworks of Learning : Mediated Learning Experiences Criteria:  Focusing – intentionality and reciprocity: promoting enhanced teacher– student communication, the mediator engages the child’s attention, while encouraging him/her to actively respond – verbally or non-verbally.  Expanding – going beyond the immediate: expanding the learning situation to include additional experiences and situations.  Mediating meaning and excitement : the teacher’s verbal or non-verbal expressions of appreciation and excitement with regard to objects, concepts, or issues, may enhance the child’s interest in learning, and arouse his/her curiosity regarding the relevance of the material studied.

10 Look to the Future Would you like to join us in further developing the “ TLE ” music software? If you are interested, please contact Thank You!

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