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LICENCES FOR EUROPE Working Group 1 Cross-border access and portability of services Print sub-group Licences for Europe - WG#1 April 19th 2013 1.

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Presentation on theme: "LICENCES FOR EUROPE Working Group 1 Cross-border access and portability of services Print sub-group Licences for Europe - WG#1 April 19th 2013 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 LICENCES FOR EUROPE Working Group 1 Cross-border access and portability of services Print sub-group Licences for Europe - WG#1 April 19th 2013 1

2 COPIEPRESSE Creation : March 31st 2000 Collective rights management company for French- and German speaking daily press publishers in Belgium Defense of publishers (authors) rights: –Since 2000: reprography, private copying and public lending –Since 2007: exclusive management of publishers exclusive rights on all supports Licences for Europe - WG#1 April 19th 2013 2

3 COPIEPRESSE ACTIVITIES 1. Information –Annual Mailing to companies/institutions/organisations –Campaign in newspapers (2011 & 2012) –Website –Answers to questions by mail & phone –Publishers websites (disclaimers) 2. Letters of summons 3. Legal procedures 4. Networking to facilitate cross-border licences Licences for Europe - WG#1 April 19th 2013 3

4 COPIEPRESSE ACTIVITIES 1. Information 2. Letters of summons 3. Legal procedures 4. Networking to facilitate crossborder licences Copiepresse worked with others rights management companies (NLA, Presse-monitor,etc.) to find a way to meet international companies/institutions needs (e.g.: the European Commission and its internal press review) => Result : creation of the non profit organisation Press Database and Licensing Network (PDLN) Licences for Europe - WG#1 April 19th 2013 4

5 PRESS DATA BASE AND LICENSING NETWORK (PDLN) Established in 2008 Composed of companies and organisations, owned or controlled by publishers, working in the field of licensing articles from newspapers and periodicals and/or providing digital articles for electronic press reviews To protect and promote the interest of publishers in the digital age in relation to press cutting and media monitoring services. To encourage the development of simple and efficient market solutions to the problems associated with international access to high quality press content and the legal secondary utilization of this content. Licences for Europe - WG#1 April 19th 2013 5

6 Protect & promote the interest of publishers in relation to international press reviews Support international cooperation between press owned database and licensing organisations –To deliver more efficient international licensing solutions, for content owners, intermediaries and users Work in close cooperation with international associations - ENPA, WAN-IFRA, FIPP, EMMA, IFRRO Encourage the creation of press owned database and licensing organisations in countries where they dont exist yet Engage in dialogue with representatives of intermediaries and users of press cutting services (FIBEP, AMEC) AIMS of PDLN Licences for Europe - WG#1 April 19th 2013 6

7 Membership is open to organisations owned or controlled by publishers, working in the field of digital licensing articles from newspapers or periodicals and/or providing access to content databases PDLN currently gathers 25 organisations from 13 countries Broad range of members: licensing organisations, among which a certain number of RROs, publishers owned databases or media monitoring services and newspaper/periodical representative bodies PDLN MEMBERSHIP Licences for Europe - WG#1 April 19th 2013 7

8 PDLN MEMBERSHIP Licences for Europe - WG#1 April 19th 2013 8

9 PDLN ACTIVITIES PDLN Connect Creation of 2 Working Groups Technical standards to connect database and enhance access to international content Model cooperation agreement and end user licence (Documentation available for members) Licences for Europe - WG#1 April 19th 2013 9

10 PDLN Connect is the PDLN program designed to simplify licensing and supply of international content between PDLN members, MMOs and users: 1.PDLN Connect DLO - DLO Contract 2.PDLN Connect End User Agreement 3.Technical Standards - Changes Process 4.PDLN Connect Technical Documentation 5.PDLN Connect Service Level Agreement 6.PDLN Connect Meta Data Standards 7.PDLN Connect Reporting Standard PDLN CONNECT Licences for Europe - WG#1 April 19th 2013 10

11 Thanks to PDLN, some publishers managed - to connect their press content databases e.g.: Press Banking (Belgium) is now able to deliver press content and grant the required licences to Belgian companies interested in Belgian, French, German and Austrian press content -to create their own database e.g : the CFC (French RRO) is now able to deliver content -to create their own rights management company e.g. : Visapress (Portugal) is really active to get in touch with companies using content published by its members PDLN CONNECT example Licences for Europe - WG#1 April 19th 2013 11

12 PDLN ACTIVITIES Conferences and Forums Annual conference Forum with Media Monitoring Organisations (MMOs) Thematic Seminars Encourage the establishment of licensing/database organisation in countries where one does not exist Opportunity for current /future members to: –Share experiences with other organisations –Learn from users needs to develop adapted solutions –Foresee business development – identify opportunities & threats Licences for Europe - WG#1 April 19th 2013 12

13 What are you doing to improve cross-border access to content and content portability? Constant investment by publishers in their database Agreements between DLOs and foreign publishers to offer more and more press content (one stop shop) Reciprocal agreements with foreign rights management companies Discussions within PDLN to develop standard agreements/technological standards Discussions within ENPA to help publishers create rights management companies CONCLUSION Licences for Europe - WG#1 April 19th 2013 13

14 What are the main problems or obstacles you are facing? Lack of organization in some countries (No DLO or right management company), Difficulties for publishers to obtain all the rights of the different authors (for pictures/cartoons/texts/… ) CONCLUSION Licences for Europe - WG#1 April 19th 2013 14

15 CONCLUSION What contractual or technological solutions could improve the situation ? More and more reciprocal agreements (thanks to dialogue and exchange of views – PDLN, ENPA) Continuous works towards the largest standardization of technological systems Licences for Europe - WG#1 April 19th 2013 15

16 CONCLUSION Publishers are more and more organized to meet international demands (even if newspapers are mainly a national, regional and local business) No need to change the current exceptions In some countries, publishers are calling for stronger protection ( neighbouring rights, protection of databases) for newspapers under copyright regulations at national level. This helps to strengthen investments in the digital environment and ensure that these investments are not jeopardised by third parties misappropriating newspaper content Copyright protection and effective enforcement are necessary to preserve and foster publishers investments in professional journalistic content. The current EU acquis already provides a good basis for protection. Licences for Europe - WG#1 April 19th 2013 16

17 CONTACT DETAILS Margaret Boribon, Secretary General Catherine Anciaux, Legal Advisor Nelly Lorthe, Legal Advisor Phone +32 2 558 97 80 E-mail : Website : Andrew Hughes, President Ditmar Kolb, PDLN Secretariat Service c/o PMG Presse-Monitor GmbH Tel.: +49 30 / 28493-104 E-mail : Website : Licences for Europe - WG#1 April 19th 2013 17

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